One-Click Upgrade: Super Decomposition System

Chapter 227

Chapter 227 - You Are Not Even an Ant

The neighbors remembered Jiang Hao's kindness. Seeing him threatened, some couldn't just stand by!

As Huang Mao lifted his iron rod to strike,


A neighbor, unable to watch, bellowed, flung open his door, and emerged with a shovel in hand!

Simultaneously, Jiang Hao's front door burst open. A shoe flew out like a swift blade.

Before anyone could react, it struck Huang Mao on the back of the head.


With that sound, Huang Mao collapsed to the ground, still.

The sudden turn of events left everyone momentarily stunned, then filled with alarm.

“Creak, creak…”

Just then, the creak of an old wooden door drew all eyes. They turned toward the source of the sound.

The door swung wide, and Jiang Hao stepped out, the picture of composure.

Following him were Fourth Uncle, Fourth Aunt Jiang Zixuan, the Old Master, his grandmother, and Jiang Jingyi.

Seeing Jiang Hao, the neighbors gripped their shovels and hoes tighter, casting wary glances at Jiang Daloong.

Jiang Daloong himself was taken aback by the sight.

He scanned the crowd, seeing the villagers he once bullied now glaring back at him, farm tools in hand, their stares unwavering.

The sight sent a chill through him and his henchmen.

The once-bold group now exchanged uneasy looks, finding fear in each other's eyes.

Jiang Daloong glanced back at Huang Mao, lying motionless in front of Jiang Hao's car, and the slipper nearby.

Knocked out by a slipper?

He pushed down his astonishment, his face contorting with anger.

“Jiang Hao, you've really come into your own!”

“Not even fully grown and you're trying to extort me!”

“Now, you've even rallied them against me?”

Jiang Daloong jabbed a finger at Jiang Hao and the villagers, his voice seething with menace.

“Mark my words, all of you! I hope none of you ends up alone!”

“Grab Sixth Brother, we're leaving!”

With that threat hanging in the air, Jiang Daloong spun on his heel, ready to depart with his crew.

But Jiang Hao wasn't about to let them walk away without a word.


With a step forward, Jiang Hao's command sliced through the air.

Jiang Daloong halted, spinning around to shoot a furious look at Jiang Hao.

“What, planning to gang up on the few of us?”

Ignoring the challenge, Jiang Hao surveyed the scene, his heart warming at the sight of his uncles and aunties ready to stand by his side.

“Uncles, aunties, I'm grateful for your willingness to support me in this predicament!”

“Still, this is an issue between Jiang Daloong and me. Today, I intend to settle it myself!”

He then cast a scornful glance at Jiang Daloong's henchmen.

“And as for these minor players, your assistance won't be necessary!”

Jiang Hao's declaration sent waves of anger through Jiang Daloong and his crew, while the onlookers gasped in astonishment.

“Hao Hao, don't overdo it!”

“Exactly, they outnumber you!”

But just then, Jiang Hao raised his hand, silencing the well-meaning cautions.

“Jiang Daloong, remember, there's always a bigger fish. You may think you're the king here, but to me, you're less than an ant!”

“Bring it on! Today, I'll show you how it's done!”

Anxiety rippled through the crowd behind Jiang Hao, their eyes turning to the Old Master in a silent plea.

“Old Master, please, talk some sense into Hao Hao!”

“How can Hao Hao take them on by himself?”

“Indeed! Old Master Jiang!”

Yet, amidst the frantic concern, the Old Master's expression was one of serene confidence.

“Let Hao Hao deal with this on his own.”

At those words, everyone's worry turned to disbelief, wondering if the Old Master had lost his mind!


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