One-Click Upgrade: Super Decomposition System

Chapter 229

Chapter 229 - Old Master Accepted a Disciple

After Jiang Hao concocted a quick excuse, the villagers gradually dispersed.

Subsequently, the Old Master took Jiang Hao to visit Jiang De Biao's home, with Jiang Jingyi accompanying them.

Along the way, Jiang Jingyi, with a look of envy, bombarded Jiang Hao with questions about his martial arts skills, clearly captivated by the discipline.

The Old Master observed Jiang Jingyi and asked with a warm smile, “Jingyi, do you aspire to be as skilled as your Brother Hao?”

Jiang Hao, understanding the Old Master's intentions, stood silently to the side, not interfering.

?The Old Master's question immediately piqued Jiang Jingyi's interest. His face lit up with excitement, and he nodded eagerly, much like a chick pecking at grains, while casting hopeful glances at his grandfather.

?”Grandpa, can Brother Hao teach me?” he asked.

The Old Master, looking at his youngest grandson, smiled and shook his head gently.

Seeing this, Jiang Jingyi's face fell, his head drooping in disappointment as his hopes seemed to crumble, and he appeared on the verge of tears.

Noticing his grandson's dismay, the Old Master decided to clarify things.

“Jingyi, Brother Hao's martial arts come from a different lineage and aren't for you to learn,” he explained.

“But I can teach you my techniques!”

Just when Jiang Jingyi thought he'd lost his chance to learn martial arts, his despair turned to surprise. It was as if, after a seemingly endless mountain range, he had stumbled upon a hidden village—a glimmer of hope reignited.

But then, cautiously, he asked, “Grandpa, you know martial arts too?”

Without a word, the Old Master smiled and demonstrated his skill with a swift palm strike that left an imprint on a nearby tree, leaving Jiang Jingyi utterly astounded.

?”Grandpa, please teach me!” he pleaded, his excitement palpable.

?The Old Master's face took on a grave seriousness.

“Jingyi, if you truly wish to learn, I am willing to teach you. But it requires dedication and resilience. Martial arts isn't something you master overnight,” he cautioned.

Jiang Jingyi's face was a portrait of determination as he nodded vigorously.

“I can do it, I'll stick with it!” he promised.

Seeing the change, the Old Master's stern demeanor melted away, replaced once again by his warm, approachable presence.

“Alright, tomorrow you'll wake up half an hour earlier than you did today, come here, and I'll teach you,” he said with a smile.


Jiang Hao was delighted that his grandfather had taken Jiang Jingyi under his wing.

Before long, they arrived at Jiang De Biao's home.

Upon hearing Jiang Hao's purpose, Jiang De Biao let out a wry smile.

“Hao Hao, it's not that Uncle De Biao doesn't want to help you!”

“But just look…”

Uncle De Biao extended his hand as he spoke.

It dangled limply, curled inward, resembling a chicken claw.

Catching a glimpse of the Old Master's expression, Jiang Hao confidently reassured him.

“Uncle De Biao, don't worry, I can heal your hand!”

Jiang Hao's bold claim sent shockwaves through Jiang De Biao's heart!

In the ensuing silence, Jiang De Biao looked from Jiang Hao to the Old Master, who had remained quiet throughout. The promise in Jiang Hao's words seemed to gain a touch of credibility.

?Jiang De Biao's voice quivered with emotion.

“Hao Hao, if you can fix my hand, I'd gladly take a hundred beatings from you!”

Jiang Hao's smile broadened at the response.

“Alright, Uncle De Biao, since that's the case, let's start your treatment right away!”

Hearing this, Jiang De Biao was overcome with excitement.

“Hao Hao, what do I need to prepare? I'll get it ready right now!”

“Uncle De Biao, there's no need for that. Just lie down and hand it over to me,” Jiang Hao said.

Without a moment's delay, Jiang De Biao climbed into bed and lay down.

In that moment, he could distinctly hear the pounding of his own heart.


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