One More Time: Rebirth

Chapter 79: Tanith

Chapter 79: Tanith


A burst of light came forth... Everyone was now looking at the summoning circle that was being formed in front of me. A large amount of mana was flowing out of the summoning circle. 

A giant snout was coming out of it. A massive body with black obsidian like scales, it looked like a lizard but with wings. If Its wings spread it would probably be around ten meters in length. The dragon didn't open its mouth but spoke through the minds of the surrounding people.

"I have answered your call child. Speak thy name and tell the terms of the contract." 

Terms? I looked at the teacher confused, she looked at me still surprised by the giant summon. Still, even with her surprised state, she still noticed my confused look and answered the question in my head.

"Edge-kun you must now state your name and what is it you wish from it."

I see... I looked at the giant black dragon. I was pretty shocked myself for this is also the first time that I've seen a dragon, but still how cool! I knew summoning was cool! 

"I'm Edge Regius! I wish you to bring me toward the path of the strongest among everything in existence. As long as this is not fulfilled you shall forever be my familiar."

"I accept the terms Edge Regius, I TANITH shall form this contract with you! HAHAHA, Edge I hope you show me a great future."

"I shall!"

With that, another emblem was formed under the silver moon on my chest. This time it was a sun surrounded by some stars.

So what to do I do now? Tanith is too large to walk around school. Is there some way to make her go somewhere else, and make her reappear when I need her. 

The summoner teacher approached me. "Incredible Edge-kun! I want to talk to you more about how you answered the questions, but that can wait. Can you please tell your dragon to take a humanoid form?" 

"It can do that?" 

"Yes it can. After all, dragons often turn to different species in order to mate with them."

I see... "Umm, so Tanith can you please turn into your human form for now."

Tanith's dark eyes squinted as she looked at me. "Very well." 

With that Tanith's body gradually grew smaller. Then I saw a naked girl with voluptuous breasts, her height around 148 cm was in front of me. 

My sight was then blocked by a hand. "No looking." I could Eri's voice from behind me.

I then heard the teacher telling some of the students to get some extra shirts. After that, I heard Tsukiyomi and Tanith talking to each other.

"Kukuku, as expected of a lizard you know no shame." 

"An Ethereal? I see so you too formed a contract with master?"

"Master? Are you talking about Edge?"

"Who else but he could I call my master?"

"I knew it, summoning was a bad idea." I couldn't see her face but I'm sure that Tsukiyomi was frowning right about now. 

After a while Eri finally released me and what I saw in front of me was a gorgeous girl wearing the grey colored uniform of the school. Black hair and eyes height around 148 cm, the same height as Tsukiyomi.

The two were both dazzling beauties but they had one major difference as that was the size of their chest! Tsukiyomi was flat while Tanith had twin peaks, her allure doubled because of the mismatch of her height and breast. While I was thinking about that, I felt a chilling breeze from behind.

"Kukuku, Edge I wonder what you were thinking while looking at those lumps of meat"

"Edge truly is a pervert." Tsukiyomi and Eri commented. 

Tanith looked at my companions and then at me "It seems like you three are a party of sorts. So as the newest member, Tanith makes her greetings."

"Kukuku, fine then, I can't do anything about this, but a warning lizard if you ever take what's mine... Server punishment awaits you."

"If there ever comes a time for that, I will take it gladly Ethereal." For some reason I could see sparks between Tsukiyomi and Tanith.

"I'm a senior in this group you're a kohai so call me Eri-senpai." That was one of the longest lines I heard Eri say.

"Very well then, I hope we get along Eri-senpai." After appraising Eri, Tanith agreed to call the warbeast a senpai.

"Let's get along." Eri replied.

"So master I once again greet thee." Tanith kneeled before me. In the stories of my previous world, dragons were supposed to be prideful creatures, why was Tanith this subservient? 

"Can you stop with the master stuff? You can just call me Edge." I tried to help her stand up. Seeing such a pretty girl kneel before me, makes me feel weird.

"I cannot do that if you want I can call you, my liege, or my lord. So which do you prefer?" She looked at me as if having fun with my reactions. Damn it! So this was just all some sort of act. 

"Fine then you can call me master!" 

"As you wish my master." After saying so she stood up.

I then used Satt Sjon on her. Status Check.

Name: Tanith

Age: 200

Gender: Female Race: Ancient Dragon

Strength: 60,000 Resistance: 32,000

Agility: 11,300 Magic Resistance: 32,000

Dexterity: 11,899 Mana: 50,000

Vitality: 36,000

Magic: 44,000

I see everything aside from her Agility and Dexterity were higher than Tsukiyomi's stats. Aside from Leonard, she's the strongest being I have ever seen using Satt Sjon. It was then I remembered Jester-senpai, maybe he was stronger as well. 

As we were heading toward the infirmary where Leto-senpai was resting a lot of students started gossiping about my group. Of course they tried to whisper it, but due to my increased senses, I could hear them talk. Damn it! Its times like these that I hate my enhanced abilities.

"Hey, isn't that guy Edge? He's got another girl! This time it's one with a large rack!"

"Damn that kohai! He already has a beauty like Tsukiyomi beside him, why the hell does he need to get more than one!"

"Always surrounded by women!?"

"I wish I could be with Edge as well."

I could numerous more comments than that. Damn it! I didn't want it to be all girls too you know! Because every time a girl is added to my party it seems like the killing intent doubles! It's not like I decided who comes to me.

While I was having an internal conflict I heard my sister's voice. "Big bro!" When I looked where the voice originated, I saw the three kohais together as usual. 

Sarah noticing the new person in the group asked me. "Brother who is this onee-san?" 

Before I could answer Tanith intervened and was the one to answer. "Based on what you said, you must be master's little sister. Nice to meet you I'm master's slave Tanith." 

What the hell are you saying! I looked at Tanith with a glare. Sarah looked at me her facial expression was unreadable. "Big bro, what does she mean slave?" 

"No Sarah it's a misunderstanding! She's a familiar I summoned! Yeah, a familiar, she's no slave of mine." 

"A familiar?" Sarah calming down tilted her head. I was then given a chance so I started explaining the situation. After hearing my explanation I heard Sarah mumble something under her breath. 

"Why is it always girls?... Is onii-chan a pervert?!" No, my little sister, I didn't want them to be all girls as well. That's just what happened... Now I kinda miss Setsuna.


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