Number One Under Heaven

Chapter 13: Asking for Directions

Chapter 13: Asking for Directions


So, in the end, we decided to go to this place called the Jin Long Continent, where the author of that book originated from. Lao Bai couldnt help but sigh in his heart.

The book calls it Jin Long Continent, one the Five Major Continents in the Mortals Realm.

The Continents strength is the third strongest, right behind the Phoenixs Continent and the Holy Continent being in first place.

But to name a Continent after that disgrace of a dragon, the Gold Dragon, is as expected from the Mortals He sighed.

If the Ancestors of Jin Long Continent were here to hear this, theyd definitely die from anger.

To call a Gold Dragon, considered to be a godlike existence in the Mortals Realm a disgrace is. As expected from the Heavenly Winged Tigers race, proud and arrogant!

Young Master, it says its to the South, so its probably this way. He pointed to a direction.

Un. Tian Yi nodded.

Lao Bai. Wait a moment before we go, I have something to do. He added.

Lao Bai looked at him. What did his Young Master want to do?

Ill unseal your Cultivation right now.

Eh? He was a bit dazed.

That was unexpected.

He thought that his Cultivation would be sealed unless it was an emergency.

Why do you look so surprised? The only reason I sealed your Cultivation is the first place was to help you hide from these old people so you can follow me.

Now that were out of that location, theres no reason to be hiding you any longer. Dont you want to feel free?

Lao Bai couldnt believe his ears.

Y-young Master, but were in the Mortals Realm

He, a Peak Golden Immortal is going to walk around with his real Cultivation?

If people were to find out, the entire Mortals Realm would be frightened to death! Forget about the experts; even a Gold Dragon will not dare to come out of his cave!

Who would be able to sleep knowing that theres a freaking monster like him walking around in the streets?

No one! Hell, not even he would dare to step outside of his house.


Its because were in Mortals Realm that you need your Cultivation even more! Youre just a Golden Immortal, dont be arrogant and you will die without even knowing why!

He patted his Holy Book and added, Such a dangerous place, let alone you, even I need to be careful.


Lao Bai was speechless.

Fuck! If he, a Peak Golden Immortal were to die in the Mortals Realm, hell be a laughingstock from now until the end of time!

They might even hang his Coffin in the middle of the city so people who walk past can laugh at him!

Wait Did his Young Master say even he will be careful? Careful of what?!

That mean

Young Master, may I ask whats your Cultivations Realm?

He had cold sweat dripping down his forehead, nervously waiting for his answer.

My Cultivation? You wont understand it even if I were to give you an hour lecture on it.

But dont worry, Ill try my best to make sure that we both will get out of here alive! He patted his chest with confidence.

Lao Bai could feel his heart jumping out of his chest.

Did that mean his Cultivation was so deep that even he, a Golden Immortal will never understand it?

He started to feel sorry for the people in Mortals Realm.

His Young Master was basically a walking time bomb!

If someone offends him to the point of his temper going out of hand, wont his Spirit Power go crazy and This Realm called Mortals Realm might turn into a legend and be used for bedtime stories!


But before he can even speak, his body felt refreshed, and his Cultivation had returned.

He looked at his Young Master, who had two of his fingers pointed at him.

Aiya, looks like my work has increased yet again. He sighed.

Now he needs to make sure that he does not kill anyone by accident, such as with a sneeze or a fart

But most importantly is that he must definitely avoid having someone offend his Young Master to the point of no return, even if he had to trade his life for it!

What a joke, he, a Six Winged Heavenly White Tiger who enjoys killing every day has turned into a babysitter and Mortals Realm behind the scenes Guardian.

Okay, now onto the next matter. Tian Yi said.

Theres more?!?

What can possibly be next? Lao Bai started to worry.

Lao Bai, do you have anything to defend yourself with? Such as a Treasure or Protective Charm?

Oh, thats it? He felt relieved.

I do, look. This is a Middle-Grade Immortal Treasure I picked up after killing some old man.

He said in a prideful voice, showing a beautiful folding fan, with a tiger engraved on it.

That was a Treasure he treated like a trophy after killing a Peak Golden Immortal with his life on the line.

But his so-called pride was crushed in the next second.

