Money Loving CEO's Detective Lover

Chapter 92: 11:59 (9)

Chapter 92: 11:59 (9)

Gayoon was staring ahead when suddenly, she felt Minho's hand clasping hers. She looked down in surprise at their intertwined palms.

"What" She looked at him but he was nonchalant. 

"This is what people do on dates right?" he asked, feigning ignorance. "Hold hands?"

There he was at it again! Gayoon's already red face went up a shade by his words. She was too embarrassed to say anything but looked down and smiled a little. The warmth of his hand felt nice and comfortable. Her mind was in a daze and her heart was beating wildly as he led her to the garden. 

The archway was decorated with green vines, tangled intricately together to form the path. There were colorful flowers blooming around them as they walked ahead towards a small seat. The place was quiet and secluded from the rest of the hotel as only VIP guests were allowed to enjoy the scenery. 

"Hibiscus!" she exclaimed, pointing at the beautiful red flowers which hung from the vines. Minho watched as she ran towards the flower, looking at it with awe.

"Is this your favorite flower?" he asked her.

"Yes!" she replied. "I love them a lot!"

She was watching the flower with her doey eyes. Minho was about to pluck it for her but she stopped him.

"No," she said. "Don't pluck it. Keep it there."

"But you want it, right?" he frowned.

"It's beautiful," she agreed. "But it won't last long. By tomorrow, it will wither and die. So let it enjoy the remaining life it has."

Minho watched her as a sad, glassy look came in her eyes as if she was remembering something painful.

"What is it?" he probed. "What are you thinking?"

"Someone," she admitted. The sight of the flower reminded her of her daughter. Was she alright? What was her name? Was she living well?


Gayoon tore her eyes away from the flower and looked at him. "Years ago, I had to leave someone behind," she admitted. "A decision which I regret every single moment of my life."

Minho suddenly understood what she was talking about but he did not interrupt her. He wanted to hear what she had to say so he kept quiet.

"Sometimes, I wonder what would have happened if I hadn't left," she went on. Her eyes were beginning to brim with tears. She quickly brushed them aside, not wanting to make him feel uncomfortable with her emotional outburst. 

"This represents undying love," she said, pointing at it. "I may not be with that person, but the love I have for her is unconditional..."

"Just like this hibiscus," Minho finished for her. Gayoon smiled and nodded. She was thankful that he did not ask her any questions but simply listened with an open mind.

"I actually had a tattoo drawn on my body of a hibiscus," she giggled a little. "So that I remember her everyday.

"A tattoo?" Minho frowned. "Where?"

Gayoon bit her lip and smiled. "I can't tell," she snickered. "It's somewhere very private."

Minho gaped at her. His mind was going wild with images of the mysterious hibiscus tattoo on her body. Suddenly, his cheeks were getting warm. He cleared his throat.

"N-not that I want to see it," he claimed. "I was just asking."

Gayoon snickered at his expression. "It's on my chest," she told him. "Right above my heart because that's where she is."

She smiled widely at him. Her eyes squinted into a moonlike shape whenever she smiled, making her look ethereal. Minho had seen many beautiful and rich women in his life. Many even threw themselves at him, hoping to catch his attention. 

But for some reason, only this woman was able to reach out to him without even trying. The letter she had left him contained the conflicting emotions and guilt she felt. He wanted to tell her that her heart was with him. The love for their daughter may have bound them together but a new connection was forming between them. There was no name to it yet but Minho knew that no other woman would be able to affect him the way Jeon Gayoon did.

"What are you thinking? Gayoon whispered. He was staring at her with a deep intensity. She held her breath, unable to move an inch from her spot as he gazed at her. 

He took a step closer to her. Slightly brushing her cheek, he said, "0.05 percent."

"Huh?" she blinked. But he was not going to answer her. His one hand held her cheek while the other one snaked behind her waist, pulling her closer. Gayoon could feel his breath on her face as he leaned closer. Her toes curled in anticipation as she shut her eyes, inclining towards him. 

His lips gently touched hers. She buckled, throwing her arms around his neck as he tasted her lips. He pried into her mouth, slowly meshing their tongues together. His pecks were brief but deepening with every second, making her moan. Unlike their earlier fiery kisses, they were being slower and softer, exploring each other to their heart's content. 

Under the hibiscus vines, the couple were lost in their own bubble, gradually unlocking their intense emotions. Their lips were locked together, unwilling to let go. The sounds of their sloppy kisses resonated throughout the isolated garden. It was unlike anything they had ever felt and neither of them wanted that moment to stop. Gayoon pulled him closer, pressing their lips further. Her fingers were clutching his hair, messing it up while he held on to her tightly. They lost sense of time, content with being there with each other, engaged in their passionate tryst without a care.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity of bliss, they finally parted. Both of them were panting, their foreheads pressed together as they struggled to catch their breaths. Their thoughts were in a mess but they were not uncomfortable by it. Gayoon was still clutching on to his neck while Minho caged her with his arms, both of them not ready to let go.

"Are you alright?" he finally asked. He did not know why he asked that question but the emotional intensity of their kiss was too strong even for him. 

"I'm fine," she gasped, still reeling from his sweet attack. "Just-"

Her words were cut off by her cellphone's ringtone. Both of them were startled by the sudden intrusion. Gayoon took it out to see the caller ID.

"Jiang?" she frowned. 

"Yes Jiang," she said, answering the phone. "What is it?"

Minho frowned as Gayoon listened intently to the person on the other end and to his surprise, the color in her face was being sapped by whatever news she received. 

"WHAT?" she yelled. "Where?"

She was now visibly scared as she listened to Jiang's information.

"I'll be there in twenty minutes!" she said at once, hanging up the phone.

"What happened?" Minho demanded. Gayoon bit her lip, massaging her head as if she was having a headache.

"CCK just dumped another body," she revealed. 

It was now Minho's turn to be shocked. But Gayoon was not done.

"And that's not the only worrying issue." she went on.

"What else happened?"

"He dumped the body at the spot from where Mina was kidnapped," Gayoon revealed. "And he left a message there...for you."


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