One More Time: Rebirth

Chapter 110: Before the final battle

Chapter 110: Before the final battle

Edge's POV:

We were standing at a distance from the capital Shura. It has been 5 years since we left this place. So many things had happened, but this time we will not retreat.

I then looked at my companions, each one of them looking at me. 

Tsukiyomi my partner, the one who always stood by me no matter what. She has been my guide and strength. Always there to fix me up every time I get broken. Seeing her right beside me had always filled me with confidence. Well, it's not like I wasn't confident enough. 

Sarah my little sister, my precious family who shared in my pain. The one who held me back whenever I feel I was about to lose myself. Even though we haven't heard a thing about our parents, and it was pretty obvious now that they were gone, Sarah remained energetic and full of life. At times she was my ray of light, my personal sunshine. 

Eri my childhood friend. One of the very first friends I made in this world. She was never one to express much, but her being with me always makes me feel secure. Always reliable, not once have I seen her break. In fact, I can never imagine her breaking down. She was strong of body, heart, and spirit. 

Tanith my familiar. She who promised to bear witness my future. During our escape, she was a valuable asset. Even though she usually acts like an outsider, she shows her kindness in different ways. 

Eva my school friend. Eva has always been weird always getting angry or flustered. I never really understood why she gets so annoyed at me and tries to hit me all the time. Still all throughout our journey and training, she has never given up and even promised to protect me. I can still remember what she told me that, it was quite funny since the difference in our strength was great, but even so she remained true to what she said. 

Serillia my weird friend. Even though she was a princess she trained with all of us and even kept up with us. She was a source of many of my hardships these past five years. Always teasing me in front of the others. Always going on and on about me being her fianc. I wonder how serious she is most of the time. Still, Serillia was the one who always made me feel that everything will go as planned. She had this charm about her that made you believe that nothing could go wrong. 

Willa my kohai and disciple. Always a friend to Sarah, always there to help others. She has shown the greatest motivation among us. She continued onward without looking back, despite not knowing what happened to her kin. She was more mature than what you would expect from someone her age. 

Terumi my other kohai and second disciple, who was also my rival of sorts. At one point after talking to Tsukiyomi his been depressed, but a few days later he went to talk to me, on that day he spoke with so much passion and resolve that it actually surprised me.

"Senpai, no Edge! I swear upon my pride and honor I'll become stronger than you!" After that incident, he doubled his training. There was even a time when he took me by surprise and was almost able to me. He was the one who improved the most. I'm pretty sure that the day I stop calling him my disciple will come.

Clarise my kind senpai. She has been a great help in regards to keeping Leto in check. She has been the most levelheaded one in the group, always calming down the others. She with her beauty and calmness was actually quite a hit with the male elves. Many had proposed to her, but she remained unmoved, it was obvious since she already has someone in mind. Not that I understand what he sees in that pervert, but I guess that's pretty subjective. 

Then of course there was Leto. My never changing senpai, once Eri, Sarah, and Willa grew older, all of them turned into girls with hot bodies. Leto cried as he witnessed his beloved lolis growing up. He even cried at Tsukiyomi and kept saying "As expected of my LOLI GODDESS! You and only you shall stay as such, a divine beauty for all eternity!" 

Leto never changing was the one who showed me the proper path, surprisingly enough. Not the path of a lolicon like him but the proper path, the path of what's right. Never wavering from one's decision and always moving forward with conviction and perseverance.

"Everyone before we go I want to thank you guys for everything." I bowed my head.

"Kukuku, what are you saying I have not done anything to be thanked for." (Tsukiyomi)

"Big Brother has no need to thank me. Big brother and I are family. No matter what I will always stand by big brother's side." (Sarah)

"Edge is my friend." (Eri)

"W...W...Why?! Really E...Edge has no need to thank me!" (Eva)

"I'm Master's servant, I require no gratitude." (Tanith)

"Ara, ara, as my fianc no need to bow to me." (Serillia)

"Senpai, I'm the one who's supposed to thank you." (Willa)

"Edge, doesn't need to thank me." (Terumi)

"Edge-kun, it is alright really no need to bow your head." (Clarise)

"Huh? Why are you bowing down and saying thank you? Oh, are you thanking me for teaching you the joys of lolism? No problem Edge-kun, no need to thank me for that." (Leto)

As all of them were talking not once did I raise my face. I was trying hard not to cry. This was truly different from my past life. This time I have actual comrades, who truly wish to share my fate. I'm sure with them a different ending will present itself to me. 

I raised my head, showing a vicious looking grin on my face.

"Then let's go and end this war!" 

After saying that we head toward the end.


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