Aiya! Whats that thing in your hand! You wanted to protect yourself with that toy? Thats not good. Here, you can replace that trash with this

He handed him a different fan.

This is a Low-Rank Sovereign Treasure. If not for your low Cultivation, I wouldve lent you a better one instead.

Although he didnt mean to look down on Lao Bai, his Cultivation was just too low in his eyes.

. Lao Bai felt his eyes turning watery.

He knew his Young Master was right and didnt mean to belittle him, yet it still hurts like hell!

Also, heres a Protective Charm. This will protect you from any attacks below the Sovereign Realm.

Tian Yi handed him a Jade Slip.

T-thank you, Young Master! He finally cried.

His Young Master had given him Treasures he wouldve never dreamed of.

And theyve only been together for a week! How generous with his Young Master?

These two things are still kind of bad, but itll still be of use in a dangerous situation. Once your Cultivation gets higher, Ill give you something better.

Thing? You called these Treasures not even the Four Ancient Land have a thing?

Lao Bai cried even harder, but for a different reason.

He looked at the Jade Slip in his hand, Oh my little Ancestor. In my whole life, Ive yet to see an expert in the Sovereign Realm, yet youre telling me its because theyre all in the Mortals Realm?

Good! Now that were prepared, let us head to the Jin Long Continent. Tian Yi said with excitement.

Lao Bai, youll fly in front of me, and Ill match your speed.

If he flew first, Lao Bai would definitely be left behind with no chance of catching up.

Yes, Young Master!

Lao Bai jumped into the air and flew off into the distance with speed many times faster than the speed of light.

But when he looked back, his Young Master was right behind him with a relaxed expression. He even yawned!


* * * * *

In the middle of a wide road, an expensive looking carriage was traveling with a group of guards.

Dear, are we almost there yet?

A pretty middle aged woman asked her husband, who was next to her.

We should be there in three days. He replied.

Good, the Profound Dragon Spirit Sect will start their Disciple Recruitment the day after we arrive.

She looked at the two figures sitting in front of her with a lovely gaze.

Xiao Chen, Xiao Ying, you two siblings are the pride of our Xiao Province. Both of you are only 17 years old, yet your Cultivation is already at the Initial Profound Qi Realm.

You two are already qualified to be an Inner Disciple, so there should be no reason why you cant pass the Entrance Exam.

The mother reminded her two lovely children.

Dont worry mother; we will not disappoint the Xiao Family! A cute voice said with pride.

She had a petite body and a cute face. Her name was Xiao Ying.

We have been Cultivating bitterly since we were 7 Years Old. If we cant even pass the Entrance Exam, I might as well cripple myself! The boy next to her said.

Next to Xiao Ying was her twin brother, Xiao Chen. He was handsome and had a heroic aura around him.

In Mortals Realm, kids normally start Cultivating at the age of 10 because thats the age where they normally start to feel the Spirit Power around them.

If they started to Cultivate before the age of 10, like these two siblings, they are called Geniuses.

The earlier you start to Cultivate, the more Talent you have.

These two with a three years head start are considered to be Heavenly Geniuses only born once in a thousand years.

You may think three years is not a lot, but when compared to people who starts Cultivating at eight, that one year gap is a difference between Heaven and Earth.

The mother frowned after hearing her son, Chener! Dont say something so depressing. Arrogance will be the reason you die!

She always taught her two children not to be arrogant or else they might offend someone they cant afford to.

Mother is right, I am sorry. He apologized.

Good, as long as you under Ahhh! She suddenly screamed.

* * * * *

The carriage suddenly did an emergency stop, and they were not prepared for it.

The husband got angry and shouted from inside the carriage.

What the hell was that! Hey, driver! You better have a good explanation for frightening my wifes weak body, or Ill personally execute you!

His wife has a weak body, and hes very protective.

M-master! Come out quick! There are two Seniors asking for directions! A loud voice shouted.

It was one of the guards, and you can hear the fear in his voice.

What? Seniors? Everyone in the carriage was surprised.

The husband went outside of the carriage to see two figures blocking in front of their carriage.

It was a friendly looking old man and a young boy with an ordinary face.


He was confused. Do they look like Seniors? Theyre obviously a pair of grandfather and his grandson.

