Master Smith Under Ministry of National Defense

Chapter 76

Chapter 76

076 – Battle of Giants

The time it took Myung-Jun to unlock the seal within his consciousness felt long to him, but in real time, it was only a momentary period. During that fleeting moment, when Myung-Jun released the first seal of Cain’s legacy, the Goddess of Liberation’s gift, tremendous knowledge was imparted into Myung-Jun’s mind.

As if it were a familiar memory known for a long time, Myung-Jun became aware of what he could do with Cain’s first legacy and how to use it. This understanding extended to other clan members influenced by Myung-Jun’s abilities.

“Night Protocol?! What in the world…”

As Soo-jeong had been holding her head due to the overwhelming knowledge flooding in all at once. Ho-Chang, who had come to her side, shouted in an excited voice.

“What?! This?! Armor?! No, it’s a robot, isn’t it?! Wow! Is this insane?! Can robots be used now?!”

The image that popped into his mind portrayed a huge mechanical giant surrounded by thick armor, reminiscent of a medieval knight with various armaments tailored for different purposes. Witnessing this scene, Ho-Chang was so thrilled that his voice was on the verge of breaking.

“Where is the Ho-Chang who was sobbing, holding broken shield fragments and asking if they could be fixed just a while ago?”

“No. Even though it’s still sad now, it’s a robot! A robot! Who wouldn’t be excited seeing this?!”

“While it feels more like a bipedal weapon than a robot, it’s acceptable to think of it as a robot since it has legs,” Soo-jeong added.

The knowledge that entered Soo-jeong’s mind was about bipedal weapons with a concept of technology far beyond the equipment she had previously developed. The moment this knowledge entered her head, Soo-jeong could immediately understand what materials were needed to complete the robot, how to create and assemble the equipment, as well as the modifications and performance adjustments required.

It felt as if someone had forcibly infused Soo-jeong’s brain with their knowledge of robot development and maintenance. This wasn’t the first time Soo-jeong had experienced such a sensation, when she accepted Myung-Jun’s proposal and awakened as a researcher in the past, she had also experienced the influx of knowledge from an unknown world. Most of the equipment used in the current Liberal Clan was based on the knowledge Soo-jeong acquired at that time.

‘But if I can distinguish the level of technology, it’s much higher here. An energy shield defense system one step above a void shield, designs for anti-friction joints that significantly reduce equipment weight and increase mobility, and knowledge about a new projectile with more powerful force than any ammunition I’ve ever created… Is the knowledge injected before is a minor copy based on the current knowledge?!’

Soo-jeong wanted to deeply ponder the identity of the newly acquired knowledge, but unfortunately, next to her was Ho-Chang, shouting in excitement regardless of whether she listened or not.

First, she thought of calming his excitement. Soo-jeong gently touched Ho-Chang’s shoulder and spoke softly.

“Mr. Ho-Chang…”

“Yes! Shall we ride the robot and go into battle right now? With this, we can probably defeat that monkey kid in one shot, right?!”

“I’m sorry, but we can’t do that.”

“Huh? Why not? If it’s about worries regarding piloting skills, you can set them aside! I’ve never ridden it, but somehow, I feel like I know how to ride it!”

“That’s not the problem. Even if we want to ride, there’s no robot available. As far as I understand, what we have is just a kind of blueprint in our minds for creating those robots. Moreover, the Ranks and quantities of materials that go into each component are not small.”

If Soo-jeong, who oversees the production of all equipment produced by the Liberal Clan, says it, it must be the truth. Ho-Chang, trying to calm his excitement, asked cautiously.

“Can’t you make even one?”

“Even if we empty the materials stored in the clan’s warehouse and those in Myung-Jun’s subspace, we might barely make one leg. Moreover, with the unlocking of the current knowledge, more than 80% of the enormous amount of crystal energy accumulated until now has disappeared.”


The amount Soo-jeong mentioned was equivalent to a staggering 10 trillion won at the current market rate, so it was natural for Ho-Chang to be terrified.

However, recalling his memories from when he awakened, Ho-Chang asked Soo-jeong with a glimmer of hope.

“Still, from my memory, when I first entered under the Commander, there was a prototype equipment given as a basic when awakening, right?”

“That’s right. Although I disassembled them all, one prototype suit was given when Mr. Ho-Chang awakened, and one prototype armored vehicle was given when Mr. Byung-Tae awakened. Rather than being given, it would be more accurate to say they were placed in the newly opened subspace…”

“Then, wouldn’t they have given at least one this time?”

