Master Smith Under Ministry of National Defense

Chapter 42

Chapter 42

042 – Doll Master

Surrounded by numerous American troops in the square, a soldier approached Hee-cheol.

Then he saluted and greeted Hee-cheol in fluent Korean.

“Major Henry Holmes of the U.S. 8th Army. May I ask your affiliation if it’s not too much?”

“I’m Moon Hee-cheol, the Director of EDA. What is the 8th Army doing here?”

“Ah, the EDA, you’re the newly established Korean Awakener management agency, right? I’ve heard of it but never met an Awakener before. Can you really use superpowers?”

“That’s confidential information. Rather, why are you carrying out military operations in Korean territory without permission? There was no prior notice of the U.S. Forces’ arrival today…”

“We also received an emergency order. We can’t discuss the details of the operation. We’re just following orders from the headquarters.”

“Is your deployment here related to that young man?”

Hee-cheol pointed to where Myung-jun was, and Holmes looked that way.

Then he smiled at Hee-cheol and said,

“You’re well informed. Our orders are to bring that young man and his entourage safely to the U.S. military base in Pyeongtaek, no matter what.”

“The young man is a Korean citizen under South Korean jurisdiction. Why would U.S. Forces get involved?”

“If you have complaints, make formal protests later. I’m just following orders. I’m sorry, but we have to execute the operation, so please hand over the personnel.”

Hearing Holmes’ words, Hee-cheol frowned.

“What if I can’t?”

As soon as Hee-cheol spoke, the armed agents of EDA among the U.S. soldiers raised their weapons and aimed at the Americans.

The U.S. Forces in Korea also raised their weapons and aimed at the EDA agents.

It was a peculiar standoff between special agents of an allied country and the world’s strongest regular army.

However, Director Moon Hee-cheol did not seem to be shrinking back, even in the face of far more numerous American forces.

After all, nearly 20 ‘Awakeners’ were included on his side.

Even if a real battle broke out, normal agents might be annihilated, but Hee-cheol was confident he could save all the Awakener, including himself. Ignoring the numerous gun barrels aimed at him, Hee-cheol spoke to Major Holmes,

“It seems you’re trying to intimidate us with superior numbers and firepower, but we have over 20 Awakeners here. As far as I know, there are no Awakener among the U.S. Forces in Korea. Do you really want to engage?”

Holmes also knew well about Awakener.

People with incredible abilities who can deflect bullets with their bare hands, destroy tanks with their fists, or emit thousands of degrees of heat to melt rocks within hundreds of meters.

In front of such superhumans, even the modern weaponry that the U.S. military prides itself on seemed ineffective. Holmes tried to buy time with conversation.

“Of course, there are no Awakener among the soldiers deployed here, but there are quite a lot on the U.S. mainland. I can’t disclose the exact number, but we have more Awakener than Korea. Plus, attacking U.S. Forces here would be a direct challenge to the United States. Can your proud Korean Awakener stop a fleet missile fired from the U.S. 7th Fleet?”

“Would you really go that far against an ally? Moreover, if I wanted, I could suppress all the US soldiers here at the level of injury, not killing. Besides, as long as Cha Myung-jun is a South Korean citizen, we have the right reason on our side.”

Although he didn’t want to admit it, Hee-cheol’s words were close to being accurate.

As long as Myung-jun held South Korean nationality, the primary authority over his conscription belonged to the South Korean government.

However, that was only the story ‘at this point in time’.

It was unlikely that the US government, aware of this fact, hadn’t prepared a countermeasure.

Holmes anxiously looked behind, desperately waiting for something.

Then, a black sedan arrived, and a woman in a black uniform got out.

She looked around and as soon as she spotted Holmes, she started running towards him.

Due to the tight blockade, it took her some time to reach Holmes, but she finally did and handed him a document, panting.

“Is this it?”


Holmes, receiving the document, checked its contents, then looked at Hee-cheol with a smile.

