
Chapter 95: Let's Defeat the Big Monkey

Chapter 95: Let's Defeat the Big Monkey

Mortal Monkeys attacked.

The older woman drank the glass of water given to her in one gulp while talking without pause.

Mortal Monkeys are those monkeys, right? Didn't Yuuko-nee warn you about them?

Kazane had a listless face as she spoke, and the older woman vigorously nodded.

That is right. Her Majesty the Queen told me it was very important to hire adventurers as escorts, but a huge monkey suddenly came, and they said we had to run away because they couldn't handle it.

A huge monkey?

It was an individual that wasn't there when they fought last time.

If I remember correctly Jinrai-san said that an Immortal Monkey was once subjugated, maybe another one appeared.

That monkey-san's supposed to be quite strong, right?

To Tiara's remark Kazane repliedthat's what I heard.

Because of that we had to leave the nearly completed facilities, and to my regret we could only scurry home.

The older woman trembled while she spoke, and a vein bulged on her forehead.

By the way Auntie, who are you?

Well, she thought she probably knew, but for now she would confirm it. The older woman noticed that she hadn't introduced herself, so she straightened her posture and did so.

Yes, sorry. I am the Zenith Firm's Lodging and Town Development Department's representative Makka Tomac. I have been entrusted with the development and management of Kazane-sama's Magic Hot Springs.

After saying that, Makka's shoulders dropped.

That is ... for such a thing to happen ... I truly feel sorry.

Yeah. Well, don't worry about it.

Kazane only found out she was the owner the other day, so her intentions of making a profit were also weak, and she wasn't particularly bothered about such things.

So what does Auntie want us to do?

Kazane-sama previously drove away the Mortal Monkeys. I also hear you recently exterminated a dragon?

Well, that's right.

Kazane also nodded to those facts. Rumors spread quickly. There was a Flying Dragon Postal Service in this world. The speed of information transmission was reasonably high.

So I would like to request the subjugation of the Mortal Monkeys and the Immortal Monkey.

(So she came for the reason I expected?)

Thought Kazane. Although it was troublesome, if they did not accept it they would not be able to enter the hot spring, and even if it was in name only Kazane was the owner of the source. That was done before she realized it, but she still felt a sense of responsibility.

Do we have to do it alone?

No. My adventurer escorts can help, and we can employ every adventurer in this city if you think it's necessary.

Makka's proposal was not corporate largess. If the constructed facilities were destroyed it would be a major loss for Makka. She had to deal with the monkeys and prevent the delay of the hot spring town plans by any means possible.

Let's receive it, Kazane.

Louise expressed from the side.

You're assertive, Louise-san.

Yes, right now I feel like taking a bath at any cost.

I also came here to enter a hot spring.

Kazane groaned. The problem was the number of Mortal Monkeys and the strength of the Immortal Monkey.

Umm. But, for now we'll put the request on hold.

Makka was openly disappointed, but Kazane kept talking.

I'm certain that an Immortal Monkey was subjugated here long ago, so I will first look at the guild's documents. It would be irresponsible for us to accept when we don't know if we can accomplish it.

Kazane said, then Makka nodded and pulled Kazane's hand and proceeded to the reception desk sayingwell, let's examine it at once.It seems she was worried about her childish appearance and kept talking solely by momentum, but the honest reply about our ability to deal with the opponent seems to have relieved her ... Louise thought, and her ability to observe people and grasp their situation was practically ESP, and she nodded.

Conrad City, Adventurer Guild Office, Reception Desk

There it was. Here.

Pran retrieved the Immortal Monkey subjugation record from the guild request record book. By the way, when they came to the reception desk Pran could only sayit's been a long timebefore Makka saidquickly!with a terribly threatening attitude as she requested the documents, and it made Kazane a little scared.

(That reminds me, Master said she was scary)

Kazane remembered. The reason she showed Kazane a smiling face was probably because she was the source owner, the Queen's acquaintance, and perhaps most importantly, killed a dragon. And while thinking such thoughts Kazane read the materials.

The only concrete detail written here is that it was burned, but in their opinion it was monster level 65.