“I’ll check.”

Soo-jeong called up the control interface connected to the subspace to check the status. It revealed that a new space next to the warehouse had been added to her controllable area.

As soon as she informed Ho-Chang about this fact, he made a fuss, expressing his eagerness to rush to the subspace right away and ride the robot to help Myung-Jun. However, Soo-jeong’s following words contained content that instantly subdued Ho-Chang’s excitement.

” Mr. Ho-Chang.”

“Yes! Shall we go right away?”

“Sorry, but the newly added warehouse is empty.”


For Ho-Chang, who couldn’t believe Soo-jeong’s words, she displayed the subspace warehouse camera on the control room monitor.

There, only a massive platform large enough to accommodate a bipedal walking weapon of about 20 meters in size was placed. The robot that should have been inside was nowhere to be seen, as if someone had taken only the robot from a toy box.

Seeing this, Ho-Chang, with disappointment in his voice.

“Ah… Could it be that this time, they didn’t provide a sample mech because the material cost was too high?”

“That’s not the case. Looking at the state of the empty platform, you can immediately tell that until just a while ago, something huge and solid was firmly fixed there. The robot you’re talking about was undoubtedly inside. It’s just that the owner is currently using it.”

“If the owner is…”

Ho-Chang’s gaze turned toward the direction of the Amazon Jungle where he had fought with Banara until a while ago. Upon realizing this, Soo-jeong nodded in agreement with Ho-Chang’s thoughts.

“Perhaps Myung-Jun is fighting with the robot you wanted to ride right now over there, don’t you think?”

Ho-Chang turned his head to look at his broken shield, recalling the image of the robot that had come to mind a while ago. Then, roughly estimating their sizes, he turned his head back to Soo-jeong.

“That monkey kid got beaten.”

“That’s right.”

As the two had expected, in the middle of the jungle more than 100 kilometers away from their current location, Myung-Jun was engaged in an intense battle with Banara, who had strengthened himself to the limit, fully prepared for the penalty.

And the fierce fight was unfolding in a completely different form from the battles Banara had fought against other Awakeners before. Banara, feeling threatened by the giant robot summoned by Myung-Jun, had released some of his power, increasing his size to be similar to his opponent’s, and was fighting against Myung-Jun.

The confrontation between these two beings gave the impression more of King Kong and Transformers clashing rather than a battle between superpowers. The significant difference was that, every time the two collided with their dozens of tons of mass, powerful shockwaves were tearing apart the Amazon jungle to the extent that it almost needed modification on the map.

It was shocking to believe that the aftermath of the fight between a 20-meter-sized beast and a robot was causing such powerful impacts.


The sound of a 10-meter-long greatsword, shining in silver-blue, striking down the arm of the giant monkey that was undoubtedly made of flesh, resonated like a large metal pillar being struck with a sword, echoing through the Amazon jungle. However, even though bones could withstand the attack, the muscles and skin seemed not as strong. On Banara’s forearm, which blocked the strike, long wounds appeared, and golden bones were exposed, indicating deep wounds.

Upon this, a roar filled with Banara’s anger and frustration echoed in Myung-Jun’s ears.

“Kraaaah!! Insignificant lower life form!!!!”

Then, Myung-Jun’s voice came from the massive Knight’s body, as if mocking Banara.

“Today, taste defeat from that lower life form! Lower life form kick! Lower life form punch! Lower life form slash!!”

Of course, Banara didn’t stay idle either. He delivered powerful attacks multiple times with just one fist that could shatter mountains and embedded them into the body and shield of the Knight.

However, there was a crucial difference between Banara and the Knight. Regardless of the intensity of the attack, the damage inflicted on the Knight was external, affecting the armor. On the other hand, every time Banara blocked an attack, damage accumulated on his body, causing internal damage.

In this fight where similar-strength attacks were exchanged, Banara was unilaterally suffering. The accumulating wounds were fueling Banara with tremendous anger, especially considering that he forcefully unsealed himself and accepted the penalty.

‘Defeated? Me?’

Of course, what was struggling now was not his main body in the Beast Universe but a kind of avatar. However, such distinctions were not important to Banara. He was born as a king. In the Beast Universe, a universe filled with powerful beasts capable of toppling mountains and digging rivers with a single swing of their forelimbs, he was the unique being who, from the moment of his birth, dominated the strongest creatures on his homeworld.

