Master Smith Under Ministry of National Defense

Chapter 41

Chapter 41

041 – Who Goes First

Moon-soo’s apprehension that he might be next after Hak-soo did not last long. This was because the person he had been so eagerly waiting for had arrived in a timely manner. A man slowly emerged from a black sedan that looked more expensive than the other vehicles at a glance. He was Moon Hee-cheol, the director of EDA the ‘Special Abilities Security Agency’, and the commander of the 0th special operations unit for large-scale phenomena.

“Report the situation.”

“Captain Kim Hak-soo of Unit 4 has engaged the target. He is seriously injured after fighting with a person claiming to be the target’s bodyguard with special abilities.”

“Is he alive?”

“He had the chance to die but didn’t.”

“Then it’s fine. Awakeners are known for their toughness. Their healing ability is not comparable to that of ordinary people. Has the enemy’s ability been confirmed?”

“That’s the thing…”

“Kim Hak-soo is one of the strongest agents in South Korea. Are you saying he lost to someone who didn’t show any visible abilities?”

“He was wearing armor that looked like a bipedal robot. However, we assume that there is a person inside.”

“So, is it an equipment summoning-related ability?”

“Is there such an ability?”

“Assuming that there are types or rules to an Awakener’s abilities is itself a prejudice. There have been reports of Awakener in Japan who can stretch their arms and legs like rubber. In China, there are those who can handle sword energy. And I myself can summon dolls to fight, so if one can summon armor, that’s plausible.”

“I see.”

“But how could armor stop Captain’s explosive ability? It ignores all defenses as it explodes from the inside.”

“That’s the thing…”

“Report what you saw.”

Moon-soo reported to Hee-cheol exactly what he saw. He explained that the enemy had managed to block the trigger of Hak-soo’s abilities with their attacks. And also, that their speed and accuracy were far beyond human capabilities.

Hee-cheol looked in the direction of Ho Chang with a look of interest and said,

“Then it seems like it’s some kind of power armor that primarily enhances physical abilities. Maybe it has a function that identifies the opponent’s motion to block their attacks.”

Upon hearing Hee-cheol’s words, Moon-soo’s expression turned desperate. If Hee-cheol’s words were true, it was clear that it would be difficult for the field agents armed with modern weapons to handle the situation.

Moon-soo reported his judgment honestly to his superior.

“It’s difficult to handle the situation with the EDA agents currently on the scene.”

But Hee-cheol shrugged his shoulders without any concern and smiled.

“Don’t worry.”

“Excuse me?”

“I didn’t come alone, I brought backup.”

At that moment, the remaining vehicles following Hee-cheol’s car all stopped near the square.

Dozens of agents started to get out of the cars.

They were all wearing the same type of black special ops uniform that the previously fallen Hak-soo had been wearing.

“Did you call all the awakener agents under EDA?”

“These are agents who have been under me even before EDA was established. Excluding the currently absent members of unit 1 and unit 3, these gathered here are the strongest awakener forces in South Korea. No matter how strong the opponent is, they should at least have the minimum intelligence to judge that fighting against this many awakener agents is reckless. Moreover…”

While speaking, Hee-cheol quietly began to walk towards the table where Myung-jun and Soo-jeong were sitting.

“If necessary, I’ll also join the fight.”

It was a declaration of participation from Hee-cheol, the director of the EDA and an awakener agent with a unique ability, who could arguably be considered the strongest not only in South Korea but in the world.


“That’s fine. Leave it be.”

Myung-jun stopped Ho Chang who was trying to block Hee-cheol’s way.

And then spoke to Hee-cheol, who sat down as soon as he arrived.

“Shouldn’t you ask the table owner’s permission before joining?”

“It’s been a long time. You used to be Sergeant Cha Myung-jun. Should I call you Mr. Myung-jun now?”

“I suppose so, as I am a civilian in this world.”

“Let’s not jump to conclusions on that issue.”

Hee-cheol pulled a piece of paper from his coat.

It was a document familiar to Myung-jun’s eyes.

“Do you remember this? It’s the document you signed during the investigation.”

“If my statement is proven false or if anything unusual happens to me, It will revoke my discharge and return to military status, right?”

“Yes. And it seems like this is your signature.”

“It looks like it.”

“Okay. Let’s clarify a few things. Two special agents from the government disappeared around here about a month ago. Have you met them?”

“Let me counter that question. Among your friends, there are people named Hee-jun and Jae-un. Have you met them in the last month?”

“I would have to know who those two people are to tell you… ah, I get it. Then let me change the question.”

Hee-cheol pulled out his smartphone and showed a picture of a man.

“Have you ever met this person?”

At that point, Myung-jun shook his head.

“I don’t know that man.”

Myung-jun waited for Hee-cheol’s follow-up questions, but Hee-cheol showed an unexpected attitude. As if it didn’t matter at all, he neatly put away his phone and spoke.

“Is that so? Then let’s consider it unseen.”

“Don’t you do something like an alibi check?”

“I’ve had Awakeners scour the area for a month but haven’t found a single piece of evidence. It’s hard to think that a few questions would catch the culprit.”

“It’s hard to believe coming from someone who’s here to arrest the main suspect.”

“Arrest? Who? Me? Who are you talking about? You? That’s laughable. I just wanted to meet someone and talk to them and try to convince them.”

“Convince? What do you mean?”

A small smile crept across Hee-cheol’s lips at Myung-jun’s question.

“Do you have any interest in joining the EDA?”

This was completely different from Myung-jun’s expected ‘arrest’; it was an out-of-nowhere ‘recruitment’ offer.


“The EDA?”

“ESP Defense Agency. It’s a brand new government agency, not even a week old.”

