One-Click Upgrade: Super Decomposition System

Chapter 228

Chapter 228 - I, Alone, will Pick You All Up

“Hey! This…”

The crowd was on edge, but Jiang Hao and the Old Master wouldn't allow anyone to intervene, leaving them with nothing to do but fret.

In the midst of the tension, Jiang Zixuan noticed the worried expressions and offered reassurance.

“Don't be scared, uncle and auntie. My brother is incredibly strong!”

Before anyone could argue, Jiang Daloong was eyeing Jiang Hao, thinking him a fool for taking them on alone.

He was facing the whole group single-handedly. Without hesitation, they exchanged glances and, armed with their weapons, they lunged at Jiang Hao!

One charged ahead of the rest, reaching Jiang Hao first. He swung his iron staff down towards Jiang Hao's head.

A vicious grin spread across his face as the staff descended.

But in that instant, Jiang Hao flashed a scornful smile back at him.

With lightning-fast reflexes, he reached out, seized the attacker's hand, and squeezed fiercely.

“Ah!” The man cried out in agony, releasing his grip as the iron staff clattered to the ground.

Without a second glance, Jiang Hao snatched the fallen staff with his free hand.

He then delivered a swift blow to the man's leg with the rod.

By now, the rest had caught up.

They brandished their weapons, launching a vicious onslaught at Jiang Hao from all sides.

Jiang Hao, seeing the attack, forcefully shoved his captive forward.

Caught completely off guard, three men were struck by the flung assailant.

The collision sent them reeling as if struck by a locomotive, and all four were sent flying.

In the blink of an eye, Jiang Hao crouched and swept his leg out.

He struck two more assailants in the legs, sending them sprawling to the ground.

Jiang Daloong managed to dodge the sweep instinctively.

But before he could recover, Jiang Hao had already seized him by the neck and hoisted him into the air.

Jiang Daloong's eyes rolled back, his face flushed red, gasping for air.

Desperately, he clawed at Jiang Hao's hands, trying to pry them apart.

He was struggling for Jiang Hao to release him.

Jiang Hao, gripping Jiang Daloong as if he were nothing more than a rag doll, slammed him down to the ground with great force.


Jiang Daloong let out a blood-curdling scream, rolling on the ground while clutching his back.

Jiang Daloong and his crew were strewn across the floor, groaning in pain, while Jiang Hao stood unscathed.

The skirmish, a one-against-many affair, had concluded in mere seconds!

At that moment, onlookers gaped at Jiang Hao, their faces etched with horror.

Silence reigned for what seemed like an eternity.

But the ordeal wasn't over. With an iron rod in hand, Jiang Hao methodically broke their legs or arms, one by one, under their fearful stares.

The air was soon pierced by their agonizing screams.

The crowd gasped in unison, the temperature seemingly dropping with their collective breath.

Fear flickered in their eyes as they watched Jiang Hao, who now wore a steely expression. He turned to Jiang Daloong, whose face was twisted with spite, and spoke in a calm, measured tone.

“Jiang Daloong, I'm always ready for your retaliation.”

“But be warned, next time it won't be as simple as an arm.”


Upon hearing Jiang Hao's command, the men on the ground scrambled in terror, hastily lifting Jiang Daloong to his feet. Supporting each other, they stumbled into the van and made a hasty retreat.

After they had gone, Jiang Hao faced the crowd and smiled reassuringly.

“Don't worry, everyone. I doubt Jiang Daloong will be causing any more trouble.”

Just then, a short, slightly plump middle-aged woman cautiously approached Jiang Hao and asked,

“Hao Hao, do you practice martial arts?”


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