Handing the paper over to Hee-cheol, he said with a confident tone,

“I’m sorry, but your argument that the South Korean government has priority over conscription because Mr. Myung-jun is a citizen is hard to accept. As of the time stamped on this document, both Cha Myung-jun and Han Soo-jung have become US citizens.”


Upon hearing Holmes’ words, Hee-cheol quickly scanned the English document.

It stated that not just Myung-jun and Soo-jeong, but also the grandmother, younger sister, Ho Chang, and Byung Tae were all granted US citizenship, complete with their individual Social Security numbers.

Hee-cheol crumpled the paper in anger and said to Holmes,

“Sorry, but those two have never set foot on US soil. How could they possibly apply for US citizenship?”

“It’s impossible through regular channels, but feasible as refugees.”


“It’s simple. Mr. Cha Myung-jun, as an Awakener, felt threatened by the pressure of the Korean government and applied for asylum to the US government, which accepted his application. Hence, from now on, the conscription rights of Mr. Cha Myung-jun and his associates fall under the US government.”

“Even if such a process was followed, proper procedures are required to accept an asylum application! You can’t just snatch citizens from another country like taking a toy!”

“That was the case until recently. But as you know, a week ago, the US government proposed the ‘Asset Law’ which allows Awakeners from any country to receive US protection in the form of asylum. Accordingly, they can apply for and obtain US citizenship without ever setting foot on US soil, including their families.”

“Maybe according to US law, but not according to Korean law.”

“If you have a complaint, take it up with the US government. We’re just following the headquarters’ orders to safely protect and bring Mr. Cha Myung-jun and his party to the US.”

Even as I mentioned earlier, we have multiple Awakeners on our side. I cannot believe that even the U.S. government would consider an all-out conflict using an unconsulted law with its ally nation as an excuse. It would be appreciated if the U.S. military could make a concession here.”

When Hee-cheol spoke with respect but underlying threats, Holmes was conflicted.

In reality, in terms of the awakener forces, the U.S. military was at a distinct disadvantage, but he also couldn’t disregard the direct orders from the headquarters.

The order from the higher-ups was clear, “Whatever happens,” Holmes must accomplish the mission. This meant that, if necessary, they should use force. Holmes thought,

‘No matter how influential the opponent is, they wouldn’t dare ignite an all-out war with the world’s most powerful military, the U.S. If all dispatched U.S. troops are subdued by the awakener, as long as it gives the U.S. government an excuse to intervene, it might be worth trying.’

It took time to make the decision, but once made, Holmes acted swiftly.

“Everyone, form up in tactical formation!”

“Into tactical formation!”

“Each unit, prioritize targets that appear to be awakener!”

“All units, move to combat positions!”

The sound of live ammunition being loaded, and the safety mechanisms being disengaged echoed. Similarly, the Korean EDA agents quickly readied their personal firearms. And thus began a tense standoff, with guns drawn on former allies.

“Is this the response of the U.S. Department of Defense?”

“Even if we fall, we will not retreat.”

Hee-cheol, readying himself for a full-blown confrontation, had a whirlwind of thoughts upon witnessing the opponent’s combative stance.

Although he had been granted full authority from the Korean government regarding the management and treatment of the awakened, he wasn’t certain that this authority extended to a full-scale conflict with the U.S. military.

Facing a situation that could escalate into a massive international diplomatic dispute, Hee-cheol pondered internally,

‘What value does that person possess for the U.S. government to aggressively want to secure their recruitment?’

The more he thought about it, there was only one conclusion.

The existence of a Rank 2 monster that died from a pistol shot, not a rifle bullet.

The two awakener agents who went missing the night Hee-cheol received orders to secure Cha Myung-jun.

The existence of an awakener that the U.S. government wanted to secure, disregarding international law.

All these clues led Hee-cheol to believe in a special ability that Myung-jun possessed.

