Number One Under Heaven

Chapter 14: Poison

Chapter 14: Poison

Inside the carriage.

This is my Xiao Family. The rude one just now is my son, Xiao Chen. Xiao Fang introduced.

F-father! He blushed.

I am called Xiao Chen, 17 years old, Initial Profound Qi Realm. He said his Cultivation proudly.

He was hoping to see a surprised expression from these two, but they didnt even blink an eye.

Xiao Fang looked at him pitifully, What are you bragging about in front of Young Master Yi?

Have you ever heard of the term There are People beyond People and Heavens beyond the Heavens?

Stop embarrassing yourself. He sighed.

What the hell was his son bragging about in front of an 18 Year Old Spirit Realm expert?

Eh? Xiao Chen could not believe his ears.

Did his father whos always the first in line to brag about his talent just tell him not to embarrass himself?

. He became silent.

Forget about him, the girl next to him is my daughter, Xiao Ying.

Xiao Ying, introduce yourself to Young Master Yi.

These words had some deeper meaning to it.

Hello, I am called Xiao Ying, 17 years old and also in Initial Profound Qi Realm. She said with a lovely voice.

Xiao Fang looked at Tian Yi, but when he looked at his calm expression, he felt a bit down.

Next is my beautiful wife, Xiao Hai.

Hello. I am the mother of this useless son. I also want to apologize for his rude attitude. She lowered her head.

Can we stop it with that already? I didnt even mean it and already apologized! He felt wronged. How long are they going to keep this up?

When Tian Yi looked at her, he had a confused look and stared at her.

Xiao Fang noticed that and almost coughed up a mouthful of blood.

Fuck! So youre that type! I wanted to hook a genius like you up with my daughter, but you unexpectedly had eyes for my wife!

I know my wife is charming, but dont even think about it!

You may have a bigger background than us, but were still a High Ranked Family with our own Province! I dare you to make a move on my wife!

Although there are Young Masters out there that steals other peoples daughter and wife, he didnt think it would happen to him!

Who is he? He may act humble and all, but he actually has a large background!

Head of the Xiao Family, who controls over the Xiao Province and also one of the Four Big Family in Jin Long Continent!

However, this unknown Young Master dares to leer at his wife! Hes courting death!

While he was cursing at this perverted Young Master in his head, Tian Yi suddenly asked a shocking question.

Hey, why are you trying to kill yourself?

. The entire carriage went silent.

A-are you asking me? Xiao Hai pointed at herself with wide eyes.

What did this young man just ask her? Why did she want to kill herself? What kind of question was that!

Obviously. Who else in here but you have the Invisible Ivy Poison in their body?

What a pity, you have a pretty clean soul too. But if you really want to suicide, then excuse me, I wont bother you anymore.

Saying that he closed his eyes and went silent.

* * * * *


As if thunder had struck their mind, the entire Xiao Family went into shock.

Poison?! What!

Xiao Fang knew that his wifes body was sick, but she wasnt born with it.

It started three years ago when they came back from a trip, and she suddenly went ill for a week.

He had every doctor in the Province look at her, but they didnt find anything wrong with her body.

He even invited the miracle doctor with many difficulties.

And the miracle doctors diagnosis was, She was exposed to some environment she was not used to and became sick. Dont worry; shell get better with time.

He didnt doubt the miracle doctors word because they went to explore the Clear Valley right before she turned sick.

She even got better after a month and stayed healthy for half a year, just like the miracle doctor had said.

But the days after that, she started to feel sick again and had to be bedridden once a month, with each month being worse and worse.

This year is so bad he cries at night. She had to stay in bed for two weeks out of the four! Thats half a month of being bedridden!

He looked for clues like a blind mouse, but couldnt even find a bit of clue as to why his wife keeps on getting sick.

He is already at the point of losing hope and could only pray to God his wife will get better.

If not for the fact that she started to feel better and wanted to cheer on her beloved children. He wouldve never brought her along even if she begged.

But now, in the middle of nowhere, this mysterious Young Master he thought as a pervert know whats wrong with his wife?!

He finally saw a light of hope and his eyes immediately turned watery.


He threw himself onto the floor and kowtowed.

Young Master Yi! This ones beloved wife has been sick for the past three years, and no matter how much I searched, I could not find any clues!

I can no longer watch her suffer like this! If Young Master Yi can give us a miracle, this one will do whatever he can to repay this unforgettable debt!

He begged him with teary eyes.

Dear! Xiao Hai also teared up after seeing her prideful husband beg like a dog because of her.

Tian Yi opened his eyes and looked at the begging man in front of him.T/his chapter is updat/𝓮d by n𝒐v(ê(l)biin.c/o/m

What a real man. He is willing to fall on his knees and beg someone from the younger generation just for his loved ones.

He smiled and had an admiring look in his eyes.

Enough, sit back down. Ill help you out. He said.

When Xiao Fang heard that, he immediately raised his head to look at his savior.

What was once an ordinary looking young man was now like a god in front of him.

Thank you Young Master Yi, Thank you! He thanked him with all his heart.

The shocked sibling sitting next to them woke up and also said, Thank you for saving our dear mother!

What are you thanking me for? I didnt even save her yet Tian Yi replied.

The carriage turned silent again

Thats right! He didnt even save her yet, and they act as she was already healed!

They felt embarrassed because they got too excited from this tiny bit of hope and let it get into their heads.

The Xiao Family lowered their heads with a sad expression.

It doesnt matter if Young Master Yi succeeds or not, its the thought that counts! Xiao Fang finally said.

