My Little Sunshine

Chapter 155: A Surprise Trip (2)

Chapter 155: A Surprise Trip (2)

He raised his eyes and looked at Stella, his gray orbs colliding with her hazel ones. The corners of his lips turned up as he cleared his throat. His fingers began to pluck the strings, creating a soft melody as the fire cackled in the background.

With the strings vibrating acoustically through the air, producing sound, he began to sing "Just The Way You Are" by "Bruno Mars". 

**Oh, her eyes, her eyes make the stars look like they're not shinin'

Her hair, her hair falls perfectly without her trying

She's so beautiful and I tell her everyday

Yeah, I know, I know when I compliment her she won't believe me

And it's so, it's so sad to think that she don't see what I see

But every time she asks me "Do I look okay?"

I say'**

He shifted his gaze towards Stella, who was looking at him with her eyes widened in shock as his soothing voice reached her ears, cutting through the calm air coming inside the room from one of of the opened windows, vibrating through her entire body. The corners of his lips tugged upwards as he continued to sing, still holding her gaze.

**When I see your face

There's not a thing that I would change 'cause you're amazing

Just the way you are

And when you smile

The whole world stops and stares for a while

'Cause girl you're amazing

Just the way you are


The movements of his fingers over the strings were like magic, his deep yet mellow voice strucking the chords of her heart, engulfing her in his calming warmth.

**Her lips, her lips, I could kiss them all day if she'd let me

Her laugh, her laugh she hates but I think it's so sexy

She's so beautiful, and I tell her everyday

Oh you know, you know, you know I'd never ask you to change

If perfect's what you're searching for then just stay the same

So don't even bother asking if you look okay, you know I'll say**

Stella couldn't break away from his gaze. She was always mesmerized by his gray eyes. They were as deep as the ocean, holding an entire world within them.

**When I see your face

There's not a thing that I would change

'Cause you're amazing

Just the way you are

And when you smile

The whole world stops and stares for a while

'Cause, girl, you're amazing

Just the way you are

The way you are

The way you are

Girl, you're amazing

Just the way you are

When I see your face

There's not a thing that I would change

'Cause you're amazing

Just the way you are

And when you smile

The whole world stops and stares for a while

'Cause, girl, you're amazing

Just the way you are


He brought his fingers to an abrupt halt as the lyrics of the song ended. He was still looking at her, more like gazing, as if she was the most interesting thing in this world, which she was for him. Scratch that. She was his entire world. 

Their staring contest was interrupted by the sound of applause. Reluctantly tearing their gaze away from the other, both of them turned to look at the other four people in the room. During the entire time Adam was singing, Stella had forgotten about the fact that they were there as well. 

'It's not my fault that his voice is so captivating.' She thought to herself before something dawned on her, making her frown. She didn't voice out her thoughts but rather excused herself before getting up from the couch and headed towards the door. 

As she closed the door after getting out, four pairs of eyes turned towards Adam, questioning him silently. He heaved out a sigh before putting down his guitar and followed her out. He had an idea of what might have upset her out of the blue. 

He walked out to find her sitting on the grass, her knees were folded before her as she hugged them. Her head was tilted back as she gazed up at the sky. He didn't know whether it was the moon or the stars she was staring at. Little did he know that it wasn't the stars which were shimmering in the distance of the crescent moon which was plaguing her mind, rather it was him.

He walked up to her and sat down, folding his legs before him just like her. 

"Dad used to tell me how much Mom loved to play guitar and sing. He had some recordings of her songs which he used to play in my room to lull me to sleep. He wasn't a good singer himself, more like tone deaf." He chuckled softly as if remembering something. "I grew up listening to her voice and seeing her play guitar. The way her fingers moved over the strings as if it was a part of her, it made me want to learn how to play a guitar. As for singing, it came to me naturally, may be I got it from Mom." 

He paused. He was gazing at her, as she was busy staring at the cloudless sky above their heads. He heaved out a sigh before continuing. "That guitar you saw me playing, is actually my Mom's. I have kept it in the same condition as it was then. That guitar and singing is the only connection I have with her. But when died, I stopped playing. Not that I didn't get the time to, but I didn't feel like doing it. It wasn't the same when he was not there sitting before me, listening to all those Mom's favorite songs. I haven't played in four years. The only time I touched that guitar in this time was when I had to send it for it's half yearly maintenance."

"Stella?" He called her softly. Placing a finger under her chin, he made her face him. "You made me play again today baby girl. Thank you for that." He smiled at her. 

Stella jumped right his arms, making him fall on his back as he wasn't prepared for the sudden attack. 

"I am sorry." She murmured against his neck as she buried her face there. 

"What are you sorry for silly? I should be the one to apologise. I know you don't know everything about me, and it's hard for you. But we have the rest of our lives to get to know each other better." He rubbed her back softly. 


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