Master Smith Under Ministry of National Defense

Chapter 29

Chapter 29

029 – Mechanic

“What’s are you talking about!? You said you could save him?!”

“Well, explaining it is a bit complicated…”

“Try to explain it as simply as possible.”

“Alright. First, I need to explain the name of the ability. The name of the ability I gained through awakening this time is [Mechanic]. To be precise, it’s a higher-level unique job within the blacksmith category. The turret summoning, I used against the awakener earlier is the most basic ability of this power.”


“Besides that, there are various perks. One of the abilities is the [Hangar]. It’s like a pocket dimension that you can enter from any space, and the inside is like a spaceship with various facilities. The thing about being able to heal is because there’s a [Medical Port] inside that can treat physical injuries. So, I thought you could use that to heal.”

“Is the Medical Port like the one in sci-fi movies where injured people just lie down, and it automatically heals them?”

“Yes, it’s exactly the same visual as what you imagined.”

“But you’re the only one who can enter?”

“For now, it seems that way. It shouldn’t be a level issue.”

“Really? Then let’s go together.”


“Maybe you don’t consider Ho Chang as your comrade, so you’re not allowed in. But I’m on your side for sure, and you think that way too, so there’s a chance I can enter.”

Upon hearing Soo-jeong’s words, Myung-jun pondered for a moment and then nodded his head.

“You’re absolutely right. Let’s give it a try. Warp.”

However, once again, it was Myung-jun who disappeared. But in the spot where Myung-jun vanished, there stood Soo-jeong, looking excitedly at the empty space before her.

[The user of the Mechanic ability wishes to accept you as a crew member. If you become a crew member, you won’t be able to acquire new awakening abilities in the future, but you will receive unique skills based on the characteristics of each crew member. If a crew member who has become part of the crew betrays the user of the ability with malicious intent, that information can be transmitted to the ability user. Crew members will receive the following benefits:

► You can enter the Mechanic’s pocket dimension from anywhere and at any time. This place is a shared space that crew members can use and is isolated in a separate dimension.

► You can obtain lower specialized professions derived from the Mechanic category.

► You can use a part of the equipment used by Mechanic ability users.

► You can wear Mechanic-boosted equipment without any limitations.

► You can freely use the Mechanic facilities within the pocket dimension.

Current available facilities include the ‘Medical Port’ for treating any wounds or illnesses, the ‘Food Printer’ that can create any desired food, the ‘Battle Simulator’ where Mechanic ability users and crew members can engage in virtual battles against opponents they’ve faced before, the ‘Science Facility’ where equipment can be researched and produced in a virtual environment without consuming actual materials, and personal rooms assigned to each crew member.

► All goods and resources acquired by crew members will be automatically transferred to a shared warehouse.

► Once registered as a crew member, you cannot undo it until your death.

► The available lower job upon crew registration for the current target is ‘Research Engineer‘.]

As Myung-jun read through all the text one by one, he suddenly found himself back in the hangar, facing Soo-jeong. And Soo-jeong, having read all the text and additional explanations linked to each section, sighed and raised her head with an excited expression.

“It’s quite a unique ability.”

“Like I said, it’s a unique job.”

“No, I don’t mean in that sense. To put it another way, your ability has the potential to nurture not just yourself but others as well.”

As Soo-jeong explained the contents of the text she had read, Myung-jun looked surprised.

“So, to use the medical port, I need to register as your crew member. Then, I’ll automatically become an awakened user, and I won’t be able to acquire new abilities, right?”


“That’s right. In other words, your ability is not just a power you use alone, but a power that multiple people can combine to nurture together. Probably, when you warped alone, a window similar to what I saw appeared in front of Ho Chang too. Since he was unconscious, he couldn’t accept, so only you were warped.”

“So, if you accept, you can enter?”

“Likely. Shall we try it?”

As Soo-jeong moved her finger, Myung-jun grabbed her arm.

“Wait a moment, Senior. Are you really okay?”

“What do you mean?”

