Money Loving CEO's Detective Lover

Chapter 130: 5 Days-Twist in Plan

Chapter 130: 5 Days-Twist in Plan

The air was cold and the room was dark as she stepped on to the slightly damp floor. The inside of the decimated ship smelled even worse of dead animals and rotten plants. Gayoon walked barefoot on the ground, ignoring the iciness under her feet. The shoes she wore would have echoed throughout the ship and attracted attention to her, something she was keen to avoid. Her gun was raised as she made her way to the chamber Yumi had pointed at.

The rats scurried out of her way as she walked while there were sounds of water dripping in various places. The air was so cold that she could see her breath. She passed through the once lavish dining hall which was now nothing more than a dilapidated room. 

Suddenly something crashed behind her and she turned around quickly, ready to shoot. To her relief, it was just a cat.

She let out a sigh and kept on walking. The whole place was scaring her but she could not let her fear show up on her face. CCK wanted her to be scared but she was not going to give it that satisfaction. It was no longer a human being but a shell of a monster which lingered behind to scare everyone. But if there was something Gayoon followed religiously as a police officer was not to show her fear in front of a criminal. The moment she showed her weakness, the criminals would win.

Slowly heading upstairs, she kept her senses on high alert. The room should be somewhere on that floor.

The sound of something swishing made her turn around. Holding her breath, she stepped towards the place where she thought she had seen someone. Was it the CCK? It must be Dohyun, she decided. The poor girl had no idea what was going to happen to her and was unintentionally tangled in this mess.

Gayoon reached a door to a room. She slowly opened it to find a large, hollow room with only a couch in it. And on top of the couch was

"Mina!" she gasped, rushing towards her. Mina was half conscious, unable to fathom what was going on around her. 

"Mina!" Gayoon whispered, slightly slapping her cheeks. Her skin was cold as ice and Gayoon was worried that she was on the verge of dying. 

"Ga...yoon" Mina whimpered. She was trying to tell her something but her words were incomprehensible.

"We'll get you to a hospital," Gayoon said, trying to hoist the girl up but Mina was too heavy for her to carry.


"What?" Gayoon asked.

"Run!" Mina managed to gasp. 

"What do you-"

A sharp pain hit Gayoon's neck. She turned around to shoot but the figure dodged her and the bullet hit a pipe, causing water to flush out of it. Mina was trying to desperately move but her limbs were still paralyzed while Gayoon was beginning to lose consciousness herself.

She touched her neck and yanked out the injection. Trying desperately to stay awake, she shot at Dohyun again but she only laughed and dodged.

"Will you really kill the owner of this body?" CCK giggled. "After all, she is innocent."


Gayoon staggered forward, trying to subdue Dohyun but she fell over. Her legs gave away and she could not move anymore. 

"How nice of you to finally fall for my trap," CCK said in Dohyun's voice. "I was torn between you and the sister but ultimately, thought of going with the flow."

"Fortunately for the little one here, I can only have one victim at a time," CCK wheezed. "She turned out to be a good bait. The sister would have made a good hunt but the lover seems to be a better one. Feisty and clever women usually have stronger hearts. Just like how I like it"

Mina watched in horror as the CCK picked Gayoon up. 

"I'm letting you live so that you can live the rest of your life in fear and guilt," the CCK smirked at her. "That your brother's lover and friend died because of you. And that my dear, is my revenge against you."

Mina wanted to scream and attack him but her wretched body would not move. She could only watch helplessly as the CCK carried Gayoon away to god knows where. 


She mustered all her willpower to throw herself off the couch, crawling on the floor to grab on to Dohyun's foot but the latter kicked her away. Mina rolled over in pain, her nose bleeding from the force of the kick. The door in front of her shut and the CCK was gone, taking Gayoon with him.


She did not know for how long she lay there. It might have been minutes or hours but she lost track of time. The drug was too strong and no matter how much she tried, she could not lift even a finger. 

Suddenly, she heard several footsteps heading her way. There were people in there! 

I have to move! She told herself. I have to tell them about Gayoon! 

She knew that they had very little time in hand and there was no way the CCK would let Gayoon live for long. He was hellbent on revenge. The face might have been Dohyun's but the soul was CCK's. She did not know how such a thing was possible but it was and the real CCK was back.

Mina used the last shred of her willpower to drag herself towards the door. Her legs were still motionless and she had to use her fingers to somehow force her body to move. She crawled very slowly until she reached the door. With great difficulty, she tapped on the door six times. She paused and then repeated to tap on it six times. It was the code for danger and if the people out there were smart, they would get her pattern

"Sir, I think there's someone in here!" Someone shouted from outside. "It's the tap for danger!"

"Open the door!" another man ordered. There was a small pause before the knob of the door slowly turned and it popped open. A group of police officers came in, holding their guns only to find Mina sprawled on the floor.

"She's alive!" one of the police officers declared and she was immediately lifted off the floor by a pair of strong arms.

"You're safe!" Taejoon assured her. "Your brother is waiting-"

"G-ga-yoon.." she murmured.


"G-g-gayoon...CCK...has her"


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