Master Smith Under Ministry of National Defense

Chapter 77

Chapter 77

077 – It always stirs if you stay still

Myung-Jun’s thought that the world’s movements would be much faster than he had planned turned out to be accurate.

The defeat of the Servihum Clan, one of the three major hero clans in the world and a representative clan of Europe.

And the defeat of the Floresta Clan, a clan representing South America and counted among the top 10 clans in the world.

Finally, the tragedy of the Amazon Jungle, which was called the lungs of the Earth but turned into a spectacle with a giant hole of tens of kilometers in diameter, ignited a sense of crisis in governments around the world facing the Gate incident.

As a result, after the Brazil incident, governments worldwide began to move busily to establish a separate system for overflow management.

Newspapers and news channels were reporting daily on the disaster measures of each government.

It had changed people’s daily lives at a speed that was incomparable to the COVID-19 pandemic.

[U.S. Congress. Unanimous agreement on a large supplementary budget for the development of Awakeners]

[European governments. Offering a substantial reward for the report of new Gates to prevent Gate overflow]

[Equipment sold by the Liberal Clan: Explosives? Inquiries pour in for the turret used in battle by Awakener Cha Myung-jun’s overwhelming combat power showcased in Manaus City.]

[Tragedy in the Amazon resembling a tactical nuclear explosion. Is it really right for civilians to possess such firepower?]

[U.S. government announces analysis results. The appearance Rank of the monster that emerged in the Brazil incident is ‘Rank 8’. Governments worldwide are considering purchasing the unprecedented highest-Rank Crystal Stone.]

[Liberal Clan, which has suspended all public activities. What is the truth behind the rumors of the clan leader’s injury?]

Myung-Jun’s first action upon arriving in Korea was to completely suspend the official activities of the Liberal Clan.

Unable to predict the movements of the Korean government after this incident, and considering the significant risk of sending precious clan members outside, Myung-Jun issued a summons to all clan members active domestically and internationally before closing the main gate of the clan headquarters for a brief evacuation.

Although not officially announced, rumors spread about temporarily ceasing activities due to his serious injury. As Myung-Jun anticipated, the Korean government began to cast a greedy eye on his ability displayed in the Brazil incident.




National Security Council (NSC) held at the Blue House, where the presidential office is located in Yongsan.

In this meeting where significant decisions related to national security are made, Blue House staff members were looking at the slides with serious expressions.

“That… Is that the power of an Awakener?”

The slide they were looking at depicted the fight between Jun and the entity group that unfolded in Manaus City.

A brave citizen, more curious than afraid of death, had captured Myung-Jun’s fight with a disposable film camera in his hole-in-the-wall shop.

In that photo, Myung-Jun was effortlessly suppressing thousands of monsters, including a Rank 6 monster, with firepower sufficient to easily overpower them, even if he were to fight against a U.S. aircraft carrier fleet.





As the slides progressed, complex emotions flickered across the faces of those gathered in the conference room.

The desire for South Korea to possess this overwhelming firepower and the growing fear of the relentless assault by the entities.

In the conference room where these two emotions intertwined, Hee-cheol silently flipped through the slides.

And when he finally finished flipping through the last slide, the president, who had been watching the materials prepared by Hee-cheol, spoke.

“Is this information obtained from overseas?”


“So, other governments besides ours are aware of this fact…”


“What should we do?”

“What do you think, Mr. President?”

“Well, before that, let me ask one thing. Doesn’t the government have an agency responsible for cultivating and responding to Awakeners?”

“Yes, that would be the ESP Defense Agency (EDA), for which I am in charge.”

“Then, compared to that, what level of combat power does this Cha Myung-jun currently possess?”

Hee-cheol couldn’t answer immediately.

Not because the comparison was difficult, but because the gap was so vast that the comparison was meaningless.

With a gloomy heart, he spoke to the president, trying to swallow his bitterness.

“With all due respect, there is no comparison.”

“On which side?”

“…Our side is inferior.”

“So, what you’re saying is that there’s an person with mass killing weapons equivalent to the entire military strength of the Republic of Korea, conducting weapons trade in the midst of Sejong City?”


“At least it’s on our side, fortunately.”

