Money Loving CEO's Detective Lover

Chapter 94: 11:59 (11)

Chapter 94: 11:59 (11)

Junwan rushed through the corridor while the officers gave him verbal reports.

"Sir we found the body in a sitting position but the parts were cut up and arranged that way," one of the officers stated. "And the message was addressed to Hwang Minho."

"Where is he now?" Junwan demanded as he headed for the interrogation room.

"With Detective Taejoon," the officer said. Junwan waved him away and hurried towards the interrogation room. Bursting through the door, he saw Gayoon was standing in the outer room while Taejoon was questioning Minho inside.

"Why aren't you interrogating him?" Junwan demanded.


"What is Hwang Minho's connection to the CCK?" Junwan asked angrily. What has this man been up to? Why was the CCK out to give him a message?


Gayoon hesitated. She was not sure how to tell the truth to Junwan without giving away that Minho possessed a gun illegally at the age of sixteen and had possibly injured someone with it. It might even cause him legal problems. But the case was never recorded and more than fifteen years had passed so the statute of limitation was also over.

"Sir, Hwang Minho had a run-in with the CCK," she revealed. "When he was sixteen, his sister was kidnapped by the CCK."

"Mina?" Junwan asked in surprise. "But how-"

"He's telling all that to Taejoon right now," Gayoon stated. She recalled Minho's expression when he saw the girl's body. She was in her early twenties and had her whole life in front of her. Yet, the CCK did not hesitate to kill her.

"I'll tell everything," Minho had told her. He did not look her way but she could sense his rage. The CCK was out for his loved ones again and he was not going to stay shut this time.

Gayoon sighed and glanced through the glass window as Taejoon grilled Minho, who kept his calm. Please help him, she prayed.

"The CCK is sending you a message," Taejoon stated. Minho's eyes were devoid of any emotions as he sat there. Even under duress, Minho did not lose his cool because he had nothing to fear nor hide. It was the CCK who was committing crimes.

"Twenty years ago," he began. "The CCK had kidnapped my sister."

Taejoon's hard expression turned to surprise as Minho narrated to him how Mina was kidnapped, how they found her through Mimi and also the fact that Minho ended up shooting the CCK twice.

"Mr. Hwang, if what you're saying is true, then we can charge you for illegal arms possession," he threatened.

"The statute of limitations on that has passed," Minho pointed out. "Moreover, you have more pressing matters now than the case of an illegal gun possession which took place over twenty years ago. If the police had done their jobs right, then my sister would not have been kidnapped and the CCK would have been caught years ago!"

His cold words sent a chill down Taejoon's spine. The man was unfazed by the cops and was glaring back at him with contempt. He loathed the system which failed those women and let a psycho killer run loose.

"If the police had done their jobs, then Yumi and this girl would have been alive," Minho stated. "But you guys can rectify the mistake. So instead of chasing me for trying to protect my family, I believe you should be looking for the killer."

Taejoon was about to argue back when the door burst open and Kanji came in with a middle aged lawyer in tow.

"This is Lawyer Jay Shim," Kanji said curtly without bothering to greet them. "We want to know why you are interrogating my friend without a lawyer present? And on what basis are you holding him here?"

"He has not been arrested!" Taejoon snapped. "He's here as a witness."

"And yet, you are interrogating him as if he's a criminal," Kanji bit back. "Do you even know who he is? He's Hwang Minho. He's not only the richest man in the country but has enough influence to kick you out of the police force at the snap of his fingers!"

Taejoon's nostrils flared but he kept his mouth shut. Gayoon and Junwan also entered the room.

"Taejoon, he told me the whole story beforehand," she informed him. "But due to his status and with regards to the wishes of the other witnesses to remain anonymous, we tried to work on the case without involving them. Besides, the CCK escaped and is still out there! He's out for revenge and we have to protect this city from him."

"Tch!" Taejon scowled. Minho glanced at Junwan.

"I will cooperate with this case," he declared. "But Mina must be kept out of this."

"We'll make sure that Mina is not going to be dragged into it," Junwan promised. He knew that if that happened, Hwang Minho would have him removed from the force within the blink of an eye. The man rarely used his influence for anything but when he did, the whole country bowed to him. Even politicians would not dare to go against him thanks to the money he invested in their campaigns. 

"And," Minho pressed. "I want someone to guard me and my family. Someone highly capable who will protect my daughter and my sister. I'll have Mina move in with us until the CCK has been caught. The assigned guard will also stay in my mansion, keeping an eye on us."

"You can hire anyone you want," Junwan stated. "We will cooperate with that person-"

"I want Detective Gayoon."

There was a long stretch of silence. Even Kanji was shocked at that request. He wanted Jeon Gayoon to move into his mansion?

Should I think of him as a protective family man or a smooth lover? He wondered.

"W-what?" Gayoon stammered. Did he just mention...moving in? Together?

"No way!" Taejoon protested. "You can hire your own bodyguards! Why are you taking in the person in-charge of the CCK case?"

"That is precisely what makes her the ideal person to handle the security of my family," Minho said with a smirk. "The CCK is after us, right? So it'll be easier for her to stay around us instead of running in circles while chasing the killer. Moreover, she's the best detective in this squad. If I'm not wrong, she even beat you in combat many times."

Taejoon gaped at Minho while Junwan frowned. "It isn't unusual for cops to stay with witnesses to protect them," he said thoughtfully. "We can prepare for a special Witness Protection Program until the CCK is caught."

"Hey!" Gayoon protested. "But my work! And my other cases! I've got so many things to do-"

"Until the CCK is caught, you'll work only with desk cases," Junwan ordered. "And stay with the Hwangs to protect them. You'll take over their security details and keep and eye on the women there."

"B-but my grandma will protest!"

"I'll talk to her," Junwan stated. "I'm sure she won't mind."

Gayoon wanted to argue more but she could not find a way out. Live with Hwang Minho? She was too embarrassed by the prospect! They had just begun dating and living together meant

She shook her head, trying to cross out all the perverted thoughts entering them. You're only going there for work, she reminded herself. No mixing work and personal life. 

"F-fine," she agreed. Taejoon looked outraged while Minho simply nodded. Kanji frowned, trying to figure out Minho's thoughts but the man was unreadable.

"We'll take our leave then," Minho said as he stood up. He turned to Gayoon and added, "I hope you'll arrive at the mansion tonight?"

"Y-yes," Gayoon replied, not being able to look at him. He nodded and ushered Kanji to follow him.

"Please take care of the rest, Lawyer Shim," Kanji requested the old man before following his friend outside.

Once they were out of earshot, Kanji rounded on Minho.

"You could have hired anyone," he accused. "Why did you pick Gayoon? Moving in together under these circumstances? That too when you've just begun to date? Are you insane?"

What is he thinking? Kanji wondered.

Minho sighed. "I didn't choose Gayoon simply because we're dating," he said. "She really is the best of the lot and can handle the security team much better than anyone else. But"

"But what?"

"But there's another reason why I chose her," Minho admitted.

"What is the reason?" Kanji demanded.

"There is a chance that the CCK will target her if he finds out about our relationship," Minho revealed. "So the only way I could keep an eye on her is by making her move in with me."


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