Number One Under Heaven

Chapter 15: Spirit King

Chapter 15: Spirit King

Y-young Master Yi Xiao Fang looked at him with a weird face.

How are we going to do this?

He wasnt willing to let anyone other than himself to feel up his wifes round butt, but if he didnt, she would die

At least it will be an 18 Years Old Spirit King He comforted himself.

Eh Lao Bai! You do it! Tian Yi commanded.

Ah?! Young Master, but this is Lao Bais eyes widened. He didnt want to do it either.

Xiao Fang wanted to cry when he heard that.

Thats not good Young Master Yi!

What? Why not? He can also heal her, so it doesnt have to be me!

Xiao Fang bit his lips and said, B-but! I mean no offense to Senior Bai, but this one prefers Young Master Yi do it!

Young Master Yi, please be the one to touch my wifes butt! Or else I wont be able to sleep from now on!

He cant believe that he just pleaded someone to feel up his own wife But it was for a good cause!

He didnt mind if someone young like Tian Yi did it, but if an old man does it No, it has to be him! It cant be anyone else!

Young Master Yi, I ask of you too! Xiao Hai also said shyly.

How could she let an old man touch her bottom? She rather let this genius young man do it, at least it wont be as embarrassing!

B-but this kind of disgraceful act Tian Yi also hesitated.

Who is he? Hes the son of the Celestial Emperor! How can he possibly go around doing disgraceful acts such as this!

Let alone touch a grown womans bottom, he has yet to even hold their hands other than his own mothers!

If his mother finds out that hes going around doing such a disgraceful act with his own hands, shell chase him down until the end of this universe!

No, you cant treat this as disgraceful! Youre saving my wifes life so how can this act be called disgraceful?!

If this is disgraceful, then saving life itself is a disgraceful thing! He had to persuade him no matter what.

Tian Yi frowned after hearing that.

Thats correct; Im only saving her life with no ulterior motivates, how can this be called disgraceful?

Xiao Fang somehow persuaded him.

Good! Ill do it.

The couples face turned delighted after hearing that.

Turn around! Tian Yi said.

Ah Okay She turned around to show her perfectly round bottom.

* * * * *

The entire room held their breaths.

Xiao Fang was grinding on his teeth, but he had to endure it!

Xiao Chens jaw dropped all the way to the floor. He was going to watch someone touch his mothers butt!

Xiao Ying covered her bright red face but was peeking through her fingers with glittering eyes.

Lao Bai didnt know whether to laugh or cry at this situation.

Tian Yi took in a deep breath and sighed.

This is the hardest thing he had to do yet. Even fighting with a Celestial Dragon was easier.

He looked up at the carriage ceiling as if trying to look at his parents from down here, he said to himself.

Mother! Father! Forgive this disgraceful son for what he is about to do!

This is only so I can save her life and I have no ulterior motives!

Mother always say I should help these who are in need no matter who they are!

If you blame me, then Too bad!

After saying that, he placed his hands on her bottom.

The moment he touched her, he felt an incredibly soft feeling on his hand, and he shivered.

Even the area he touched started shivering making it even a better feeling.

He felt his mind go blank and weird thoughts were born in him mind.

Wow, this is.

This is actually pretty good

Ah! Not good, what am I thinking, this is not like me. To be affected by such a small matter

Wow, this is really soft

You cant blame me! This is father and mothers fault!

But this

God damn it, Tian Yi! You have to start healing her quickly, or else they will start to misunderstand!

After what felt like a never-ending war, he began to activate his Spirit Power and guided it into the spot where the Invisible Poison Ivy was hidden at.

He was innocent and had no experiences after all

* * * * *

Xiao Hai felt her mind go blank after feeling that warmth on her butt and started to shiver uncontrollably.

Oh mother, forgive this unfaithful daughter

And after a moment, she felt a Heavenly feeling going inside her body.

!!! W-what the hell is this! It feels so good!

She forgot that someone was actually touching her butt and started to daydream.

Ahh, this feeling, this is Heaven, if only I can stay like this forever

She started to feel her body turn hot as if her body was reacting to something natural.

She began panting.

This is way better than

After what felt like Eternal Heaven, the feeling gradually went away, and she finally woke up.

She looked around with a red face and was breathing heavily.