He glared at the guards with fierce eyes.

A guard took notice and ran beside him to whisper in his ears.

M-master, these two Seniors came down from the skies

What?! The husband went into shock all of sudden.

Only Cultivators at the Spirit Realm was able to fly in the skies, and they were mostly Sect Elders and above.

Once the husband heard this, he hastily ran towards the two Seniors and bowed.T/his chapter is updat/𝓮d by n𝒐v(ê(l)biin.c/o/m

Greeting Seniors, I am called Xiao Fang, head of the Xiao Family.

I heard you two Seniors needed direction. How may I help you? He asked politely.

Anyone in the Spirit Realm was considered experts in Mortals Realm, so how can he not give some face to them?

* * * * *

Im looking for this place called the Longevity Restaurant in the Jin Long Continent. Do you have any idea of where it might be? The old man asked.

Longevity Restaurant? Such an arrogant name I do not, but I do know where Jin Long Continent is. Xiao Fang replied.

Who the hell names their Restaurant that? Can you live longer just by eating there? So arrogant

Oh, is that so? Where is this so-called Jin Long Continent?

Xiao Fang was a bit surprised at that question. Such an expert yet he does not know where Jin Long Continent is? Does he live in a cave?

Yes, its three days away from here if youre taking a carriage.

My Family is actually heading to Jin Long Continent right now, so if you two Seniors dont mind, why dont you travel with us? He asked.

If he could have two Spirit Realm experts travel with him, he will definitely feel a lot safer.

His carriage has enough space for six more people anyways.

Hmm, Young Master, how about it? He asked the young man next to him.

Why not. Were almost there anyways, so we might as well travel slowly and enjoy the view. He answered.

Good. Well agree to your kind offer. He nodded at Xiao Fang.

Xiao Fangs eyes lit up.

Yes! Two Spirit Realm experts are going to travel with him. Now lets see who dares to rob him.

Good! How should I address the Seniors? He asked.

I am called Lao Bai, and this is my Young Master.

Hello, I am called Tian Yi.

Lao Bai and Tian Yi greeted.

Xiao Fangs eyebrows twitched. Young Master?

So its Senior Bai and Senior Yi.

Tian Yi frowned.

Wait, I am only 18 Year Old. Do I look like a Senior to you? He said.

Eh? Xiao Fang froze.

18 Years Old? A FUCKING 18 YEARS OLD SPIRIT REALM EXPERT?! His mind was blown away.

In the entire Mortals Realm, there were only 7 in the younger generation that had a Cultivation at the Spirit Realm.

But they were all over 20 years old! Even the youngest Chan Jingyi, at age 19, just recently breakthrough to the Spirit Realm.

But this one was a Spirit Realm expert at age 18? That one year gap was a difference between Heaven and Earth!

Tian Yi? How come he has never heard of this Genius before?

Hey, you okay? A voice woke him up from his frozen state.

E-eh? A-ah, yes I am He was still dumbfounded.

Please, follow me, Senior Bai and Young Master Yi.

He guided both of them into his carriage.

* * * * *

I wonder what happened. The wife said anxiously.

The guard said it was a Senior asking for directions. Xiao Ying said.

Does asking directions take this long? Xiao Chen frowned.

Im going to take a look!

Just as he was about to stand up, the door opened.

He watched as two unknown faces come inside their carriage.

Whore you?! He became alerted.

Stop! He heard his fathers voice.


How disrespectful! They are currently my guest and will be traveling along with us! Apologize! His father screamed at him.

I-Im sorry Seniors. This Junior was wrong and didnt mean to offend you. He was bewildered.

His father usually never yells at them even if they screw up. But this one little mistake caused his father to yell at him?

Did these two have a special background?

Dont worry about it. You were just trying to protect your family. I like it. Tian Yi smiled and praised.

Eh? Ah, thank you. He instinctively thanked him.

Sorry for that, my son did not mean it. Xiao Fang still apologized.

Un. Lao Bai nodded.

Please, have a sit. Theres plenty of room so you can sit anywhere you want. Xiao Fang said.

Excuse us. Both of them sat down.

Driver, start the carriage!

Yes, Master!

The carriage started to move again.


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