Money Loving CEO's Detective Lover

Chapter 128: 5 Days-To Save His Daughter

Chapter 128: 5 Days-To Save His Daughter




Junho narrowed his eyes in suspicion. "CCK?" he questioned. 

"You know he's the serial killer who's terrorizing the city!" Gayoon exclaimed. "Except, the CCK is not really human anymore. He's a shadow. A black shadow which is possessing Doctor Dohyun, an intern at the national hospital. And he kidnapped my friend Hwang Mina and-"

"Wait," Junho interrupted her. "Hwang Mina?"

He recalled that Mina was talking about a friend for whom she was buying the pink jacket and also that her friend was dating Minho. Was it possible that

"I'm dating her brother," Gayoon confessed. The color on Junho's face changed drastically at her admission which worried her. Was he going to be angry at her? Ahjusshi was always strict when it came to her dating life because he did not trust people. There were times when a few men tried to take advantage of Gayoon's powers when she was a teenager and it led to a major event in her life. Since then, he was very wary of any guy who would enter her life.

"Tell me everything about CCK," Junho said. He chose not to think about Minho and Gayoon for the moment. Mina's life was more important and they had little time. 

Gayoon hesitantly narrated the event from twenty years ago of how Minho and Mina had encountered the CCK and why the killer was out for blood. She also told him about the black shadow which manifested from the comatose doctor along with Dohyun's condition and Gayoon's encounter with Yumi's ghost.

"I think that the CCK will kill Mina tomorrow," she stated. "He's going to use Dohyun to kill her and consume her"

She could not go on. Even thinking about it was painful. Mina was somewhere out there, scared and praying for her life. She was waiting for them and already so much time had been wasted. 

Junho was silent. He was shocked by the bizarre turn of events and wanted to curse himself. His children had gone through so much and he could not even protect them. And now, Gayoon was mixed up with their problems. Moreover, if Minho found out that the woman he was dating was also hiding Junho in her house, there was no telling what he would do.

"Gayoon," he began. "You have to listen to me very carefully. We will save Mina. No matter what happens, we will take down that black shadow. But you must promise me one thing."

"What is it?" Gayoon asked, startled by the earnest plea in his voice.

"You must promise me that you will not tell anyone about me," he said. "Not even to the Hwangs."

"But why?" Gayoon asked. "They're nice people! I'm sure if you ask for their assistance, they'll help you to reunite with your family-"

"Gayoon, I'll tell you everything," Junho promised. "But on a later date. For now, just promise me that you won't tell them about me."

"A-alright," Gayoon agreed. "So you'll do the seance tonight?"

"I will," he stated. There was a strange determination in his eyes which Gayoon had never seen before. It was as if he got a new zeal, a purpose to live for. 

"Thank you, ahjusshi," she said gratefully. To Junho's surprise, she hugged him. He smiled and patted her head. 

"And after all this is over, you and I are gonna have a long chat on your new boyfriend," he added. "His income, character, personality and past dating life. Everything."

He might have chosen not to worry about Minho and Gayoon's little tryst but that did not mean he was going to brush it under the rug. 

Gayoon quickly let go of him and backed off. "I-I-I gotta go!" she squeaked. "Have tons of work to do!"

"If his income is less than two billion dollars then he can forget all about you!" Junho threatened as she dashed outside. "And I know he's a player! I can tell that men like him have painted the town red with their deeds! I'll shave his head off if he has exes!"

Gayoon quickly ran towards her car, away from Junho, whose vein was about to pop. She had hoped that under the duress of finding Mina, he would not think much about the fact that she was dating Hwang Minho. But Junho was not going to let her off the hook easily.

Why do I have so many crazy people in my life? She lamented as she revved up the engine and sped off, away from Junho's wrath. 

"I wonder what'll happen when ahjusshi meets the money lover," she muttered.

Junho watched her drive away. As soon as she was out of sight, he quickly gathered the materials and packed them into a bag. He picked up his phone and called Shinjin.

"Junho!" Shinjin exclaimed, answering the phone. "I was getting everything prepared for the seance. We'll summon the nearest spirit tonight-"

"Change of plans," Junho said. "We'll not summon the nearest spirit, but a specific one."

He quickly told him about the black shadow and how the comatose CCK was controlling Dohyun. Shinjin's frown deepened with every word. 

"This is a tricky case," he finally said. "The black shadow is not a spirit so it can't be summoned. However, we can trap it inside the body of the coma patient. But"

"But what?" Junho demanded.

"We can only trap it temporarily," Shinjin replied. "It'll be trapped inside the comatose body for a few years before it gathers enough energy to return. There's only one way to get rid of it permanently."

"How do we do that?"

Shinjin hesitated. He did not want to take that route but given that the serial killer was creating so much havoc, there was little choice.

"We'll have to trap the shadow in its original body and kill doctor Nam," he revealed. "Only then will the shadow go away and the spirit will be free. It won't be able to come back since we'll be cleansing it during the ceremony."

He paused before asking, "Do you have the heart to kill a human being?"

"The man who had killed so many innocent girls has no heart himself," Junho said. "And on top of that, he committed one of the worst sins a person could commit. As a father who could not protect his daughter before, I will not hesitate to cut down that black shadow with my own hands. I couldn't be with Mina then. But now, I will save her. Even if I'm far away from her, I will save her. If someone has to kill that man, then it'll be me and only me."

Shinjin sighed. There was no stopping the old man who was out for revenge.

"Fine," he said. "Meet me at the hospital tonight. I'll bribe some of the staff there to sneak out the patient. I have a few people I know in there. They can help out."

Junho nodded and hung up the phone fully making up his mind. 

He was Hwang Junho. Not the ruthless ex-tycoon who changed the game in the business industry but a father who would go to any length to save his children. 

I will not fail this time, he swore.


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