Money Loving CEO's Detective Lover

Chapter 129: 5 Days-The Bunkers

Chapter 129: 5 Days-The Bunkers



Minho and Kanji were gathered around a desk, trying to map the route the copycat might have taken. 

"Gayoon said that the van was seen somewhere near the airport," Minho stated, drawing a circle on a map he was reading. "But the area around the airport is restricted and there aren't any residential buildings there."

"But there are bunkers," Kanji pointed out, marking a spot a few inches off the airport. "They're not far and anyone can own a bunker as long as they pay rent."

"We should head there," Minho said. "If Mina is kept there, then we have very little time."

His eyes went to the clock on the wall which ominously read 11:59 AM. They had exactly 24 hours before the CCK struck. It was going to be a long day.

"Let's call Gayoon and tell her that we're going there," Kanji suggested. "Also, we should take the CCK team and our men with us. What if the situation worsens?"

"Agreed," Minho nodded. But a nagging feeling was disturbing him. Was the CCK really there? Were they making a mistake?

"Let's go," he finally said. He picked up the map and the notes they made and headed straight for his car while Kanji texted Gayoon and the CCK team. Within a few minutes, their men had gathered in front of the police station while the officers from the CCK team were lagging behind.

"Where are they?" Minho asked impatiently. "They're wasting my time!"

"There they are," Kanji said, pointing at the station's entrance. All of them were wearing bullet proof vests and carried ammunition with them. Taejoon, who was in full uniform and protective gear, stepped in front of Minho. Both the men glared at each other.

"We can't allow you to go," Taejoon said. "This is our case. Civilians can't interfere."

Minho raised an eyebrow. "My sister is in danger," he gritted. "And if it wasn't for us, you wouldn't have gotten the most crucial information on the CCK-"

"We appreciate your help," Taejoon retoreted. "But for the sneak operation, only the case in-charge can call the shots. And as the lead of this case, I cannot allow you and your men to interfere in our mission. Detective Jeon can accompany us but I will not allow you to go."

"What the hell are you spouting?" Kanji spat. "This is insane! There's a life in danger and you know that my men are fully capable of handling the serial killer. You're wasting all of our time."

"This is the protocol," Taejoon said loudly. "We can't allow civilians to be engaged in this! If anything happens to any one of you then we'll be blamed for it."

"I'll just call the commissioner then," Minho warned, taking out his phone but Taejoon had anticipated his move.

"The commissioner also agrees with me," Taejoon shot back. "It's in our policies and even he can't go against it. Moreover, if you try to weasel your way into our mission, then it'll reflect badly on Detective Jeon since she is the one who allowed you to assist us. If anything happens to you or your men in this operation, she will be the one who would be charged and suspended."

Kanji was about to retort but Minho held him back. There were too many people watching them and he did not want to create a scene. They would have to sit back.

"We'll stay back," Minho conceded. "But you're making a big mistake."

"We'll take the risk," Taejoon said curtly. He turned to his team and ushered them to get into the police vans. 

"Minho...we can't let them do this!" Kanji hissed. "These guys have no idea how the CCK's head works!"

Minho was writhing in a cold fury but there was little he could do. If they interfered then Gayoon would be harmed and it would create a bigger mess. No, they had to sit and watch. 

"Let's see what they can do," he said in an icy tone. Kanji knew that tone very well. Minho did not believe that the CCK team would be able to find Mina but the laws were not being kind to them. Even he, the richest man in the country, was not above the laws and it was paining him. 

But if the team failed to bring Mina back that day, then even the laws would not be able to save Taejoon from Minho's wrath.


Gayoon pulled up in front of the bunkers. They were placed a few miles off the airport, right next to the ship's graveyard. It was an isolated place where all the large ships were dismantled once their usefulness had expired. The gigantic scrap metals lay all around her as she stepped ahead. Taking out her gun, she made her way towards the bunkers. 

The bunkers were like large metal chambers which were used for keeping the decaying remains of the ships. Some people also owned them privately where they parked their sea vehicles. There were a series of such bunkers and Gayoon was confused over which one to enter.

"Which one is it?" she wondered out loud. The afternoon sun was shining birghtly above her but the shadows from the ships shrouded the place in an eerie darkness. She walked in between the remains of a ship which smelled like rusting iron and fish. The scent was too strong and Gayoon had to resist the urge to gag as the nausea hit her. 



Gayoon yelled in shock, her heart skipping several beats. Yumi appeared right behind her, staring at her in amusement. Gayoon looked all around, trying to pinpoint where the ghost stood.

"Cop, I'm on your left," Yumi said.

"What are you doing here?" Gayoon hissed.

"We're trying to help you of course! I can see the black shadow, remember?"

"Fine," Gayoon whispered. "But I can't talk to you. What if it hears us?"

"Alright," Yumi said. "But I can talk right?"

Gayoon merely nodded and kept on walking. Yumi followed the cop, looking around the place. The place was so dark that it made even Yumi shiver. Suddenly, she thought she saw something moving ahead.

"Cop, I think I can see something moving in that room on that ship!" she said, pointing towards one of the broken cabins of a ship ahead of them. "The third one on the right."

"I don't see anything," Gayoon frowned, looking at the ship in question

"But it's there! It's right there!" Yumi claimed. "I swear!"

Gayoon raised her gun. "Yumi, you stay here and keep and eye on that place," she instructed. "If the CCK comes out and I end up missing him, then you can at least follow him."

"But, he's very dangerous!" Yumi protested.

"I know," Gayoon said, biting her lip. Truthfully, she did not want to go in there alone but someone needed to stay outside in case the CCK escaped. "But you'll be able to follow him faster than me. So just stay here and keep an eye out."

She paused for a moment. "If I don't come out within half an hour," she added. "Then go to the hospital tonight at midnight. A pair of men will be performing a seance at the room where CCK's real body lies. They'll be able to help you."

Yumi hesitated but finally said, "Alright. But be careful."

If she's not out within half an hour, I'll tell Jina, Yumi decided. Gayoon took a deep breath and headed for the ship.

Please help Mina, she prayed. Please keep her safe.


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