‘The ability to weaponize modern arms to hunt entities.’

While he couldn’t be certain, if such an ability existed, it would be vital to secure it at any cost.

If they could arm over 400,000 Korean soldiers with modern weaponry capable of hunting entities, they could respond to the Gate incident more easily than relying on the rare awakener phenomenon with unclear activation conditions.

Of course, Myung-jun might possess a different ability, but the mere possibility was reason enough not to hand him over.

With these thoughts, Hee-cheol steeled himself and commanded his agents,

“All units prepare for combat. The objective is the safe capture of the target and suppression of resistance. All regular agents, except the Awakeners, are to evacuate the combat area in cover.”

As soon as Hee-cheol’s command was issued, the regular agents encircling the plaza began to retreat at a rapid pace.

In their stead, 24 agents referred to as ‘awakener’ took their positions between Myung-jun and the U.S. soldiers, assuming combat postures.

Some held bows, some swords, some gauntlets, and some guns.

While each held equipment or weapons according to their abilities, Holmes recognized one fact upon seeing them.

All 24 agents transcended the conventional concept of ‘power’ any ordinary person might possess.

‘Despite being aimed at by so many guns, they aren’t tense at all.’

There are only two kinds of people who aren’t tense in front of guns, madmen or those with the ability to deflect bullets. Clearly, the opponents belonged to the latter category.

‘I’ve only seen their abilities in reports. Let’s see just how strong they are in reality…’

In an atmosphere thick with tension, so intense it seemed one could hear breathing, Holmes slowly raised his hand. Just then, shattering the solemn mood filling the room, a man’s voice rang out.

“Major, please stop for a moment.”

Shockingly, the voice belonged to Myung-jun, the individual being protected. Myung-jun, acting as if he were simply taking a stroll, walked out into the space where hundreds of guns were aimed and moved beside Hee-cheol and Holmes, who were both looking tense.

“Judging by your expression, it seems like you’re certain of EDA’s victory.”

“On our side, we want to avoid a fight as much as possible, but if the opponent doesn’t yield, we’ll have no choice.”

“As you may know from the documents, I am also an American citizen.”

“That’s your claim. I can’t acknowledge that. Moreover, we have a contract that you signed extending your military service. You’ve clearly lied to the South Korean military, and therefore, you should serve an extended period.”

“But if I hadn’t signed, you would have locked me up and not let me go, right? A contract made under duress is null and void.”

“The South Korean government has the constitutional right to require all adult males to serve as needed by the state. Even soldiers on the brink of discharge can have their service extended in times of war. And the current Gate situation is almost equivalent to wartime.”

“So, you’re saying you have to take me regardless of my personal will?”

“I did offer you a choice: to serve your country proudly as an EDA agent.”

“I don’t want to.”

“Then follow quietly. Stand back. Once we suppress these troublemakers here, it’ll be your child’s and his girlfriend’s turn.”

As Hee-cheol finished speaking, an invisible aura seemed to emanate from him. And at that moment, human-shaped blurs of light began appearing throughout the plaza. Fifty or so in total.

Initially indistinct, the blurs took on a clear shape within five seconds, and the fully formed light figures morphed into shapes familiar to Myung-jun.

‘Unique job, Doll Master.’

A class with the awakening ability to summon sentient dolls. Each doll possesses abilities at the Awakener level, and depending on the type of doll, this unique job could handle any situation.

Moreover, the most overpowered aspect was that each doll could infinitely use abilities that would normally be limited for an Awakener person.

This ability was almost like being able to control nearly a hundred Awakener soldiers at will, making it one of the most powerful jobs Myung-jun knew from before his return.

‘Before my return, none of the weapons I created could handle that many numbers.’

Whether it was one or two dolls didn’t matter, fighting a war of attrition against dolls that could be endlessly summoned was tantamount to a suicide mission. Thus, Myung-jun had never managed to defeat Hee-cheol, even when his own rank was higher.

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