One More Time: Rebirth

Chapter 109: Love in war

Chapter 109: Love in war

I live deep in the borders of the kingdom, my name is Jericho, and this is my tale of how I met a hero and the woman I love.


I have been a farmer my whole life. I thought that the war wouldn't affect such a rural area, so did everyone else in the village. We continued our lives as if the war was simple hearsay.

What was the war about anyway? I think I heard it was about killing the non-humans. I do not understand the reason for killing those guys seeing as they haven't done anything wrong. Yet apparently our new king thinks otherwise. There have been a lot of rumors about the king, but most of them were good rumors. The king loved his people and reformed the capital. Still some, the minority think he was insane and evil. Wanting to kill the other races simply because he was scared, they think he was cowardly.

I haven't seen the king myself, and don't really care what he does. The things happening outside have never affected this place, so why bother? Still, this was the hottest topic in this village. 

I was going around the edge of the forest collecting herbs when I saw someone lying face down in a nearby tree. I rushed toward her that was when I noticed she had a tail, and cat ears. This girl was a warbeast! Shit, what do I do?! I looked at the sleeping girl, her legs had many bruises, and her face had scratches here and there, yet looking closely she was cute. Short black hair with those cat ears seems extremely cute. Wait! What the hell am I thinking about?! This is no time to be infatuated!

I was back home in my little cottage. The usual lonely place was somehow different. What made it different? Well, there was a warbeast girl sleeping in my bed! Shit! Shit! What do I do? What can I do?! I brought her here now what?! While I was racking my brains for a solution, I heard an alluring sweet voice.

"Huh? Where am I?" 

The warbeast girl looked around my house and spotted me. She jumped out of the bed, Her sleepy face turned into a face filled with fear. She was shivering.

"Um it's alright, I won't hurt you," I spoke in the kindest voice I could muster. She looked at me warily before she asked.

"Who are you? Where am I?" 

"I'm Jericho, a simple farmer. This little place is what I call home. it's in a village in the deepest part of the border to the Northern Kingdom." She stared at my eyes, looking at my every movement intently.

"Why did you save me?"

"I do not know, I guess it's because you're cute." Shit! What the hell am I saying! She looked at me dumbfounded and started giggling. Her every gesture was cute and it made me blush.

"I haven't met a human like you before. You're very honest. I'm sorry for the late introduction my name is Mirza." Thus started my life with Mirza.

I had allowed Mirza to stay with me. It was a little hard to do so, seeing as she was a warbeast. If the other villagers find out, they would call some soldiers and Mirza would die. So during the day, Mirza stayed at home, cleaning and cooking. When I get back from my work in my fields she would greet me with a happy smile.

"Welcome home!" It was a wonderful feeling it was like having a wife. 

So during the night, we would take a night stroll. Of course, we wait for the villagers to go to sleep. Even with that, I needed Mirza to wear a hood just in case. 

Mirza likes taking strolls; she would talk happily about the days before the war and such. 

The days with Mirza continued like this. I do hope it could continue on forever.

A year has gone by since I met Mirza. The blissful days continued, and I wanted it to remain. So one time I came back from work. As usual, we took our night stroll, we headed toward the area were we first met. 

Under the eyes of the great silver moon above us, I looked at her, she truly looked beautiful. Noticing my stare she smiled at me.

"What is it, Jericho?"

"Mirza, since the moment I met you and until now, I have always loved you." I did it I finally confessed my feelings. Mirza looked at me stunned then started giggling.

"So you finally said it." Her hands caressed my face. "I love you too, Jericho."

The moment those words left her alluring lips, an extreme joy that I couldn't understand filled my heart. I hugged her tightly; we looked at each other's face and without any words. We kissed, it was a passionate kiss. Her tongue and mine were mingling with one another. After what felt like an eternity our lips parted. We started smiling at each other.

"Hey Mirza, will you marry me?" Once again she was stunned speechless. Who could have thought I can see her make that rare expression twice in one night. Tears started flowing down her beautiful face.

"I'm a warbeast you know?!" I wiped her tears with my finger.

"It doesn't matter."

"We would need to leave this village."

"I can go anywhere with you."

"You might not see any humans again."

"All I need is you." Mirza holding back her tears started wailing in my chest.

"So Mirza is that a yes?" 

"Yes! Let's get married!"

The following day we started packing our things. We were going to cross the borders into the demon empire, where we can live together openly.

Yet as if fate was against us, somebody knocked at my door. I looked out my window, it was some soldiers. Have they found out about Mirza? I looked at Mirza she was looking at me anxiously.

"Mr. Jericho open the door! We wish to speak to you about some rumors." The soldiers knocked harder. Shit! Shit! We need to get out of here. I took Mirza's hand and went out through the back window. 

Somehow expecting it, there were guards stationed here as well. Noticing us they started screaming. "Hey there they are, he really had a warbeast with him!" Pulling Mirza I ran with all my might.

We headed toward the open fields pass here will be the checkpoint into the demon empire. The soldiers were right behind us, even wearing full-bodied armor how can they run so fast!? 

One of them started ting, Shit! He was going to use magic! A huge javelin like ice was heading towards us. It was aimed at Mirza! I pushed her aside and closed my eyes waiting for the ice to hit me. Yet it never came, I opened my eyes and in front of me, a man with blazing red hair stood. The soldiers looked at him shivering. Above the man with hair the color of blood was a black dragon!

The man looked at me and asked "Are you alright?" I nodded in response. "Good." 

The man then directed his attention at the soldiers who were shivering in his presence. 

"You soldiers from the Northern kingdom leave now and I won't chase you... But if you attack me, only death awaits." In hearing what the red-haired man said the soldiers started fleeing.

"Kukuku, you should have killed them Edge. Have you gone soft on me?"

"No, he has not! Brother is just really kind that's why." 

I heard the voices of two girls; they were riding on the dragon. Also, the name they mentioned, Edge! That was the name of the greatest traitor, the hero of the non-humans.

I looked at him; he was wearing a white cape and simple clothes made of cloth. He was not wearing armor and was wearing something so casual on the battlefield. Yet the presence he had was incredible, it was like he came out of a fairy tale. Mirza held my hand, I looked at her relief was shown on her face. 

I and Mirza bowed in front of the hero "Thank you!" 

He looked at both of us and smiled. "No need for thanks."

After saying so the hero jumped onto the back of the dragon and flew away. The direction they were heading toward was the capital Shura.

Once I and Mirza reached the demon empire, we heard a rumor that someone was attacking the front gates of Shura with only ten people. 


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