Everybody was staring at her with weird faces.

Dear wife, how do you feel? Her husband asked with a worried face.

I.. I feel great? She questioned herself.

She still couldnt let go of that comfortable feeling and peeked at that young man.

He was sitting down with his hands covering his face like he did something shameful.

sorry mother She heard him whisper something about his mother.

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She was still embarrassed but didnt forget to thank him.

Thank you Young Master Yi for saving my life and for that goo Ahem, that hard work of yours!

She almost blurted out her true feelings.

He looked at her and smiled, Dont worry about it.

What was suppose to be an ordinary smile suddenly turned dazzling?!

She hurriedly turned her face to avoid it, Dear, Im all fine now. It also feels like I had a breakthrough.

Really?! Good, good, good! Thank god!

He turned to Tian Yi and bowed.

Thank you Young Master Yi for saving my wife and saving my Xiao Family from a potential disaster! He cried.

No matter what Young Master Yi needs from my Xiao Family, Ill crawl through mountains made of blades and lava to achieve it!

Xiao Chen, Xiao Ying! Thank Young Master Yi for his gracious blessing! He just saved your mother!

Thank you Young Master Yi for saving my dear mother! They both bowed deeply and started crying.

Un, I have accepted your feelings. He nodded with a smile.

After that, the Xiao Family were hugging each other while crying.

* * * * *

After things calmed down, the carriage once again turned quiet.

Xiao Hai was peeking glances at Tian Yi while feeling envy.

Whoever is going to be his Cultivation Partner is definitely going to be the happiest woman on earth

She closed her eyes trying to remember that feeling.

Maybe I should sit on that rock again


She face-palmed herself for thinking that.

My wife, are you sure youre feeling okay? Her husband looked at her with a weird face.

Why is she slapping herself?

Im fine. She smiled.

She looked at Tian Yi again and sighed.

* * * * *

What she didnt know was that what she just felt was Pure Spirit Power, like Spirit Power but not even a tiny dot of impurity in it.

In this world, there are two kinds of Spirit Power.

One is the Normal Spirit Power that all Cultivators use. It will have impurities in it no matter what unless youre using a Cultivating Technique to clean it out while Cultivating.

The Second is Pure Spirit Power. They are the same as Spirit Power, but without any impurities in it.

When Cultivators take in Spirit Power to Cultivate, the Spirit Power they take in will have impurities in it and it will build up as time goes, which is why when they break through to the next Realm, black sticky things come out of their pores.

The black stuff were Impurities taken from the Spirit Power.

Imagine taking in Spirit Power without having any Impurities. Not only will your pores not get blocked by dirt, but youll also even Cultivate many times faster.

Every Cultivator in this world was born with the power to Cultivate with Pure Spirit Power.

But ordinary people can only collect 0.001% 0.009% Pure Spirit Power while the other 99.99% are Normal Spirit Power.

Even these so called godly Innate talents in the Celestial Gods Realm can only take in 5% 10% at most.

But even with this 5% 10%, it was enough to help them Cultivate to the top of the Celestial Gods Realm.

Even Tian Yis father, Tian Qiang, the current Celestial Emperor can only take in 20% at most.

As a matter of fact, this world has more Pure Spirit Power than Normal Spirit Power because of that.

As for Tian Yi When his father tested his Pure Spirit Power collection rate, it almost scared him to death and decided to restrict him inside the Celestial Palace until he grew up.

Nobody in this world, except for him knows what his sons Pure Spirit Power collection rate was. Not even his most beloved wife.

And to make sure nobody but him knows, he used the Celestial Emperors Decree to ban the usage of Pure Spirit test on his son.

The Celestial Emperors Decree was a strict law that even his own wife could not break. If she does, only death awaits her!

And to be even safer, he cast a formation on Tian Yi to make sure any Pure Spirit Power tester he comes in contact with, will break!

People started to guess Tian Yis Pure Spirit Power Collection Rate, and it was even guessed to be at least 40%, doubling his fathers!

But nobody can really be sure and can only guess.

* * * * *

If a Mortal like Xiao Hai takes in at least 40% Pure Spirit Power, of course, she will feel like shes in Heaven, because she literally is!

Even her Cultivation broke through 3 Levels making her at the 6th Level in the Spirit Realm, the same Cultivation as her husband!

