One-Click Upgrade: Super Decomposition System

Chapter 237

Chapter 237 - The Old Master Was Teaching Martial Arts

“Alright, alright, I'll head back and get ready now. I'll head up the mountain first thing tomorrow morning!”

“Just wait for my good news!”

With those words, Tian Cuicui turned and dashed toward her home.

Jiang Hao watched her retreating figure and shook his head.

Dreams are always beautiful, yet reality is stark.

Even if he spoke the truth, they might not believe him.

Let them search and try! Who knows, they might actually find it.

What Jiang Hao didn't realize was that tonight, countless people were too thrilled to sleep.

The night passed in silence.

The following day, many villagers, armed with provisions, set out at dawn for the deep mountains.

Jiang Hao was still in bed, but Jiang Jingyi had arrived early, his face alight with excitement.

The Old Master had also risen early.

Seeing Jiang Jingyi there so early while Jiang Hao was still lazing in bed, the Old Master couldn't stand it any longer.

“Hao Hao, get up and join us!”

“What kind of image is a young man without any get-up-and-go?”

Jiang Hao didn't want to go initially, but ultimately, the Old Master coaxed him out of bed.

On a narrow path, the Old Master and Jiang Jingyi led the way, with Jiang Hao trailing behind, his face etched with reluctance.

They reached the grove where the Old Master used to train.

Jiang Hao perched on a tree stump, leaning against the trunk, yawning as he watched the Old Master and his younger brother Jingyi.

The Old Master faced Jingyi, his expression stern.

“Jingyi, there are important rules to remember when you learn martial arts from Grandpa.”

Jiang Jingyi gazed at the Old Master, all ears.

The Old Master then continued.

“First, never flaunt your martial arts skills in front of strangers!”

“Second, no matter how advanced you become in martial arts, never engage in illegal or disorderly conduct!”

“Third, don't be overly competitive or let others bully you.”

“If you're in the right and can't overcome an opponent, come to your Brother Hao for help!”

With that, the Old Master turned to Jiang Hao and spoke.

“Come to think of it, Brother Hao, you wouldn't refuse to lend a hand, would you?”

“Right, Hao Hao?”

Jiang Hao had been casually watching the drama unfold, never expecting to become an unwitting target.

He opened and closed his mouth, eventually meeting the hopeful eyes of his younger brother Jingyi and the intimidating stare of the Old Master.

Ultimately, he caved under the Old Master's domineering pressure.

As Jiang Hao bowed his head, the Old Master nodded in satisfaction, then turned his piercing gaze back to Jiang Jingyi.

“Remember, if you break any of these three rules, the consequences will range from punishment to the crippling of your martial abilities.”

“I will personally cripple your martial arts and make you depend on Brother Hao for the rest of your life!

Brother Hao should have no trouble taking care of you!”

The Old Master glanced at Jiang Hao, reclining against the tree trunk, with a bitter taste in his heart.

Despite being a martial arts prodigy, he had spent decades in rigorous training only to be outshone by such a lackadaisical youth!

Meanwhile, Jiang Hao, once again a victim of circumstance, was blissfully unaware of the envy his relaxed demeanor was stirring.

Even the Old Master was feeling outdone by him!

“Jingyi, have you got it memorized?”

The Old Master barked.

Startled, Jiang Jingyi hastily responded.

“Got it!”

The Old Master nodded, pleased.

“Good. Now, I'll show you how it's done. Follow my lead!”

Jingyi's enthusiasm surged upon hearing this.


Time slipped away like a river, and before they knew it, the morning had vanished!

The Old Master, with a twig in hand, was diligently correcting Jiang Jingyi's erroneous moves.


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