Even against any powerful being, he had never experienced such a one-sided exchange of damage in a battle. The word ‘defeat’, which he had never thought about in any situation from the moment he was born until now, passed through his mind, creating a feeling of confusion and disorientation.

From the moment of his birth until now, in any situation, he had never thought of the word ‘defeat’. The fact that he was experiencing this emotion for the first time since his birth was confusing and disorienting for Banara.

Nevertheless, looking at the enormous silver-blue greatsword falling upon him once again, Banara, whose remaining determination was gathered, roared.


Once again, within the raging attacks that caused shockwaves with just the impact waves generated from the battle, the fight between the ‘giants’ who no human had ever seen with their own eyes continued to escalate in intensity.




A testament to life, the Amazon, where countless species never before seen by humanity overflow. However, the place where two transcendent clashed, far surpassing human power, had changed so horribly that it was difficult to imagine its previous state.

The aftermath of the tremendous destruction manifested explicitly in the form of dozens of meters long trees smashed beyond recognition and craters dug as if hit by indiscriminate bombings of massive bombs.

And at the center of it all, one of the two presences responsible for this carnage was panting, covered in blood.


The king of beasts dominating the Beast Universe, filled with creatures of various forms and beasts that filled the entire universe. The beastly form of Banara, a monkey that should never have existed on this planet due to its overwhelming strength, was facing death.

One arm was severed from the shoulder, and the other arm was smashed beyond repair. The two legs that should have been under his thighs were lost. The beast, originally not meant to exist on this star, was meeting its end in the face of overwhelming strength.

To find and fight those stronger than oneself, and to die in the process, was the ideal death for Banara. However, for some reason, Banara’s expression was not bright.

Unlike himself, who had to fight with his natural strength, Myung-Jun fought safely in a robot without receiving any damage in the fierce battle.

To Banara, who believed that the result of a confrontation between flesh and body determined the true victor, Myung-Jun’s combat style, relying solely on equipment, felt endlessly unfair. However, unlike Banara, who thought that his opponent fought unfairly, the one responsible for making him feel that way was quite satisfied with his fighting style.

If fighting with the innate strength of flesh was the way of beasts, then fighting using given tools was the way humans fought.

For Banara, every fight was a process of proving his strength. For Myung-Jun, this battle felt like a skill test.

Myung-Jun tested each attack function of the Knight he was on as if conducting a test drive, and with each function confirmed, Banara had to endure relentless damage, embedded in the ground each time.

When all the function tests were over, the battle between the two beings came to an end.

A one-sided, if not overwhelming, victory.

Myung-Jun opened the hatch of the cockpit, stepped out of the Knight, and walked towards where Banara was.

Then, facing the dying Banara, he spoke.

“Feel unjust?”

“Cough… you coward…”


“It wasn’t a fair fight.”

“Hmph. Who would think you’d lose? Even if you die, you guys resurrect in your own universe. The body here is like an avatar you use.”

“Oh… did you know that?”

“Unfair is just a word. Unlike you guys, we only have one life. But despite that, you’re whining after just one fight. Pathetic.”

“Even so… using Cain’s legacy is cheating.”

“I don’t know anything about Cain. I’m just maximizing the abilities that have come into my hands. So, go and tell them. On this star called Earth that you want to devour, there’s a much stronger force than you think.”

“Will the festival be canceled just because we heard such words?”

“It’s not a festival, it’s a funeral. Be prepared for that.”

“Hehe… I’ll remember…”

Watching Banara’s life gradually fading, Myung-Jun silently bowed his head. Then, just before Banara’s breath ceased, he tore out the crystal embedded in his chest.


Banara screamed in pain as both his body and soul were forcibly torn away, but Myung-Jun’s expression remained emotionless, as if he had done something natural.

As if it was a matter of course.

Myung-Jun, with eyes filled with anger and a desire for revenge, looked at Banara, who stared back at him, and spoke.

“If you have the guts, come back again.”

“Remember… on the day of the festival, I will definitely return.”

“Come. I’ll kill you as many times as it takes.”

Banara’s response did not reach him.

Leaving behind his body, equivalent to Rank 8 on Earth, Banara’s soul returned to the universe it belonged to.

Myung-Jun stored Banara’s corpse in the subspace and looked around. The place that was referred to as the “lungs of the Earth” just this morning seemed irreparably damaged.

Myung-Jun stared at that place for a long time. Then, with a contemplative expression, he muttered, “Since the die is already cast, the world from now on will probably move faster than what was planned.”

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