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5 days ago
Cha Myung-jun, a sergeant who neared the end of his military service, found himself confined in the... Read more Cha Myung-jun, a sergeant who neared the end of his military service, found himself confined in the Ministry of National Defense’s bas**ent for over three decades due to his newly awakened abilities, just before the outbreak of war. Spending thirty years as the world’s most formidable blacksmith, wielding nothing but hammers, he skillfully outwits the watchful eyes of the Ministry of Defense to serve the war effort and reset the course of time. Now given a second chance at life, can he lead a successful campaign to avert humanity’s downfall and secure its salvation? Collapse Age Regression, Apocalypse, Artifact Crafting, Blacksmith, Character Growth, Clan Building, Crafting, Destiny, Determined Protagonist, Dungeons, Firearms, Game Elements, Game Ranking System, Goddesses, Godly Powers, Gods, Hunters, Leadership, Level System, Magical Technology, Male Protagonist, Multiple POV, Overpowered Protagonist, Previous Life Talent, Revenge, Second Chance, Special Abilities, Time Travel, Younger Sisters I have read upto chapter 34. There's a lot of info dumping of lore. The flow of story is also awkward since it feels like a mishmash of tropes. Like, "I haven't read this story anywhere before but it still feels familiar" kind of mishmash.Nonetheless, I will keep reading it for now. I could only read about 10 chapters. The whole convoluted info dump of fate and destiny at the beginning, just to be able to regress, killed it. Subscribed Why is basement censored We don't talk about ba***ent what happens in ba***ent, stay in the ba***entRanobe FanMade discord server :)) bas**ent because ba(semen)t. Probably an auto censor thing So I'm fisting this nun and my elbow keeps hitting her wheelchair, long story short I lost my watch so I punched her.