Indeed, that was the case. In the rapidly emerging field of monster hunting, this kind of talk was already circulating.

‘To start as a Hunter, go to the United States, to grow as a Hunter, go to Korea.’

Since receiving the strong coating agent manufacturing facility from Myung-Jun, the U.S. government had spared no effort in developing Awakeners through aggressive Gate conquests, surpassing any other country in the world.

Moreover, as civilian gun ownership was already relatively free, it was also the country with the highest number of Awakeners being produced.

On the other hand, in South Korea, where the headquarters of the Liberal Clan was located, it was becoming a holy land not for those aspiring to become Awakeners but for those who had already become Awakeners.

Sejong City, the headquarters of the Liberal Clan in South Korea, was the place where materials and Crystal Stones obtained by hunting monsters or conquering low-Rank Gates, and high-Rank materials obtained after becoming an Awakener, could be transformed into outstanding equipment that could not be found anywhere else in the world.

However, as the head of the EDA, the agency overseeing all Awakeners in South Korea, Hee-cheol thought that the current situation was heading in a very wrong direction.

“With all due respect, as the head of the EDA, I believe the current situation is very unstable regarding Awakeners.”

When Hee-cheol, who could be considered the top expert on Awakeners and the Gate situation, uttered such words, the president narrowed his eyes and asked.

“Why do you think that?”

“In a country where individuals owning firearms is already considered a problem, allowing private companies to freely possess and trade such firepower is a serious issue.”

Hee-cheol spoke, “Mr. President, do you happen to know how much profit the Liberal Clan is currently raking in?”

“Hmm… Considering the skyrocketing price of Crystal Stones at the moment, the profits are astronomical…”

“Zero won. No, it might even be close to negative.”

“Why is that?”

“At the beginning, we could exchange equipment for money, but currently, the Liberal Clan is only receiving weapon fees in the form of Crystal Stones and materials.”

Hee-cheol did not find that point very pleasing. It seemed as if the Liberal Clan, with some hidden agenda, was sweeping away Crystal Stones and materials circulating in the market.

If their goal was profit through speculation, it would be fortunate, but if not, it could become a serious problem.

The item they were sweeping away, the ‘Crystal Stone’, had a risk level exceeding that of enriched uranium, depending on how it was used.

‘Even if only half of the information revealed in the Brazil incident is true, Cha Myung-jun’s strength is already at a level where it barely escapes national control. If he becomes stronger…’

On the positive side, there were advantages to the Liberal Clan and Myung-Jun becoming excessively strong.

Regardless, having a powerhouse capable of solving the Brazil incident single-handedly, based in the Republic of Korea, brought immeasurable benefits.

However, Hee-cheol was anxious because, if Myung-Jun were to have impure intentions, it would be impossible for the South Korean government to stop him with the forces he possessed.

Moreover, the fact that the essential ability to enhance his own power by dozens or hundreds of times was in the hands of the Liberal Clan operated by Myung-Jun was also unsettling.

“Before he becomes stronger, we must put shackles on the Liberal Clan right now.”

His words were essentially saying to put a leash around the tiger’s neck. In response to Hee-cheol’s assertion, the president remained silent.

However, sensing that this moment might be lost if action was not taken now, Hee-cheol began to pressure the president.

“Please make a decision.”

“But is that possible? Isn’t the Liberal Clan backed by the U.S. government? Didn’t they tolerate the activities of Cha Myung-jun and the Liberal Clan in the first place because of the Asset Law announced by the U.S. government at the time?”

“That was true back then. However, both the U.S. government and I made a significant mistake at that time. It was a fatal mistake that should never have been made.”

“What mistake was that?”

“We underestimated the growth rate and potential of a man named Cha Myung-jun. By now, I believe both the U.S. government and I have come to realize that fact. Please entrust this to me. If you allow it, I will secretly negotiate with the U.S. government and eliminate all the arms and legs of the Liberal Clan.”

“As you say that, it seems like you have a plan. What method will you use?”

Upon hearing the president’s question, Hee-cheol smiled.

And with a confident voice, he answered his question.

