One More Time: Rebirth

Chapter 108: Overview of the war

Chapter 108: Overview of the war

Age of magic year 236

A coup d'tat was started by a group called the true humanity. The group started invading all the surrounding villages and cities of the Northern Kingdom, the Western Kingdom, and the Eastern Kingdom. The three kingdoms responded with their own force, but due to the sudden occurrence of the attack, the casualty rate was high. The true humanity was repelled for the time being.

Age of magic year 238

The academy Tirnanog was attacked by the True humanity. It was a sudden night raid, at the same time the true humanity was also attacking the capital Shura. The sudden invasion couldn't even compare to the attack two years ago. Even with the full might of the Northern kingdom's army, the true humanity won the battle.

The Kingdom's capital Shura said to be an invincible fortress was destroyed within a day. Even Tirnanog the academy that prided itself on its incomparable talent and strength was demolished. The king and queen were captured, while the princess fled the kingdom. This mark the day the Northern kingdom had fallen and changed.

As for the Western and Eastern Kingdoms, they have both long been subdued by the true humanity. This marked the end of an era and the start of a long war. 

Age of magic year 238

After purging all the non-humans from the three kingdoms, the leader of the true humanity revealed himself. The leader was prince Rain Slyhert Ashen, who immediately announced his ascension to the throne as king of not only the Northern Kingdom, but the king of Western and Eastern Kingdoms as well.

Age of magic year 239

The Kingdom declared war on all the non-humans, thus started the killing of all of the non-humans. No one was spared, not the children or the harmless elders. As long as you were a non-human you shall be purged. 

Age of magic year 241

The warbeast tribes were the first to be cornered. Not having any military might or an organization to oppose the three human kingdoms, the warbeast tribes were forced to seek refuge in the demon empire. 

During this time of the war, the Elves declared a neutral stance on the war. The true humanity also doesn't seem to bother the elves, as they were classified as honorary humans by each of the three kingdoms.

Age of magic year 241

The war has reached a stalemate; the demons were still on the defensive. The human were unable to penetrate their defenses which had turned into a war of attrition. 

Age of magic year 242

The current Fairy lord sends a unit of elites to assassinate king Rain. The assassination attempt had failed.

Age of magic year 242

The situation reversed with the help of the dwarves, the demon empire had finally pushed back the Kingdom to its borders.

Age of magic year 242

Demon Empire's army attempts to pass the border to the Northern kingdom.

Age of magic year 242

The vanguard unit of the demon empire's army has been annihilated; it was done by a single person. The strongest magician of the kingdom Guillare Jester.

Age of magic year 243

Demon Empire formally asks for cooperation from the elves. Seeing as the fairies, the warbeasts, and the dwarves have joined in, if the powerful elves were to aid them, then the war as good as won. Yet despite their pleas, the elves continued to remain neutral.

Age of magic year 243

The kingdom introduced a newly created magical weapon called "The Mana Cannon" With the introduction of the Mana Cannons, the Demon Empire was forced to return to the defensive. 

Age of magic year 243

A combined force of warbeasts and demons made a second assassination attempt on King Rain's life.

The heads of the assassins were used as decoration for the front gates. This was to show that only humiliation and death await those foolish enough to try and kill the king.

Age of magic year 243

The demon empire's walls have finally fallen. The empire was about to fall when a small group of ten arrived and repelled the Northern and Western kingdoms' army. 

Age of magic year 243

On the arrival of the party with only ten members, the tides of the war shifted back to the demon empire

The leader of the unknown party was of human heritage, nevertheless, he was praised as a hero of all the non-humans. On the other hand, he was labeled as the greatest traitor of humanity.

Age of magic year 243

The human hero's name became known to all, he was none other than Edge Regius, the heir to the Regius line. He marched onward with Princess Serillia at his side. 

Those who were against the new king's regime had joined the resistance which was led by Princess Serillia herself. 

Age of magic year 243

Edge's group targeted the Western Kingdom and kidnaped the head engineer. During the time they also destroyed the factories which manufactured the mana cannons. Losing the factories alongside the head engineer was a huge blow to the Western kingdom. Not only was the loss affecting the production of the mana cannons, but even their rifle manufacturing was now unstable. 

Age of magic year 243

After that one incident Edge's group had become the biggest target throughout the war. Not only was Princess Serillia one of their companions, but each member of Edge's group was classified as an S rank threat. 

Age of magic year 243

Even though Princess Serillia's side was winning a lot of battles, the overall situation of the war was still not in their favor. The biggest threat and the one who was truly pushing the non-human army to the side was non-other than Jester. No one could understand why a half-fairy, half-human like him would side with the so called new humanity. 

Still, with his overwhelming abilities, no one could get close to the king. It was a good thing that he never leaves the capital. Some theorize his overwhelming strength comes from some sort of ritual, which allows him to have power beyond mortal means as long as he stays in the capital. 

The war continues to rage on.


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