Master Smith Under Ministry of National Defense

Chapter 20

Chapter 20

020 – Start

“Myung-jun… I… can’t endure it any longer…”

“Senior, please don’t say that. Hold on a little longer.”


“Will all the effort you’ve put in so far be in vain?”

“Sigh… This kind of thing doesn’t suit my personality. It’s like hoarding treasure in front of my eyes and letting it rot away. Wouldn’t a little bit be okay?”

Looking at the pleading eyes of Soo-jeong, as if tempting him, Myung-jun sighed deeply. And once again, he repeated an answer that he had given countless times before.

“Senior, I’m sorry, but using the ability to change attributes requires a Crystal. And I’ve almost used up all the Crystals I had. Now there’s only enough left for the next hunt. Even that is limited to about two uses.”

“Then let’s go hunting!”

“We’re being monitored right now. Have you forgotten?”


Soo-jeong began to flop around, shoulders trembling, as if she were crying. But Myung-jun knew well that her exaggerated behaviour was just pretending to cry. He gently patted her back, comforting her stifled feelings.

“If I can gather enough Crystal in the next hunt, I’ll be able to make what you’re asking for, senior.”

“Really?! Then…”

Before Myung-jun could finish speaking, Soo-jeong looked up at him with an eager expression, her eyes wide open. But Myung-jun cut her off and spoke with a determined expression.

“Fusion reactor materials are scarce.”


“I’ve explained in detail about [Attribute Transformation] abilities before. What did I say?”

“Uhm… Your ability allows you to freely transform the attribute of a substance?”


“Opposite attributes cannot be reinforced simultaneously.”

“Right. For example, you can’t reinforce hardness and flexibility simultaneously, nor can you create a substance that’s both hot and cold at the same time. You also can’t have high thermal conductivity and high insulation properties in the same material. And you also mentioned that secondary physical effects associated with attributes cannot be altered.”

“Right. For instance, if you increase the power of explosives, the recoil generated follows the laws of real physics. So, things like ‘silent explosives’ can’t be created. And the last and most important thing…”

“You mean the point?”


Myung-jun could store the Crystal he possessed in a sort of unique inventory and automated workspace called the [Processing]. The Crystal placed in there would be reduced to a form of points, providing energy that Myung-jun could use for attribute transformation. The consumption of points varied depending on the difficulty of the attribute transformation Myung-jun attempted.

And the points Myung-jun had were nearly depleted as he created the ‘tear-resistant tissue’ he showcased in front of his family, the ‘anti-shock shield’ he made to persuade Soo-jeong, and the ‘ultra-hard cutting blade’ he gifted her.

“For something like the fusion reactor containment material that Senior mentioned, you would need to greatly enhance its heat resistance, and the absolute value of the changes in attributes increases the point consumption. So, to create a heat-resistant material that can withstand temperatures even up to 100 million degrees, the energy from the Crystal generated by Rank 2 Monster wouldn’t even come close.”

“Then ultimately, we have to go hunting, whether there’s surveillance or not. Over there, they’ll need to see something from us if we’re going to achieve our goal of obtaining protection from the United States government.”

“Show them something?”

“Since they’re also dealing with their own issues, it won’t be easy for them to simply pass laws without a hitch. They mentioned that passing legislation won’t be straightforward. They’re requesting some kind of merit from us that can show how your ability could be helpful for the well-being of the U.S. government.”

“What kind of merit are you talking about?”

“What they’re currently asking for is sending them rifle ammunition samples that can actually penetrate this. Soo-jeong presented what her mother had sent her – the outer shell of a Rank 2 Monster. Examining it in his hands, Myung-jun smiled at Soo-jeong.”

“The fact that they’re asking for ammunition that can penetrate this means they’re talking about ammunition with a caliber smaller than 50mm that can penetrate this. Basically, a Barrett rifle should be sufficient to penetrate this.”

“That’s right. More specifically, they’re requesting a new projectile that can penetrate the outer shell of a Rank 2 Monster based on a 6.8mm caliber for the new U.S. military rifle… Is it possible?”

“It’s not a difficult request, but in this case, Crystal will still be needed. Either way, we have to change the physical properties of the projectile and even add new attributes. So, the point consumption will be higher.”

“Which means, in the end, we have to go hunting. Regardless of whether there’s surveillance or not. Over there, even if they’re willing to accept diplomatic risks, there has to be something substantial enough for them to bet on us.”

“Substantial evidence… If we need something that can be confirmed visually, how about I send them the shield I made for you before? It’s not a weapon, so it should pass customs without any issues. The specifications also perfectly meet the absurd specifications you designed.”

Upon hearing this, Soo-jeong spoke up, her head slightly tilted towards Myung-jun.

“That’s not possible. Sending that would be like proving that you have no limitations with your ability.”

“What do you mean?”

“Originally, the information I conveyed to the U.S. government through my mother was not about your ability to freely transform the inherent attributes of matter. The information I passed on was simply that you can grant projectiles the ability to penetrate the outer shell of a Rank 2 Monster using regular rifle ammunition. I deliberately kept other possibilities hidden.”

