Money Loving CEO's Detective Lover

Chapter 93: 11:59 (10)

Chapter 93: 11:59 (10)

Jina was in her room, impatiently walking to and fro as she waited for Yumi to return. Casper watched her fidgeting but he too was getting worried for the young ghost. 

"Where is that girl?" Jina asked in frustration. "She should have been here by now!"

Casper made a gesture at her.

"I can't calm down!" Jina exclaimed. "She said she found her heart!"

Casper gave her a confused look to which she replied, "I don't know. She was pestering me to take her to the hospital where her heart was."

He was about to ask her more questions when the room's temperature dropped and a sudden coldness began to form.

"Finally!" Jina shivered as Yumi appeared in front of them. Her already pale face was paler and she looked strangely disturbed as if she had seen something horrific. Jina and Casper watched her in confusion as she sat on the bed, trying to gather her thoughts.

"What happened?" Jina demanded. "You look as if you've seen a ghost!"

Yumi scowled at her pun. "I wish!" she snapped. "Well, I kinda might have seen a ghost but it was even worse than that."

Just remembering the scene was making her shudder so much that her head fell off her neck again. Jina fixed it for her before saying, "Tell us. Did you find your heart?"

"I did," Yumi replied. 


Jina and Casper huddled around her, eager to learn her story. But Yumi bit her lip, not wanting to tell the little girl of where her heart really was.

"Let's just say, it wasn't in a container," she began slowly. "It was...with a person."

Jina blinked. Was a person holding her heart and walking around the hospital? Even Casper was not understanding what Yumi was trying to imply. Yumi sighed and continued to tell her tale.

"I was wandering around the hospital, looking for my heart," she said. "When I detected another strange thing. I had this eerie feeling which was similar to what I had felt the night I was kidnapped. It wasn't far away. In fact, I felt the presence of my heart at the same place. So I followed it"

"I saw a young doctor," she whispered. "A woman. She was an intern I think. I couldn't catch her name but she was walking along a corridor. But that was not the strange thing. The weird part was a dark figure which was walking with her. At first glance, it looked like a shadow but it wasn't. It was pitch black, walking right next to her like a stalker. I was so scared that I couldn't even go near it. I was frozen to my spot but the most disturbing thing was that, I felt my heart was with that woman."

"Was she carrying it around?" Jina asked.

"No," Yumi said. "She...wasn't carrying it around."

"Then how do you know it was with her?" Jina frowned. Casper was also confused by what Yumi was trying to say.

"When I say that it was with her, she wasn't exactly holding it nor keeping it in her pocket," Yumi said in disgust and fear. "I felt...I felt the presence of my heart inside her."

"Did she get some kind of transplant and ended up with your heart?" Jina asked. 

Yumi shook her head, too disgusted to speak but Casper understood what she really meant. 

"Forget about that," Yumi said, trying to divert Jina's mind away. "Let's just say she has my heart and is being stalked by a dark shadow."

"Hmm" Jina said thoughtfully. "So you felt that your heart was with that woman and also suspect that she might have been your kidnapper. Or more specifically, that dark shadow is making her do it?"


Jina was now more worried. She had never really dealt with this sort of phenomenon and was unsure of how to handle it.

"Casper, I think we have to send that anonymous tip," she decided. "But how are we gonna do that? I've been grounded for a month!"

She was now truly regretting her actions and threw a dirty glance at Yumi. If the silly ghost had not insisted on going to the hospital, she would not have been in this mess. 

"Let's get to know about this killer first," she said, taking out her phone to tune into a news channel. A news reporter popped up on the screen to share the latest headlines.

"Another girl's body has been found inside a payphone around City C," the news reporter narrated. "The girl's body parts had been dissected but the police are yet to confirm if her heart is missing and whether it really is the CCK. Our reporters are on the spot, trying to give us more updates."

The scene cut to the crime spot where the police were swarming around. Suddenly, a familiar car came into the background.

"That's my dad's car!" Jina pointed out. "Why is he there?"

Minho and Gayoon emerged out of the car. Gayoon had changed back into her police uniform, ready to investigate the scene.

"You'll have to stay here," she said to Minho. "Outsiders are not allowed to be here."

"But-" Minho began but someone called out Gayoon's name.


Taejoon was running towards them, looking very worried. 

"There's something you need to see," he said.

"Alright," Gayoon stated. Turning to Minho, she added, "I'll go ahead. You should head home-"

"No," Taejoon interrupted. "He needs to see this as well and answer some questions."

Minho raised an eyebrow and glanced at Gayoon. They followed Taejoon who led them to the crime spot. 

"You better wear these," Gayoon said, handing Minho a pair of gloves. They passed through the crime scene sign posts and paused in their steps, shocked at the view in front of them.

Inside the payphone, the woman's body was stripped naked while her organs were scattered and squashed all around the tiny space. The walls of the payphone were stained by blood while her dissected body parts were arranged to keep her in a sitting position. They did not need to figure out if her heart was carved out because there was a huge hole drilled over her left breast. 

But the chilling part was the message over her head.

"To Hwang Minho,

The next victim is closer than you think. Save her if you can.



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