The silent Lao Bai who had said nothing up to this point finally opened his mouth, Who said my Young Master would not succeed? Its just a mere Invisible Ivy Poison. I also thought you wanted to suicide, so I didnt say anything.

In both of their eyes, the Invisible Ivy Poison thats extremely rare even in the Spirit Realm was just a mere low-rank poison. So when they saw it in this womans body, they thought she knew but left it alone because she wanted to die silently.

But it looks like they were wrong. Its not that she didnt do anything about it, but she didnt even know about it!

Luckily his Young Master is caring and asked her anyways.

If they had never met his Young Master, she would probably be dead within the next month.

The Xiao Family became excited again upon hearing that.

These two can do it! They can really save her!

Tian Yi started to speak, The Invisible Ivy Poison might be impossible to detect with your low Cultivation, but youre lucky its also very weak.

If you wouldve kept it in your body for another month, your family will definitely be holding a funeral at that time.

He didnt spare them any good words and said straightforwardly.

L-low Cultivation? Xiao Fang was confused.

He was a Profound Spirit Realm expert, a 6th level one at that.

However, he still couldnt detect this poison is his wifes body for years, yet these two could with just a glance? Did that mean their Cultivation was higher than his? Even Young Master Yis?

Then what should we do to get it out? Do I need to get a miracle pill or some kind of Treasure? Ill spend as much as I need to get it, even if it cost me my entire familys fortune.

He wont mind even spending every penny he has to heal his wife.

But the next sentence caused his jaw to drop.

No, all I have to do is touch her and take it out with my Spirit Power. The place that came in contact with the Invisible Poison Ivy first.

I wouldve only needed to touch anywhere else if you just came in contact with it, but because it has already spread throughout your whole body, even if I was God himself, unless I take it out from the root, the poison might trigger and melt your entire body into a puddle of blood. Tian Yi said calmly.

They shivered after hearing that.

All you have to do is touch me? No Miracle Pills or Treasures? Xiao Hai was also dumbfounded.

Yes, do you remember where you have seen this kind of plant and where you might have touched it?

Tian Yi showed his right palm facing up, and an image of an ordinary looking green Ivy appeared.

The Ivy looked so realistic they thought it was real. It even swayed left and right from the wind.

Th-t-this The Realm of Creations with Spirit Power! A Spirit King!

* * * * *

The Xiao Family went into shock from witnessing this Heaven Shattering scene.

The Realm of Creations is when someone uses the Spirit Power around them to make life like objects that can be used in fights and cut bodies.

They can even create a flying sword out of thin air and slay their opponents miles away, who didnt fear that kind of power?

A Spirit King was someone at the Peak of Spirit Realm, half step into the Sky Realm.

Once you reach the Sky Realm, you can ascend into the Spirit Realm, the Realm above Mortals Realm.

And because of that, theres almost no Sky Realm experts in Mortals Realm and a Spirit King was considered the Peak of the Mortals Realm.

The few Sky Realm experts left are ancient monsters that only stayed behind because they wanted to be treated like gods or they wanted to protect their own Sect forever knowing that they cant advance anymore.

Knowing that theres a Spirit King in front of them, who are considered gods by the Mortals, how could they not be shocked? And he was so young!

What Realm of Creations? All I did was make something with the Spirit Power around me. Tian Yi was confused at this term used by the Mortals.

This was an everyday thing like eating rice for Mortals, wherein the higher Realms everybody and their mother is above a Spirit King.

Thats exactly what the Realm of Creations is!

Y-young Master Yi, how old are you again? Xiao Chen asked with a shivering voice.

No wonder his father said that! He was merely showing off his pitiful Cultivation in front of a real expert!

Tian Yi had a calm voice and said, Youre younger than me so you can call me Big Brother, it feels weird for you to call me Young Master.

He liked being addressed as a Big Brother. He was the only son, and nobody dared to call him Big Brother up there.

And frequently being called Big Brother by Min Li, he grew to like it and wanted more people to call him that, which is why he made an excuse with their age.

Xiao Chen had a fright and said, Thats not appropriate Young Master Yi, with your

Big Brother Yi. Tian Yi didnt give him any room to continue.

Being stared at by him made Xiao Chen sweat and reluctantly had to accept it.

Yes, Big Brother Yi. He said.

Tian Yi smiled upon hearing that. Good!

Ahem, Young Master Yi, about my wifes poison

Everybody had forgotten about the main problem from shock, and Xiao Fang had just managed to remember.

Right. So do you remember where youve touched this? He continued.

No, not that I AH! Xiao Hai shouted from surprise after having recalled something and blushed.

What! You remember? Good! Where did you touch this?! Xiao Fang became excited and asked his wife.


But she could only blush and didnt say anything.

Aiya, what are you hesitating for at a time like this?


She lowered her head even more as if trying to hide her embarrassed face.

What are you doing?! Do you really want to be healed? Young Master Yi is waiting here for your answer!

Xiao Fang raised his voice. Even he thought his wife wanted to suicide now.

She finally looked up and said in a mosquito voice, M-my butt

Everybodys eyes went wide, including Tian Yi.

Your what?! Xiao Fang shouted by accident.

Remember when we took a rest at this place next to this beautiful pond inside the Clear Valley? I was sitting on this rock where it had this kind of Ivy wrapped around it

She explained in a quiet voice. Her face was so red she wanted to jump into a sea of ice water.


Everybody turned quiet after that.

Fuck! She almost died because she sat on a rock with poison


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