Items for level appraisal existed, but ordinary adventurer didn't have them, so she wondered why that was written there and looked at the list of subjugation members and saw Yuuko-nee's name.

(Ah, so that must be why it was burned)

Kazane understood and returned the record to Pran. By the way, Immortal Monkey was a monster that did not appear in the game. Until now they hadn't fought any monsters that were not in the game, so she came here to supplement her game knowledge with that information.

Auntie. I think we will somehow be able to manage that one, so we will accept.

Thank you very much! I am deeply impressed!

With that said Makka embraced Kazane and rubbed their cheeks together. She was an older woman that readily expressed her emotions.

Well then.

Kazane asked when Makka had calmed down.

I'd like to know more information about the Mortal Monkeys that attacked this time, but did the escort adventurers come with you?

Makka nodded at Kazane's words.

Yes, right now they're standing by outside. Would you please wait a moment?

Saying that Makka went outside.

She's a considerably powerful hag.

Pran grumbled behind her. Kazane smiled wryly, and they heard Makka's voice from outside, then a man came inside.

Oh, Kimberly-san.

Kazane recognized the face; it was Kimberly.

Yo, Kazane. You look lively.

Kimberly greeted Kazane with a slightly tired face.

So Kimberly-san was escorting. But you don't seem lively.

Kimberly sighed deeply at Kazane's remark.

I am miserable. I was scolded by Representative Makka and the facilities were stolen by monsters under our noses, so I'm not in a killing mood.

If they don't die I'll be trouble. I am paying you diligently, so don't avoid working diligently.

When Kimberly spoke Makka returned from outside and criticized him.

I know, Representative Makka. I have to kill them together with Kazane if I don't want my career to die.

But there was also an Immortal Monkey? It sounds like a considerable monster, so it seems like retreating couldn't be helped.

They could have have been annihilated like the first group that investigated the hot spring location long ago. Safely returning seemed like good work.

That monkey monster is certainly a formidable enemy, but it's not the only problem. The number of Mortal Monkeys was quite high. I would guess there were around 200 to 300.

That's quite the number.

That time Kazane's group encountered them there were about 50.

Yeah, that's the thing. It's a wonder that so many joined together. It wouldn't be surprising if this town was attacked.

The trade route is also in danger, right?

At Kazane's words Makka saidthat is also a problem.

More monsters would be appearing right after the Ogre subjugation. The route might be reexamined by the merchants, so I want you to subjugate them before it gets a bad reputation.


Kazane groaned, and organized the situation.

In fact, if it were that amount of Mortal Monkeys in separate groups, even without Jinrai and Yumika Kazane's group, Kimberly's escort group, and all the adventurers in the city might be able to deal with them somehow. The Immortal Monkey was probably the one that gathered them all together. A boss had high leadership ability, so the plan was that if it were defeated the group would probably collapse and scatter, so Kazane nodded and saidwell, should I do it?when Makka and Kimberly told her that. Kimberly askedwill you be OK?and Kazane repliedno problem.

Name: Yuihama Kazane

Occupation: Magic Swordswoman

Title: Ogre Killer, Dragon Slayer

Equipment: Staff White Blaze, Two Handed SwordBlack Fang, Silver Breastplate, Silver Gauntlets, Silver Sheep Clothes, Carapace Bull Trousers, Dragon Ogre Greaves, Indestructible Cloak, Mysterious Pouch, Crimson Saint Coffin, Heroic Spirit Summoning Ring, Circlet of Wisdom

Level : 29

Health: 101

Magic Power: 170+300

Strength: 49+10

Agility: 40

Endurance: 29

Wisdom : 55

Dexterity : 33

Spell : Fly Torch Fire HealFirestorm

Skill : Warrior's Memory Night Vision Crushing Blow Dogs Sense of Smell Golem Maker: Lv2 Rush Fire Principle: Third Chapter Healing Principle: Second Chapter Air Jump: Lv2 Killing Leg: Lv2 Fear Voice Invisible Tiger Eye Wall Walking Intuition Cheat Death NimbleChargeMaterial ShieldInformation LinkOptical CamouflageDashBloodsucking BladeDragonization

Kazane: It's an event battle.

Yumika: Since I am not there please finish and return quickly.


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