This few seconds of Cultivation saved her at least 20 years! Thats the difference between Pure Spirit Power and the latter.

If I cant have him, Ill make sure my daughter does!

She started planning on how to get them together.

* * * * *

Xiao Ying started to feel chilly for some reason.

She looked around with a confusing face, and when she saw her mother staring at her with motivation, she uncontrollably swallowed her saliva.

She was not naive and started to blush.

Mother Even if I want to, we live in two different worlds.

Hes an 18 Years Old Spirit King and Im just in the Initial Profound Qi Realm

But of course, her mother cant hear her thoughts

She took a peek at this Young Master Yis calm face.

He was sitting there with his eyes closed and had this unclear aura around him.

She started to wonder why he even came to Jin Long Continent.

Although they said they were here for that Longevity Restaurant, she highly doubts it

Why would such a genius go to such a swindler name restaurant?

She couldnt hold in her curiosity anymore and decided to ask, Young Master Yi, what are you going to do once you get to Jin Long Contingent?

He opened his eyes and frowned at her.

She felt her heart drop one level and panicked, Im sorry Young Master Yi, I asked something that offended you, please forgive this one.

But she didnt hear him say anything. Instead, it was her brothers voice.

Aiya, my cute sister. Are you that clueless? Didnt Big Brother Yi say to address him as Big Brother? Why are you calling him Young Master? Since when did you become older than me?

He poked fun at her.

Thats why he frowned?! She felt her worries being washed away.

Sorry Big Brother Yi. I thought it was only meant for my stupidly rude brother. She didnt forget to get back at him.

You! He bit his lips and stared daggers at her.

Tian Yi giggled and said, As long as you know.

As for what Im doing, Ill find this Longevity Restaurant first then find a Sect to join for a bit.

He has never been to a Sect and wanted to experience it for himself.

But another reason was the Holy Book mentioned about joining a Sect to increase your chances of living.

Everybody in the room became surprised after hearing this.

Join a Sect? Him? Hes already a Spirit King, what need does he have for a Sect?

Their resources? Cultivation Technique? What kind of joke is that?

Shit, he can even create his own Sect!

Do you know which Sect youll be joining?

Xiao Ying asked.

No. He shook his head.

T-then are you willing to join the Profound Dragon Spirit Sect? My brother and I are going to try out for the Entrance Exam.

Her voice sounded like she had some expectations.

Profound Dragon Spirit Sect? Tell me about it. He was interested.

Her eyes lit up and said, Profound Dragon Spirit Sect is the number one Sect in the Jin Long Continent, and theyre known for their massive amounts of experts and resources.

Every elder there is a Spirit Lo Well, the Sect Master is also a Spirit King! She felt awkward talking about Cultivation with him. Why would he care about some Spirit Lords?

They are also looking for people to send to the Martial Holy Ground, where all the Geniuses from the Five Continent will gather.

Although there are only two slots and its pretty much already decided that Lai Jingyi and Qiu Heng, the best talent in their Sect will be going.

But if Big Brother Yi were to join, youll definitely take one of the spots!

She wasnt trying to kiss his ass and was actually being serious.

If an 18 Years Old Spirit King cant get into the Martial Holy Ground, who else can?

Martial Holy Ground? All Five Continent? Sounds interesting!

Good, Ill go check this Profound Dragon Spirit Sect out.

Really? Do you want to come with us? We already know what we will be doing so we can be your guide!

Xiao Ying said excitedly.

Yeah! Big Brother Yi should come with us! Her brother also jumped in.

Sure, give me a time and location, and Ill be there. He agreed.


The Xiao Family each had their own thoughts, but they were all very excited.

Ah, Big Bro-

Right as Xiao Chen wanted to talk, the carriage did another emergency stop.

Driver! What is it this time?! Dont tell me another Senior came for directions?! Xiao Fang screamed.

N-no Master! Its bandits! And theres over a hundred of them!


He looked at the two Spirit Realm experts sitting in front of him and laughed.

Hahaha, they sure got some dog shit luck to pick my carriage!

Good! Let them come! Guards, dont attack them!

Senior Bai, Young Master Yi, looks like bandits are robbing us.

Tian Yi and Lao Bai looked at each other.



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