“I will use a combination of the whip and the carrot. By announcing new regulations that can control Awakeners who have gone too far beyond control, while simultaneously greatly enhancing the merits of being able to operate under national affiliation. On one side, there is the path of a criminal, and on the other side, there is the path of becoming a national hero. If there is a choice between the two, anyone would choose the path of a hero.”




Among the numerous government agencies in South Korea, the agency currently considered the hottest was the government-affiliated agency responsible for managing Awakeners, commonly referred to as the ‘ESP Defense Agency’ or EDA.

Even for non-Awakeners, starting with an extraordinary annual salary of 100 million won, and the absolute authority to act arbitrarily depending on the situation, disregarding existing laws.

Experiencing the abnormal situation known as the Gate Incident nationwide significantly increased the authority and support of the EDA in managing the threat to national security, reaching an abnormal level.

Therefore, currently, the EDA was preferred as the top government agency that every young individual in South Korea wanted to join, surpassing even major corporations. Simply wearing the badge symbolizing EDA employees could evoke envy and admiration from everyone.

However, like most popular positions, the EDA, since its inception, had become one of the most challenging institutions to enter in South Korea. As an institution hastily created to respond to the Gate Incident, only the best elites from various departments could become EDA officials.

However, Agent Park Sang-jun, who had entered the EDA after overcoming such high competition, was now looking at the documents in his hands with a determined expression, as if he wanted to throw away the EDA right away. After a while of staring at the documents like that, he looked at Director Moon Hee-cheol with an expression as if he was asking him to please say it was a lie.



“Do you really intend to show this executive order to the representative of the Liberal Clan?”

“That’s correct.”

Sang-jun looked at the documents once again. However, no matter how much he read, this executive order was filled with content that Myung-jun, whom he knew, would never accept.

‘Present this to the representative of the Liberal Clan? Are fucking kidding me? It seems more likely that I would have a higher chance of surviving if I carried a grenade and detonated myself.’

But since the other party was not someone who could be swayed by protests, Sang-jun tried to change his strategy and shift responsibility to someone else.

“As you know, I am an EDA agent, but I am not an Awakener. Wouldn’t it be better if we sent someone who is an Awakener as well? They might be able to communicate better. They could even fight and escape if necessary.”

However, Hee-cheol, who was evaluated as the most stuck-up among government agencies, immediately rejected Sang-jun’s suggestion.

“That won’t work.”

“Why not?”

“Because, in front of that man, whether awakened or a civilian, there is no difference. Think about it. He is a human who has punched a hole in the middle of the Amazon visible even from an artificial satellite. Is there an Awakener among all EDA agents who can withstand that level of power?”

“… There isn’t.”

“So, even if our best Awakener agent goes, if the opponent is determined to kill, the result will be the same. Moreover, due to reluctance to attack civilians, someone like you, an ordinary agent, might negotiate more safely.”


“Moreover,” Hee-cheol continued.

“I scouted Mr. Sang-jun as an EDA agent because of his negotiation and coordination skills, which successfully brought about numerous underground negotiations in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. So, this time, I expect a return on that investment.”

In the end, having failed to convince Hee-cheol, Sang-jun left the director’s office with the executive order that the other party would never accept, taking powerless steps.

Then, with determination in his heart, he headed to the underground parking lot.

‘Let’s at least try the final adjustement.’

Now, in front of the Liberal Clan, which had unquestionably proven itself as the world’s strongest awakened clan, and facing the war that the South Korean government would lead, the only thing he, a powerless public servant, could do was that.




Arriving in Sejong City in this way, Sang-jun could witness Myung-jun’s reaction, which was exactly as he had anticipated.

“What’s this? Is this garbage?”

“Before making such a judgment, could you look a bit more closely…”

“What’s there to look closely at? Is this shit, or fart? Are you trying to forcibly incorporate us into the government, given the strength we have as a civilian clan? Hand over all the materials we’ve obtained and the equipment we’ve made to the Ministry of National Defense? Will Awakeners who rebel against this executive order be treated as traitors to the nation? Isn’t that the content written here!?”

Myung-jun threw the document he held in his hand. Sang-jun’s back broke out in a cold sweat. The person now expressing anger in front of him was not just a simple 20-year-old young man but an ‘absolute awakener’ with the ability to handle an army in less than 2 minutes if he set his mind to it.