“Once you register as an Awakener, even if you want to betray, you can’t. And you won’t be able to acquire new abilities until you die. If I were to acquire more awakening stones later, you might be able to get better abilities. Are you really okay giving up that possibility and becoming my crew?”

Upon hearing this, Soo-jeong extended her index finger towards Myung-jun and said,

“First, I will never betray you. We’re in the same boat already. So don’t doubt that part. Second, of course, like you said, I might be able to acquire better abilities later. But it might not happen too. Most importantly, becoming your crew means sharing your ‘unique job’ ability. What’s even more certain is that becoming a crew member means being able to at least share your turret summoning ability for now. Even if you can only share that, it’s not a loss. Having the ability to launch powerful long-range attacks without any risk, faster speed than bullets, or complete invisibility in sight is a much stronger ability. Lastly…”


“Your ability might grant crew members sub-class based on their existing abilities. Given the available sub-class I can choose, it’s obviously [Research Engineer]. And based on the name, it’s likely that it’s a job involving developing equipment that both you and crew members can use. It’s a job that suits me perfectly.”

“You won’t regret it?”

“No. Rather, I should be thankful to the heavens that you received such an ability.”

“If you’re thinking that way, then I’m okay with it too. Let’s make it official. Will you become the first crew member of my unique job, Mechanic?”

Seeing Myung-jun kneel down and extend his hand as if proposing, Soo-jeong smiled with a delighted expression. She then placed her hand on top of Myung-jun’s hand.


[The crew inclusion through verbal agreement has been completed. Starting from now, the profession of the awakened user Han Soo-jeong will be [Research Engineer]. With the joining of the new profession, new facilities have been unlocked.

► The new facility ‘Prototype Research Lab (Lv.l)’ has been unlocked. By registering blueprints, you can automatically produce prototype equipment.

► The new facility ‘Interdimensional Technology Analysis Lab (Lv.l)’ has been unlocked. By analyzing Crystal Stone, Monsters, and the corpses of awakeners, you can determine the ability algorithms.

► The new facility ‘Integrated Resource Management Center (Lv.l)’ has been unlocked. You can manage acquired resources and automatically convert the corpses of monsters into resources.]

“Oh, something big appeared?”

“Now I can see it too. It seems that when something new is unlocked, the entire crew can see it.”

“I wonder if I’ll get an alert when I create new equipment later. Somehow, I’m feeling excited.”

At that moment, a voice came from behind the two people who were looking forward to the future joyfully.

“Kuhuh… I know the atmosphere is great and all, but… Sorry to interrupt… but there’s someone who needed help over here!”

Upon hearing the voice, Soo-jeong was startled and rushed to Ho Chang’s side. Then, she shook him.

“Ho Chang, wake up! Quickly!”

“Ugh… Ughhh…”

“Sorry for waking someone who’s nearly dead, but there’s no other way to save Ho Chang now. Ho Chang, do you see strange characters floating in front of your eyes? If you can’t move your head, at least try blinking your eyes!”

As Ho Chang blinked his eyes slowly, Soo-jeong shouted,

“To save Ho Chang, you need to make him an Awakener! Since he can’t see well now, I’ll explain in his place! It’s a crucial decision, so please concentrate and listen as much as you can!”

With those words, Soo-jeong began reading the contents of the text that had been floating in front of her eyes just a moment ago, without missing a single detail, as if she were reading an insurance policy. It was quite astonishing how fast she was speaking, akin to reading terms and conditions.

Watching this, Byung-tae had a bewildered expression and asked Myung-jun,

“Are you saying that she’s reading something that’s not visible to my eyes?”

“No. Maybe she saw it once and is reciting it?”

“She memorized all that content at once?”

“Well, she’s a genius, after all.”

“It must be nice to have a girlfriend who’s a genius.”

“It is.”

Myung-jun chuckled.


Soo-jeong continued her explanation, tapping Ho Chang’s shoulder a few times as he seemed to be losing focus. Once she finished explaining everything, she shouted at Ho Chang.

