One-Click Upgrade: Super Decomposition System

Chapter 238

Chapter 238 - The Martial Addict Jiang Jingyi

Jiang Jingyi was drenched in sweat, his spirit weary from the exertion.

Yet, to Jiang Hao's amazement, Jingyi had never once voiced his fatigue.

The Old Master watched Jingyi, his eyes brimming with undisguised approval.

Later, Jiang Hao visited Uncle De Biao and acquired nine flying knives that left him thoroughly pleased. Upon his return, he found Jingyi still immersed in his training.

Noticing it was nearing midday, Jiang Hao decided to interrupt the lesson.

“Grandpa, it's getting late. Should we head back home?”

“After all, martial arts aren't mastered in a day. For Jingyi's first attempt, his endurance is nothing short of remarkable!”

The Old Master feigned sternness at the suggestion.

“Without natural talent, one must put in even more effort. I remember enduring a full day under the relentless sun!”

Jingyi, hearing this, clenched his teeth and insisted.

“Brother Hao, I can keep going!”

His determination took both Jiang Hao and the Old Master by surprise.

Yet, seeing Jingyi's quivering form, the Old Master felt a pang of compassion and shifted his tone.

“However, Brother Hao is right. Martial arts training isn't something you rush.”

“Let's call it a day. We'll go home for a meal.”

At those words, Jingyi's tension dissolved, and he collapsed to the ground.

Alarmed, Jiang Hao dashed over, lifting Jingyi and quickly checking on him.

The Old Master, hearing the commotion, turned and saw the scene, calling out in concern.

“Jingyi, Jingyi!”

“Grandpa, Jingyi's okay, just a bit drained!”

Jiang Hao then discreetly infused Jingyi with half a bottle of Vital Essence.

A surge of life force flooded Jingyi's body, his cells instantly energized, reviving him.

Jingyi's eyes fluttered open weakly.

The Old Master finally relaxed.

Realizing his earlier severity, he softened his gaze upon Jingyi.

“Jingyi, next time you're tired, just tell me. Don't push yourself too hard, understand?”

Jingyi nodded in response.

“There, Grandpa. Jingyi's fine, no need for guilt!”

“To master martial arts, you've got to embrace the grind!”

“I'll carry Jingyi on my back for a bit. Rest up, Jingyi, and then we'll head home.”

With that, the trio made their way back.

Upon arriving at their doorstep, Jiang Jingyi was full of energy, bouncing around lively.

Jiang Hao had administered half a bottle of Vital Essence, which not only restored all of Jingyi's depleted energy but also infused his body with an abundance of life force.

This life force was steadily transforming Jingyi's body, enhancing his affinity with spiritual energy.

It was an unintended blessing in disguise!

In the afternoon, Jiang Jingyi diligently practiced various movements on his own. Watching him, Jiang Hao mused to himself,

“The Old Master isn't going to end up training a martial arts fanatic, is he?”

Yet, who could have predicted that Jiang Hao's casual remark would prove prophetic!

But that's a story for another time.

As evening approached, those who had ventured into the mountains at dawn in search of wild ginseng, dreaming of striking it rich, began to trickle back.

Just as Jiang Hao had anticipated, none had found any wild ginseng older than fifty years.

Only a lucky few managed to find some thin, decade-old ginseng roots.

Nonetheless, Jiang Hao sold what he could, planning to brew a strengthening soup for Jingyi.

After all, with Jingyi's rigorous daily training, his energy expenditure was substantial!

Jiang Hao watched the mountain path until it cleared of people, then turned to head home.

Despite anticipating this outcome, a tinge of disappointment lingered.

Just then, a piercing scream halted him in his tracks.

“Help! Somebody help!”

Hearing the plea, Jiang Hao's Thousand Mile Ear skill kicked in instantly.

Like a swift cheetah, he sprinted towards the mountain path in a blur of motion.


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