One More Time: Rebirth

Chapter 78: Summoning Class

Chapter 78: Summoning Class

The following day I was able to move around properly. I still couldn't understand the dream I had. Why was I shown a dream about Leonard? I told Tsukiyomi and Eri about it but even Tsukiyomi was baffled. 

"Maybe this has to do with what Leonard said, about that hidden power you supposedly have." Tsukiyomi answered vaguely as she continued to be deep in thought. On the other hand, Eri had no opinion about the situation. It doesn't seem like she was even thinking about it. Not like I can tell with that perpetual poker face of hers. 

'A power I have, that's connected to Leonard Tranor? From that dream I had, Leonard had multiple powers. The most distinct one I could remember was the power of Death... But that was given to that girl called Eli...' 

I couldn't think about how I got to have that dream, nor its importance so I decided not to think too much about it for now. Tsukiyomi, Eri, and I then headed to where Leto-senpai was sleeping. 


Once we arrived, I saw that Leto-senpai hasn't woken up yet. I hope he wakes up soon seeing Clarise-senpai like that, haggard and smiling weakly makes me feel bad. After visiting Leto-senpai and looking at Clarise-senpai's current condition we left heading to our next class. 

That dream that I cannot understand, and Leto-senpai's current condition. It seems like that spirit Leonard brought a lot of problems. 

Still, we got to keep moving forward. Yes forward! Today finally I'll be able to summon a familiar! Finally, summoning classes have resumed!

I happily went to the classroom of the summoning class. Once I opened the door Tsukiyomi, Eri, and I entered. Upon entering the classroom I noticed every student present was staring at us. Now that I look at it, it seems like all of the students in this class were first-year students. 

They continued staring at us, as we headed toward the seats at the end of the classroom. The buzzing of the class before we came in stopped, and was now replaced by an awkward silence. Still, this will not deter me from learning how to summon my familiar. I waited for two years to learn how to use the summoning spell. Something like this awkward atmosphere will not hinder me.

A few minutes later the teacher finally appeared. The students who felt like they were holding their breaths, sighed in relief. 'These guys made it look like it's my fault for things being awkward. It's you guys who made the atmosphere that way! Well, no matter now that the teacher is here I can finally learn what I want.' 

After introducing herself we began the lessons.


"Summoning is another form of magic. In which the summoner relies on a contract. This is a brief description of summoning spells.

Summoning spells- As the term implies is to summon something. Usually, when one does a spell he/she would borrow a spirit or some other creature's power, but in using a summoning spell you can call the being to appear physically to aid you. The only people who could do this are people who have made contracts with said beings."

After that, the teacher started talking about the boring parts. Like the mana consumption of summoning. The theories behind summoning and other such boring topics. After a while, she then came back to what truly interests me, how to perform summoning magic. 

"First, I would assume that all of you have no summoning experience. In that case, the first step is to find a spirit willing to contract with you. For this, we need to go out and use one of the fields." 

The class then moved to one of the training fields. It was one used by the first years. It was pretty small and not that well maintained unlike the training fields for black clads.

"So now everyone, I want you to concentrate and make your mana circulate through your body, and say the exact same words I'm about to say. Ready!"

The teacher started her chant. I did as I was told and concerted circulating my mana. Tsukiyomi didn't even bother to do anything, Eri, on the other hand, looked like she wanted to try too, but unfortunately, she wasn't allowed to practice it in this class. She might do it later on her own. I then began chanting same as the teacher.

"Hear me spirits beyond the end. Follow the path to the radiance of my soul. Those of you who wish to make a contract with me. Come forth so I may appraise your worth!" 

After finishing that part of the chant, I heard voices talking in my head. I also heard the teacher's voice amidst the torrent of voices. 

"The voices will ask you questions, answer them truthfully. After you finished answering their question only two to three would be left. Among them, you pick one for your familiar. Also while talking do not forget to put mana in every word you speak."

The first question came.

'What is it you desire?'

"I desire to become the strongest!" 

'Why do you desire such?'

"I desire it so that I may protect what is important!"

'What is it important to thee?'

"Those who I know, who these hands can reach, and those who cherish me!"

'You do not wish to be a hero that protects all?'

That question made me think a little but still, I smiled as I answer. "I'm not so arrogant that I think I can protect all of the people. I only wish to protect those that I can see. A hero, who can't even save the people close to him, can't possibly save all."

The torrents of voices disappeared and only one voiced remained.

'So what is it you will give me in exchange for power?'

I remembered Leo's unrivaled strength that I experienced in my dream and smiled the same as him, a vicious smile.

"I will give you the chance to witness my future."


Serina Regius' POV:

My husband seems worried ever since we found out where the true humanity's HQ is. He even wrote a letter addressed to our children. Really my husband is such a worrywart. I'm sure after this mission will be able to see our children again, my little Edge and Sarah.


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