“Why would ESP Defense Agency want to recruit me?”

“Because you’re an Awakener too. And quite an exceptional one at that.”

Unlike combat Awakeners, production-class Awakeners do not necessarily manifest their powers visibly.

That’s why Soo-jeong started to feel an inexplicable tension when seeing Hee-cheol firmly believe that Myung-jun, who looked no different from a regular person, was an Awakener.

“Myung-jun is an Awakener? Why do you think so?”

“Ah, I forgot you were here, Han Soo-jeong, right? I’d like it if you could join the EDA too.”

“Me too?”

“If you have a brilliant mind like yours, any organization would welcome you. We searched your college workshop to find you two, and we found your work. Although every piece has a loose screw somewhere, the designs themselves are brilliant. The EDA values that talent of yours.”

“I appreciate the compliment, but it’s not an enticing offer. I have no dreams of being a public servant.”

“Maybe your thoughts will change after you hear what I have to say today? The card I’m going to play isn’t necessarily unattractive.”

Myung-jun interrupted their conversation.

“I’m not interested in any cards, but I’m curious why you think I’m an Awakener. What will you do if I join the EDA and turn out not to be one?”

“You’re not an Awakener?”

Hee-cheol snorted.

“In the last operation you participated in, you took down a Rank 2 monster that bullets couldn’t penetrate, using just a handgun. And as soon as you were discharged, you found Soo-jeong here and hid in a warehouse.”

Taking a cigarette out of his pocket and lighting it, Hee-cheol continued.

“And a month ago, you disappeared exactly where a monster was reported. Along with two special agents urgently dispatched to capture you. Isn’t it obvious to even a fool that you have some kind of special ability with all this?”

“It could all be a coincidence. There’s no evidence, is there?”

“No, my intuition is telling me so. And in cases like this, my intuition is quite reliable.”

“What is your intuition telling you right now?”

“Right now, it’s screaming that I should kill you immediately with all the power I’ve brought.”

At that moment, Myung-jun and Soo-jeong stood up from their seats, taking a defensive posture.

However, Hee-cheol spoke towards the two with a calm expression, nonchalantly smoking his cigarette.

“Relax. I don’t intend to attack you two right away. Rather, if you two are such threatening beings, I think it’s better to have you on the same side. There’s a saying that the strongest enemy can be the strongest ally. So, before we test each other’s abilities in battle, I’d like you to first consider my proposal.”

“Go ahead.”

“Good. First, the conditions. If you work as an agent under EDA, your starting annual salary will be set at 30 billion won, which is three times the salary of a regular awakener agent.”

“And then?”

“My intuition says you’re dangerous, but my senses say you’re weak. This means you’re an awakener with production-class abilities. Whether it’s alchemy, crafting, or magic enchantments, I don’t know what category you fall under, but I promise fair compensation for each workpiece. Depending on the performance of the finished product, the price will vary, but if you make a good product, we’ll definitely buy it at a high price.”

“Go on.”

“In return, all the items you produce must go through EDA before hitting the market. Don’t think too complicatedly. We’ll take on the role of distributing your products and securing the supply chain, while you’ll play the role of the production network. Taxes, marketing, and customer acquisition, all the bothersome issues are excluded. You’ll simply get a large sum of money, without the risk of risking your life fighting against extraterrestrial creatures.”

“I don’t really see the merit in your offer. The more complex the distribution process, the lower the margin. All the benefits you mentioned can yield even greater profits if managed directly. And it’s not like I lack the capital or ability to do so.”

“Is that so? That’s why I have a second proposal prepared.”

“What is it?”

“As stated in this document, we would revert your status back to that of a soldier and forcibly conscript you into EDA.”

“Don’t people usually place a better card in the second offer?”

“That’s typically the case in regular negotiations, but this time it’s different. The agents I’ve brought with me today are nearly the entire force of Awakeners in South Korea. No matter how strong you are, it would be impossible to win with production-class abilities. Plus, there’s a third card I can play if you reject that too.”

“What’s the third card?”

“It would be to immediately dispose of you and your lover right here.”

Upon hearing Hee-cheol’s menacing words, Myung-jun sighed deeply.

Then, looking at his wristwatch, he spoke to Hee-cheol.

“So, in the end, Captain Moon Hee-cheol, you’re saying I should unconditionally accept the first offer. The other two cards are just for intimidation, aren’t they?”



“When I first met you, I was a military man, but now I belong to the administration, not the Ministry of National Defense. Therefore, my current position is Director of EDA.”

“A promotion?”

“You might call it an ultra-fast promotion. At least a three-star level of authority and power.”

“I see. However, even if it’s coming from a director with three-star authority, I have no interest in accepting your offer. And I have no intention of accepting your second and third intimidating proposals either.”

“You don’t have the option of choice. You’ve been given three options: cooperate, be dragged along, or die.”

“No, there’s one more option. You may not know this, Director, but you will soon. It’s about time they arrived.”

At that moment, the sound of dozens of vehicles rushing from outside the encirclement began to draw near.

Shortly thereafter, a large number of U.S. military vehicles arrived at the scene, spilling soldiers onto the field. The sight reminded Hee-cheol of a scene from a war movie.

“What the hell is all this?!”

However, it wasn’t the U.S. soldiers who answered his question, but Myung-jun.

“Is this your first time seeing the U.S. military in Korea?”

“That’s not what I meant! Why are they here?”

“That’s because they had a prior appointment to meet with me.”

Looking at the square occupied without a gap by forces that were four times the size of the dispatched EDA agents, Myung-jun said,

“They are my ‘backup’. Shall we restart the negotiations?”

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