“Do you agree?!”


“I’m asking if you agree! If you agree, try blinking your eyes!”

Ho Chang exerted all his strength to move his heavy eyelids like weights.

Then, he heard a voice in his ear and lost consciousness.

[The crew inclusion through verbal agreement has been completed. Starting from now, the profession of the Awakener Lee Ho Chang will be [Guardian]. With the joining of the new profession, new equipment has been unlocked.

► Armored Suit (Type – Defender) has been unlocked.

► Registered users can summon and wear the Armored Suit in the sub-Space.

► Used Armored Suits can be returned to the sub-Space.

► The development tree for additional equipment (Attachment) for the Armored Suit has been unlocked. You can produce and equip prototypes in the Prototype Research Lab.]

Myung-jun confirmed the message appearing in front of his eyes and patted Ho Chang’s shoulder. Then, he shouted the command that had been failing until now.


In an instant, both of them were engulfed in a bright light and disappeared into thin air. After a moment, Myung-jun returned and addressed Soo-jeong.

“I’ve put him into the medical port for now.”

“Will he survive?”

“Likely. The treatment started immediately, right? The entire port turned blue, which indicates that the situation was serious. If we were even 10 minutes later, we might not have been able to save him.”

“Then what’s next?”

When Byung-tae spoke with a composed expression, Myung-jun asked,

“Your name?”

“Park Byung-tae. I’m in charge of Ho Chang’s security driving.”

“Relatively intact, then.”

“I was hit a few times and immediately passed out. Instead, I guess my brother took most of the hits, that’s why.”

“You’ve heard the explanation, right?”

“If I accept, I’ll be able to use that monstrous power like those guys earlier, right? I heard it clearly. And I intend to accept.”

“You’ve heard the explanation about potential betrayal as well, right?”

“Anyway, I’m a guy who follows my brother around. Besides, my brother made the contract first, so there’s no way I can betray him separately. If you give me orders, I’ll serve loyally.”

With that said, Byung-tae glanced briefly in Soo-jeong’s direction and let his words trail off.

“If you pay me a proper salary…”

“I’ll make sure of that.”

“Then good. In fact, I’m the one who should be asking, so I’ll ask properly now. Am I becoming a crew member? Team member? Whatever you call it, please accept me. I’m confident that I can serve and end it like no other when it comes to driving.”

“Alright, then. Let’s officially accept you as a crew member.”

[The crew inclusion through verbal agreement has been completed. Starting from now, the profession of the Awakener Park Byung-tae will be [Senior Driver]. With the joining of the new profession, new equipment has been unlocked.

► Armored Fighting Vehicle (AFV) in the Mobility branch has been unlocked.

► Registered users can summon and board the AFV in the sub-Space.

► Used AFVs can be returned to the sub-Space.

► The development tree for additional equipment (Attachment) for the AFV has been unlocked. You can produce and equip prototypes in the Prototype Research Lab.]

As Myung-jun and Byung-tae returned, Soo-jeong, who had been waiting for Myung-jun, looked at him with eager eyes.

“Is it my turn in this realm? I want to go straight to the research lab.”

“Senior, you’re injured too. Treatment should be a priority.”

“But sightseeing…”

“Crew members should listen to the captain’s orders. First, the treatment. We can arrange the internal tour later. We’ll discuss the plans after your treatment is done.”

“Myung-jun, what about you? What will you do?”


Myung-jun walked towards the corpse of the assailant, his body riddled with large holes and charred black. He placed his hand on the corpse and then placed it into the Ether Space before looking around.

The aftermath of the intense battle, almost unbelievable as a fight between humans, scattered across the battlefield.

“First, let’s clean up the aftermath and disappear from here. I should clear up the remnants so thoroughly that even they won’t be able to trace them from over there.”

Myung-jun’s next plan was to make the most of the newly acquired ‘accessible sub-Space’ and use it to disappear his presence until the pursuit would wane.

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