One More Time: Rebirth

Chapter 77: A dream

Chapter 77: A dream

After another long day of practice, It was once again time to sleep. "Good night Edge." Both Tuskiyomi and Eri spoke at the same time. 

"Good Night you two."


I had a dream a very realistic dream, I had no control of the dream whatsoever and in it, I was someone else a boy feeling bored of the world. I had won over a thousand battles in my own world and not once was I defeated. It was at that moment as despair and boredom have overcome me, I met an unknown person who I started to fight with. 

The person I was fighting was strong, his techniques were equal to mine. For the first time in a long while, I needed to go all out. I attacked the man with my real abilities, and he was still able to keep up, but then he surrendered. I couldn't take it, this wasn't right. 

"Is this all? It ain't right? Please don't tell me this is it! I wish for more! Didn't you come to elevate my boredom?! Haven't you come to answer my wish! So please, I beg of you, tell me this isn't all!"

The words flew out of my mouth, my resentment, my anger, my fears, I laid them all bare to the man I just met. It was my pain my suffering, I was the strongest in my world, but I was also the loneliest. What was the point of my strength if there wasn't anything to face. 

"Boy, I have a suggestion. Would you hear me out?"

The man then proceeded to ask me if I would want to go to another world. Of course, I answered yes, without any hesitation. This world no longer has anything for me. My family has died, I already avenged them, my enemies are too weak to do anything, and my friends do not exist. There was nothing left for me in this world. 

The man took my hand and transported me to another world. In that world, the man told me the words I would never forget, those were the words that changed my life of boredom. To a life full of excitement battle, and adventure.

"Welcome to the world of mighty dragons, formidable Gods, beautiful elves, stomping giants, proud dwarves, enchanting spirits, mighty beasts, cunning demons, bewitching fairies, shining angels, and greedy humans."


In this new world, I got to fight Dragons, vampires, mythical creatures, armies of people. Every day was fun, battles were abundant. In this world, I was also able to have companions. People who would stand by my side through thick and thin. 


The dream continued on and in the next scene, I was holding the body of a girl. This girl was my very first companion. The rage that I was feeling disappeared as I held on to her tightly. As I was panicking the girl spoke to me.

"Hey you idiot, you were about to die but you still smiled." The sword that pierced her heart was retracted. The man that stabbed her retreated showing his respect. 

"Why did you do that? Why Eli?" I asked in a voice that was surprisingly calm.

"You truly are an idiot. Fighting at the same level as your opponent never going all out at the beginning. So this is what you get for being too lax..." She just spouted a bunch of random nonsense. I saw her body was trying to regenerate but it couldn't do so fully. She only had a few minutes left before she dies.

"Really Eli why did you die in my place?" I just couldn't understand it. I was the one who fought, I was the one who was careless, but I was not the one to die. 

"Idiot! First, you leave me behind, then you forget about me, now you're asking stupid questions... Why did I protect you? The answer is pretty obvious, it's because you are important to me." Eli smiled gently at me as she caressed my face. I could feel something flowing out of my eyes. Tears? I'm actually crying? I didn't even cry when my parents were murdered, never did I cry as I endured incredible pain, but now I'm actually crying.

"Heh, so even you can cry... It has been fun going to all those places, meeting all those people, fighting side by side. I'm truly grateful that I have met you... I have no regrets... If we meet again in our next lives please take me on another adventure, so you may fulfill your promise to find me a new home..." Those were her last words as her body became lifeless in my hands. 

An unknown feeling rage filled me as I gritted my teeth. How can I allow this? I do not accept this! No way would I accept this! 

"I will save you from the grip of Death himself!"


The scene changed again and this time I was facing Death. He spoke to me with all the arrogance of a God. 

"So child how long do you wish to continue this battle? It seems like neither of us can finish the other, at this rate this battle might actually continue for eternity. Child, I can actually continue fighting you for an eternity and do my job at the same time. You on the other hand can't continue for eternity because of your own mortality. Do you still wish to battle?"

Hearing what the God of Death said made me laugh. 

"HAHAHAHA! An eternal battle? Cannot continue? Limited by my own mortality? Who decided that? You? What I hope for, what I desire, is an eternal battle... But this battle that I yearn for will not come from you God of death."

I slashed the God of Death with one of my strongest moves, and as expected even a God could be killed, not even ashes were left. I then felt a new power surging from within me, and along with it was information directly transmitted to my brain. It explained to me that I am the new God of death, it also explained my duties and how to use my powers.

With this power, I could resurrect Eli, but as the new God of death, I will not be able to leave. Well, no matter, I owe her that much. I using my new authority resurrected Eli. 

"Welcome back my Queen."

"Leo, what have you done?"

"Nothing I just destroyed the God of Death and brought you back to life."

"... I already thought of that, but still hearing it from you actually gives it a sense of reality. Do you understand what has been done, Leo? Someone needs to replace Death and you who have acquired his title need to stay and do his job."

"I know..."

"Why Leo, didn't you have a dream of finding defeat in battle? Didn't you make lots of promises? What of our journey will you end it here?"

"No, I won't end the journey here. Only my original body a.k.a this one needs to stay, so one of my many current clones can go with you. It's a me that's not me."

I showed Eli a carefree smile, but she shook her head.

"Leo there's no need for you to stay, give me the scythe as well as the title of Death. It was me and my clansmen who originated from Death who should take the role if he falls."

"What are you saying, Eli? Are actually telling me to leave you behind after reviving you? I can't do that Eli what of my promise to you?"

"You already fulfilled it, Leo, this, the underworld will be my new home."

"Eli... Are you sure?"

"I am Leo, don't look at me like that. It's not like this is our final farewell. As long as your alive we can meet each other again, nay even if you die I will meet you at your final moments."

"Fine then Eli, I grant unto you the title of Death, hear is the scythe."

"Thanks, Leo."

"Sure, it was a fun little adventure, thank you for being there..."

"No, thank you, Leo, for showing up on that day and reaching out your hand. Thank you for fulfilling your promise."

"Well then Eli, until we meet again."

As I turned around and was about to leave Eli suddenly shouted at me. 


Hearing her shout I stood in place waiting for her to say something. 

"Leonard Tranor, I love you! The adventures we had, the day you brought me out of the darkness, I will never forget them, even if eternity ceases. Stupid, perverted, battle maniac, kind, wonderful, Leo I will always love you!"

Hearing her say that I almost couldn't help but tear up. I did not turn around to respect her resolve, I must show her mine. 

"Elizabeth Rogue, I will come back for you."


I then stood up from my bed gasping for air, I saw that I was surrounded by people. Tsukiyomi, Eri, Sarah, Willa, Terumi, even Ren-sensei was here looking at me with worry. 

"Onii-chan! You're finally awake!" Sarah hugged me tightly. 

"What's going on?" I asked trying to get my wits about.

"You were releasing mana out of your body, and it was flowing out violently. You've been asleep the whole day, and had a high fever just moments ago." Tsukiyomi responded to my question. 

"Is that so..."

"Do you know what was happening to you Edge?" Rena-sensei asked me. I couldn't help but recall the dream I just had. That was a dream of me being the spirit Leonard Tranor. 

'Did he do something to me? Or was that something else?' As everyone was looking at me worried, I had no other answer but to say. 

"I had a dream."


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