Professional Stand-in, With an Hourly Salary of 100,000

Chapter 97.3: Pay In Full Before Provision of Service (3)

Chapter 97.3: Pay In Full Before Provision of Service (3)

Song Shiyu and Bai Zhou were the opposite of Li Xiaoxing. These two individuals had mostly negative interactions with Ji Fanyin but fell in love with the current her.

If the negative sentiments of the past and their current positive feelings were separated, it would greatly decrease the amount of regret they would have towards their past actions.

In the case of Song Shiyu, if he were to find out Ji Fanyin and her were not the same person, not only would his feelings of guilt lessen, he might even feel relieved.

On the contrary, Li Xiaoxing had feelings of guilt and obsession towards Ji Fanyin. Letting him know of her true identity would hammer in the idea that the person he truly wanted was no longer here.

Thats some double standards, Li Mingyue teased.

Im just trying to optimize the benefits, Ji Fanyin replied to Li Mingyue with another joke.

Since the two ladies were not fans of small talk, they decided to cut to the chase.

Li Mingyue sat with her hands resting on her lap and asked, Do you mind me taking a puff here?

Ji Fanyin gestured to her to go ahead. I have prohibited smoking in my office but that only applies to men. Ladies have special privileges.

Li Mingyue smiled and pulled out a cigarette and an exquisite lighter from her pocket. She lit the cigarette and took a puff. Did you already guess the motive of my visit the moment you heard of my arrival?

Ji Fanyin clasped her fingers together nonchalantly. Let me guess The Li Family wants to engage my help to rehabilitate Li Xiaoxing?

Thats right. Li Mingyue turned her head away and blew out a cloud of smoke before continuing, Ive heard from Secretary Fan that my brother had been very generous with his payments to you. Actually, I am a very generous person too.

Ji Fanyin chuckled and acknowledged her claim, Mm.

Li Mingyue placed a copy of Li Xiaoxings medical records in front of her and said, This is my brothers medical records, you can take a look at it first.

Even though Ji Fanyin had heard about Li Xiaoxings condition from Zhang Ning previously, it was an entirely different matter to read the medical records.

Ji Fanyin scanned through the diagnosis of the various doctors. The only thought that went through her mind was that it didnt take much to break Li Xiaoxings spirit.

No, no.

To be exact, humans were such fragile creatures .

And what Li Xiaoxing had gone through, it was on his own volition.

Li Xiaoxing is the only one who can help himself. Ji Fanyin continued to flip through the medical records while saying, Dont you think getting me to help him is like feeding him poison to quench a thirst?

There may be a way for her to bring Li Xiaoxing out of his misery. However, that would be too troublesome.

No matter what, we have to quench his thirst first, Li Mingyue answered indifferently. Moreover, to fight poison with poison, that may be the key to his recovery.

What about Ji Xinxin? Is she aware of your visit today? Ji Fanyin teased.

She will find out when youre there.

Oh. Ji Fanyins eyebrows shot up.


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