My Little Sunshine

Chapter 153: What's With All Of The Chattering?

Chapter 153: What's With All Of The Chattering?

"Good morning, my sunshine." Adam's deep and mellow voice reached her ears, stirring her up from her deep slumber. 

Stella hummed and greeted him in return without opening her eyes, shifting to her side. "Good morning to you too." 

"Everyone is waiting for you downstairs baby girl. So, get your lazy arse off the bed. It's already ten in the morning." Adam spoke softly close to her ear. 

"Everyone?" She questioned him in her sleepy voice with her eyes still shut as her eyebrows began to furrow.

"The four people you invited to our home last night. Or you are too sleepy to even recall that." Adam flicked her forehead, earning a groan from her. "And in case you don't remember, let me remind you sweetheart. Blake and Lillian came along with us last night." He added.

"What about the other two?" Stella asked him, stretching her arms in the air.

"They arrived before I came up." Adam replied to her as he patted the top of her head. "But they came here right away after waking up, so they are hungry." 

"You go ahead, don't keep them waiting. I will join you guys in fifteen minutes." Stella replied to him as she tried to sit up. 

Adam helped placed his palm on the back of her head before leaning in. He placed his lips on her forehead and kept them there for a while before reluctantly moving them away.

"Don't take too long. Okay?" He whispered softly to which Stella nodded. 

"I won't take much long. You should go downstairs and entertain our guests." Stella cupped his face in between her palms and placed a feather like kiss on his lips. 

Before Adam could register her move and deepen the kiss, she had let go of his face.

"That wasn't fair. I was too busy enjoying my morning beauty that I didn't even feel the kiss. I want another one." Adam pursed his lips and protested. 

"Get your ass downstairs, right now." Stella ordered him before pushing him away slightly as she sauntered towards the bathroom.

Adam saw her retreating figure and shook his head, the side of his lips raising up the slightest bit. He walked towards their walk-in closet and picked out an outfit for her. It had somehow become a part of his daily routine. 

Stella had a habit of choosing her outfit after she has taken a bath. But now she didn't have to, for a dress suitable for the weather, would always be placed neatly on the bed every time she comes out. She knew who was behind it, it's not like it was a secret anyways.

Adam placed a mint green turtleneck top with long sleeves along with a pair of cream colored cotton pants on the bed before leaving the room. 


"What took you so long?" Katherine questioned him as soon as he entered the dining room. "You went there to wake her up or to help her in getting ready?" 

"If I were to help her with that, do you think I would have been here at this moment?" Adam replied to her with a smug expression as he sat down. 

"As if she would let you." Katherine added before picking up a toast from the table. 

"At least I didn't have to hide my Identity from her." Adam scoffed before he gave Scott a side eye. 

"Hey, man! Why are you dragging me in between your argument?" Scott hurriedly added, raising his hands up in the air. 

"Because your girl is messing with his."  Blake chided in, pointing towards Katherine and then to Adam.

"I didn't ask you man." Scott raised an eyebrow at him. 

"Who are you calling his girl?" Katherine interrupted, pointing her fork towards her twin brother. 

"There's only you besides Lillian here. She's mine. So who's left to be called his?" Blake retorted as he dug into his omelette.

"And I saw what you guys were doing in the corridor." Lillian finally butted in. "You couldn't keep your hands off of each other, could you?" She smirked as she recalled the scene from earlier. 

She had left her phone in the living room when her and Blake were heading towards the dining room. She had asked Blake to go to the dining room and excused herself. On her way back, her eyes fell on two entangled bodies, crazily kissing and sucking each other's breath away. Not wanting to disturb their intimate moment, she had sneaked out of there stealthily. 

"Y-y-you. You were there?" It was Katherine who broke the silence that had dawned on the table.

"Yeah! And I saw enough to taint my eyes." Lillian replied to her, her lips curling up into a smirk. 

"No need to discuss it on the table, especially when I am trying to eat something here." Scott interrupted the ladies as he poked the piece of French toast sitting on his plate.

"He's right. I don't want my innocent mind to be clouded with the dark thoughts on how you guys make out." Adam agreed with Scott. 

"What's with all of the chattering? I could hear you guys down the hallway." Stella spoke up as she entered the hall, making everyone's attention turn towards her. She greeted everyone before she took her seat, right next to Adam. 

"We were just talking about how long will you take to get your pretty little ass here." Katherine replied to her. 

"More like how Katherine and Scott were making out on their way here." Lillian spoke up as she winked at Katherine, earning a scowl from her. 

Stella just shook her head sideways at their childish behavior. Ignoring them, she turned to face Adam, her eyes landing on the empty ceramic plate before him. Everyone was eating something while he sat here quietly, not touching the food at all. 

Stella knew he must have been waiting for her. His small yet sweet gesture made her heart melt as her eyes turned gentle, brimming with tenderness as she gazed at him. 

She picked up the closest dish her hands could reach and served him some omelette. 


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