“Is that so?”

Soo-jeong revealed her honest thoughts to Myung-jun, explaining that having the ability that the other party believes is a power that makes everything incredibly convenient, versus having the ability that they feel is necessary no matter what happens, carries different risks. Myung-jun understood that choosing the latter option carried too much risk.

“Of course, if you were to fully disclose your ability, you would have the advantage of being able to expedite the passage of laws as you wish. But conversely, there’s also the concern that you might be used by the U.S. government to perform tasks that the Korea’s Ministry of National Defense might not be willing to perform – you, or even your family, and maybe even me. Suddenly being kidnapped and taken to an unknown location one day. To prevent such a situation, there’s a need to redesign the rules of this new world from the ground up.”

“Redesign from the ground up… What an interesting idea. Could you explain that in more detail?”

When Myung-jun asked, Soo-jeong took out her tablet and showed it to him. On it was the outline of the idealized Awakener business that Soo-jeong had in mind. As Myung-jun examined it, he couldn’t help but be surprised – her newly constructed system was remarkably similar to the corporate-style Awakener clan from his previous timeline.

Even before the main event would unfold on D-day, looking at the concrete vision of the future company that Soo-jeong had conjured up based solely on the information Myung-jun provided, he could be confident that he had chosen the right partner. And then, he began pointing out some of the gaps in her foundation due to lack of information.

“So, the fundamental idea behind all of this planning is to actively utilize the abilities of Awakeners in the private sector rather than the government?”

“That’s right.”

“Then what role does the ‘Public Relation Department’ play here?”

“The role of the Public Relation Department is to package the activities of company-affiliated Awakeners like propaganda and give them a storytelling aspect. People like heroes. And they wouldn’t want to see their revered heroes being forcibly taken away by the government. Eventually, this fight will evolve into an ideological struggle. If we make it seem like from the beginning, it’s the country’s role to hunt these monsters and protect world peace, we’ll lose. On the other hand, if we make it look like the government is eager to take part in what we’re doing, as if they’re trying to get involved in a proper manner, we’ll win.”

“What does win mean?”

“Have you seen the movie ‘Iron Man’?”

“Yes, I have.”

“In that movie, the protagonist Tony Stark ignores national borders and fights in conflict zones or against terrorists at his own will, even violating international laws. People view his activities as those of a hero and enthusiastically support his extraordinary actions. Even during the congressional hearing that argues that the Iron Man suit technology should be owned by the government, members of Congress are shown eating dirt. In that scene, who looked like the villain? The congressperson advocating for the greater good of the entire United States or Tony Stark, who insists that only he should monopolize the Iron Man suit technology?”

“When I hear you describe it, from a national standpoint, the congressperson’s argument makes sense, but in the movie, Tony Stark seemed more justified.”

“Exactly. That’s why our organization needs to become something like the Stark Industries of the Awakener industry. Not beholden to anyone, acting independently, yet an existence that inherently benefits the world. A presence that people believe is beneficial. A presence no government in the world can force into submission. To become such a presence, we need to leave a strong impression in the minds of people worldwide, and for that, the Public Relation Department is essential. If you have a natural talent for marketing and can package the collateral damage that arises from activities as an unavoidable sacrifice, as something that would have caused even greater damage if we hadn’t intervened, making it impossible for them to demand compensation from us – that’s the role I envision for the Public Relation Department.”

“Um… So, in other words, you’re planning to gather Awakeners and grow them into a hero clan like the Avengers, and then use that recognition to counteract the government’s control?”

“A hero clan, yes. I was thinking of a name like ‘Awakener Guild,’ but ‘hero clan’ does sound better. Essentially, that’s what the plan is – to gradually increase our influence in that way. So, when your ability is completely revealed to the world, you’ll be the leader of the world’s best hero clan, so to speak.”

“So, you’re saying…”

“That’s right.”

She said, “This entire plan is meant to protect you. This plan has been devised to ensure that no matter who in the world comes forward, they won’t be able to take you away from me. At least, as long as things go according to my plan, or even if they don’t go as smoothly, I’ll make sure they do. Even if I have to use all of my abilities…”

And then, with her large eyes fixed on Myung-jun, she cautiously asked, “What do you think?”

Observing the bright expression that blossomed on Soo-jeong’s face in an instant, Myung-jun also smiled back at her. Then he extended his hand towards her.

“Let’s create it together, this ‘Hero Clan.'”

As Soo-jeong’s hand gently wrapped around his, feeling the strong determination emanating from that small hand, Myung-jun made an internal vow. In this life, which he regained through regression, he would fight to secure a free life, no matter the challenges he faced. ‘And to achieve that, there might be some level of risk that needs to be taken at this moment.’ With that thought in mind, Myung-jun’s gaze turned towards the black case that contained the firearm they had created together, the firearm that was a symbol of their partnership.

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