One-Click Upgrade: Super Decomposition System

Chapter 236

Chapter 236 - The Division of Strength

Upon hearing this, the Old Master opened his eyes and expressed his frustration.

“The master before didn't say much either, especially since he never even developed any extraordinary powers.”

“I reached this level through my own trial and error!”

Finishing his thought, the old man cast a curious glance at Jiang Hao.

“You're in the dark too? Your master never clued you in?”

Jiang Hao was momentarily taken aback, inwardly groaning at his misfortune.

But then, to his surprise, the old man spoke up again.

“Looks like your master was just a bit ahead of us. He was groping his way forward too, unsure about how to categorize strength!”

Jiang Hao quickly nodded in agreement with the old man's conjecture.

He discreetly wiped at his forehead as if to erase sweat that wasn't there, and sighed in relief.

“That was a close one!”

In that moment, he gained a deeper insight into the Old Master's speculative strength.

Suddenly, he remembered the system.

“The System should have the answer, right?”

With that thought, Jiang Hao quickly immersed his consciousness into the System and posed his question.

“System, how exactly are the realms divided?”

No sooner had Jiang Hao spoken than the system's prompt chimed in.

However, the system didn't provide the clarification he sought.

“Ding! Insufficient host authority. Please upgrade the system level first!”

Jiang Hao felt a wave of disappointment wash over him.

Yet another issue of insufficient authority!


That evening, as Jiang Hao strolled after dinner, every encounter led to inquiries about Jiang An buying him ginseng!

He hadn't anticipated that the afternoon's events—Jiang An unearthing wild ginseng and selling it to him—would become the talk of the town so quickly!

Then, a woman spotted him and hurried over.

Her name was Tian Cuicui, a carpenter's wife from Jiang Village.

“Hao Hao, is it true you paid 500,000 yuan for the wild ginseng Jiang An found?”

Jiang Hao felt a twinge of irritation; such matters were private, and he preferred not to discuss them further.

“Auntie, that's Uncle An's private business. Why the curiosity?”

Seeing Jiang Hao's displeased expression, Tian Cuicui hesitated to press any further.

?”Alright, I won't pry any further!” he said, quietly sidling up to Jiang Hao and lowering his voice.

“Hao Hao, if someone else brings in ginseng, would you still be interested?”

Jiang Hao glanced at Tian Cuicui with a look of surprise.

“Auntie, do you have ginseng too?”

Tian Cuicui chuckled awkwardly at his question.

“Not at the moment. Tomorrow, your uncle and I plan to head up the mountain to have a look around. Who knows, we might just stumble upon some?”

Jiang Hao caught on immediately.

She must have heard about Jiang An finding wild ginseng on the mountain and trading it for five hundred thousand yuan with him.

Clearly, she was a bit jealous, convinced that there wasn't just one wild ginseng up there, and was eager to take her chances.

And she probably wasn't the only one with that idea!

But really, how easy could it be to find wild ginseng?

Especially the kind that's been around for years!

Still, it was none of his concern.

He actually hoped they would find some, preferably a century-old specimen!

Jiang Hao gave Tian Cuicui a reassuring smile.

“Of course, I'm interested! For a fifty-year-old ginseng, I'll offer five hundred thousand for each stalk.

For those aged between fifty and a hundred years, my offer ranges from 500,000 to 1.5 million per stalk.

And for anything over a hundred years, I'm willing to go above 2 million!”

Jiang Hao announced his rates, leaving Tian Cuicui's jaw practically hitting the floor.

If she managed to find just one, wouldn't that secure her future?

Tian Cuicui was already envisioning her lavish life as a lady of leisure, almost as if it was beckoning her.


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