Sang-jun regretted deeply the situation that he thought could be reversed by deploying EDA’s forces to suppress Myung-jun, which had been turned upside down in just a few months.

‘Is this the difference between a government-affiliated official and a civilian clan?’

It wasn’t as if he had simply given up on EDA. As a core department with the authority to strategize all Gate conquests and hunt otherworldly beings in South Korea, EDA members risked their lives every day to do their best in Gate conquests.

However, if there was a difference between Myung-jun and EDA members, it was that, unlike Myung-jun, who focused purely on Gate conquests by leaving all processes except for the conquest to others, EDA members, as government-affiliated officials, could not do that.

Complicated reports that had to be prepared every time a Gate was conquered. Numerous procedures to be prepared during the preliminary preparation process for conquest. Myung-jun, who was already well-known as a top-class Awakener, struggling with the conquest of mid-tier Gates appearing sporadically in South Korea.

At the same time, the gap between the two, which started at a similar point, had widened to an irreparable level in just a few months.

Sang-jun, who was in the position of an ‘absolute a’, controlling all Awakeners in South Korea, was now in a position where he was swayed by even a single outcry from the ‘absolute b’, Myung-jun.

To Sang-jun, the gap that had opened up between them felt as wide as the distance between Earth and the Andromeda Galaxy.

‘But I still have to persuade him somehow. If Myung-jun decides to wage war against the government, there is truly no way we can intervene from this side.’

Wiping the sweat with a handkerchief, Sang-jun spoke to Myung-jun in a soft voice.

“At first glance, it might seem that way, but the conditions are actually quite favorable. It’s a system where the budget is allocated by the government based on performance, and there’s no upper limit. For someone like Mr. Myung-jun, it wouldn’t be a problem to take 600 or 700 billion won per year. Isn’t that much more advantageous than operating a civilian clan of this size?”

“700 billion, huh.”

When Myung-jun spread his hand, a fist-sized golden crystal appeared on Myung-jun’s hand. At that moment, the entire room where the two were located felt filled with ‘crystal energy’ flowing from the crystal.

“Do you see this?”

“That… that is…”

“Right. This is an 8th-Rank crystal obtained in the Brazil operation. How much do you think it would sell for?”

At least over 10 trillion won…

Sang-jun didn’t utter the number that immediately came to his mind. Instead, with a gaze that seemed to have given up on everything, he looked at Myung-jun and said.

As someone who had conducted numerous negotiations, he understood the reason why Myung-jun showed the crystal so clearly.

He stood up from his seat with powerless movements and said.

“Well… then. It seems the negotiations have collapsed.”

“Isn’t that obvious? Be careful on your way back.”

“Before you go, I’ll say one thing. If this executive order is really announced, EDA members, including me, will have to come back here to arrest Mr. Myung-jun and the members of the Liberal Clan, whether we want to or not. Is the concept of ‘civilian affiliation’ that Mr. Myung-jun cherishes so dearly as important as becoming a criminal who abandons the country and nation of birth?”

“It seems like there’s a misunderstanding. What I value most is not the concept of ‘civilian affiliation’. The most precious thing to me is the ‘freedom’ to confidently refuse to do things I don’t want to do. If there is someone trying to take away that freedom, I would gladly fight against them, be it the nation or even the father of the nation.

“…I understand.”

“And let me tell you one more thing.”

“Please tell me.”

“Next time you come, bring at least a few hundred tanks. Well, even if you do, I’ll still win, but…”

Even though it was a statement bordering on arrogance and reaching a level of madness, Sang-jun couldn’t say anything in the face of Myung-jun’s absolute statement without a hint of falsehood.

The man named Cha Myung-jun in front of him was someone who, if he set his mind to it, could single-handedly annihilate the entire South Korean army.

In the end, Sang-jun’s visit to Sejong City for the pre-warning as directed by Hee-cheol ended without any gain.

And the next day, in the presidential office of South Korea, a new executive order for the control of Awakeners, filled with Hee-cheol’s strong determination, was passed.

[Regulations on Civilian Clan Activities of High-Rank Awakeners (Presidential Decree)]

It was the announcement of the ‘Awakener Regulation Act’, which would significantly shake the fate of all Awakeners living in South Korea.

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