My Little Sunshine

Chapter 154: A Surprise Trip (1)

Chapter 154: A Surprise Trip (1)

"Where are we going?" Stella asked Adam as he was packing a few of their clothes and belongings in a backpack.

"You will know when we get there." Adam replied, he was still focused on packing. 

"Why are you always so secretive?" Stella pursed her lips in a pout, furrowing her eyebrows at the same time.

Adam stopped what he was doing and looked up at her. She was sitting on the bed with her back leaning against the headboard. She was still wearing the clothes from this morning, the ones he had chosen for her. He sauntered over to her, his every step soft yet firm on the ground. He gazed lovingly at her face. 

"I love the look of surprise on your face baby girl. The way your lips curled up in a radiating smile, showing off your teeth. The way your eyes become slit like when you smile. The way they glow with joy and amazement. The way you look at me in complete awe and adoration. I love to see all of these on your pretty little face babygirl." He sat down next to her and cupped her left cheek. 

Stella leaned her face into his palm. She could feel a soothing feeling spreading through her body starting from her cheek where his calloused fingers rested. 

"I can wait a little longer." She murmured softly as a faint blush tinted her cheeks. 

"Good." He added before placing a kiss on her other cheek. 

"What about Blake and Katherine? Have they seen the place before?" Stella asked him before getting off the bed. 

"Yeah. Katherine has seen it twice or thrice i guess. And me and Blake used to hang around the place a lot more." Adam replied to her.

"Wear something warm, but not too warm." Adam added when he saw her heading to the walk-in closet. 

"Alright." Stella replied to him before disappearing into the closet. 


Three black luxury cars pulled before a mansion after two hours. From each car, a couple stepped down.

"Woah." Stella looked at the huge mansion before her. 

"We will see this later on. We have to be somewhere else at the moment." Adam spoke up, interrupting her thoughts. 

Stella nodded her head in agreement and started to walk alongside him. She turned her head around to look at the mansion one more time. Her eyes accidentally fell on the golden plate that was fixated on the white wall, next to the door. The words 'The Levinsons' was engraved in it in cursive writing, which glimmered in the dark as the pale yellow lights shone over it.

The six people walked towards the back of the mansion with Adam leading the way. From the back of the mansion, they headed further in what looked like a man made forest, following a stoney pathway. 

Walking deep inside the forest, the trees began to thin a little as a wooden hut can be seen in the distance. The stoney path ended a couple of metres away from the hut. 

The ground was covered by freshly cut green grass. A couple of chairs were placed around a wooden table in the center.

Adam led the others inside the hut. A vast living room could be seen as soon as they walked in. Four maroon couches were placed around the room with a small table placed before each of them. Light pale white lights lit up the room. A few logs of wood were placed in the fire place which was lit, the burning fire gave the room a dim golden hue. Six cups of coffee were placed on one of the tables, the steam was still blowing off from them, indicating that they were just served. 

Stella was a bit confused as she didn't see anyone on their way, but decided to shrug it off. She knew better than anyone how good his staff was back at home. It was obvious that the staff here must be the same in regards to their efficiency, if not better. 

Each of them picked up a cup after putting down their backpacks. Blake and Lillian settled on ime couch while Scott and Katherine on the other. 

Stella sat down on the couch which was closer to the fireplace as compared to the rest. She looked at Adam who walked towards a closet which was in one corner of the room. He picked out a black colored bag from it and walked towards Stella.

Stella gazed at the bag which was in the shape of a guitar, her eyebrows furrowed in confusion as she looked into his eyes. 

"You know how to play a guitar." She spoke up, her voice as soft as the wind that was blowing outside. 

Adam didn't reply to her and settled at the other end of the couch. He unzipped the bag and took out a dark brown colored guitar. He held it with one hand and turned the tuners a bit before checking the strings, making sure they were taut enough to produce the right pitch. He leaned back against the couch, crossing his right leg over the left one. He rested the guitar over his lap, holding the neck in his left hand while the fingers of his right hand began to pluck the strings. 

He plucked each string a couple of times before stopping. 

He raised his eyes and looked at Stella, his gray orbs colliding with her hazel ones. The corners of his lips turned up as he cleared his throat. His fingers began to pluck the strings, creating a soft melody as the fire cackled in the background.


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