
Chapter 94: Test Run

Chapter 94: Test Run

Ricard Inn - The Next Morning

Bamboo shoot ...... scary ...... impossible ... more outrageous than an Ogre ... but yet ...... no, I don't understand ...... I was broken ...... I don't understand ...

When Kazane woke up in the morning Louise was facing the wall with a distant look and was whispering something to herself.

What's with that?

Who knows?

Yumika had already woken up, and Kazane had no answer to her question. She smelled Jiro's scent from Louise so she expected there wasNight Practiceyesterday, but Louise's reaction didn't make sense to Kazane.

It's something in the world, an existence like a monster.

Next to Kazane Mefirus was shivering as he looked at Louise's state.

Even if it's huge that doesn't mean that's good. Around ordinary is just right. If there's love it's irrelevant. Even if the size becomes the talk of the town it will settle down in the end. However, Mefirus had an ordinary size, so he had never experienced the spiritually exhausted dazed face that Louise was wearing that certainly held a woman's delighted smile. If he were still alive his one instinct as a male may have led to the deprivation of Jiro's life. Well, that kind of story. Isn't that enough for it to be well understood?

For now I'm thinking of heading to Kazane Magic Hot Spring today, shall we go?

All members were awake and present except for Jinrai, who had returned to the dojo, so she called out to discuss their current plans.

That's good. Yes, that's the best place to wash away my inexperience.

I also think that is good.

Louise with a shadowed face and Tiara agreed. Yumika was troubled for a bit before she answeredI will hold back.Kazane was able to predict why, so she didn't ask the particular reason. She guessed she was planning to train with Jinrai.

Roger. This time I have a little bit special Hippo-kun prepared, so I think that we'll ride it with three people.

Hippo-kun, horse, horse, horse. Like so. A good horse. Fufufu

Louise was muttering something scary behind her.

Winlard City, Batroa Workshop, Multipurpose Testing Ground

This is what I was able to do.

Master handed the greaves to Kazane. The shape was even more brutally spiky than before, several parts were strengthened with dragon bones, and the dragon claws were set in the shoe sole. There was also one protruding from the heel, so the usefulness of axe kicking seemed to be progressing.

It's gradually looking more devilish.

Even though she said that Kazane did not dislike such a design.

She immediately jumped around smoothly. The comfort was the same as before, and when asked if she wanted to kick a straw doll for training she noddedyes,and one was set up.

The loud sound from an attack that was impossible for a young girl, or more precisely even a grown adult, to make then resounded. Kazane had the skillNimbleso roundhouse kicks and the like were easy, and more importantly the passive ability included with Killing Leg Lv2 also improved the power of her normal kicks. Furthermore, a kick that unleashed the dragon claws had the same degree of destructive power as a normal Killing Leg.

With just three kicks the straw dummy was torn to shreds, and when Killing Leg was invoked it broke off the post and flew into the wall. If she had used Charge the momentum might have destroyed the wall, and the force of the impact caused the form of the straw dummy to completely disperse.

I had better not use the dragon claws when kicking a person.

Ah, if you don't want to kill them.

The power made Master break into a cold sweat.

(Now I understand how they defeated a dragon)

Actually, if the opponent were a standard dragon it wouldn't be an overestimation.

Well then, shall I introduce the other one? Mondorie is half asleep, but he's fetching it.

Fu, fuaaaai Master.

Mondorie was rubbing the sleep from his eyes as he was pulling a rattling cart. It seemed he stayed up all night.

On the cart was something that looked like a horse covered entirely in body armor. Although there was no horse contained within, the frame was supported from inside; in addition, the Muscle Clay delivered yesterday was packed inside in a horse-like shape.

So, we made sure it could securely fit inside the neck as instructed by Kazane. The slot is firmly fixed in place and can be locked to prevent somebody from taking it.

Master pointed to the neck portion of the armored horse and explained to Kazane.

Thanks, Master.

Kazane said, and she took the Childstone out of her pouch. It was the one she got from the Tyrant Orc. The difference was that, unlike Yuuko-nee, it hadn't accepted her as its master, so it could not be used as a summoning item. So she would use it as they were normally used, as a generator of magical power. The magical power generated was the same nature as the Childstone user. The output was lower than a Dragon Heart or a dungeon Heart Orb, but there was a certain amount of magical power generation. To the extent that Hippo-kun could move.

Here we go.

Kazane inserted the Childstone into the depression on the neck that would be right in front of someone riding the armored horse, then she locked it and activated Golem Maker on the Muscle Clay, and it moved.

Oh, it works.

As expected, after it started to move Mondorie's half asleep face became alert. The thing he created started to move. It was impossible not to be happy.

With that Childstone it will always be able to move normally even without your magical power.

Yeah, that's right. Because of the amount of magical power it generates I was a little anxious about using it for Tatsuyoshi-kun's instant movement, so I thought using it this way would be better.

Tatsuyoshi-kun would also have no problem with its normal operation, but the momentary output needed for things like holding down the Tyrant Orc cannot be done with the Childstone. Tatsuyoshi-kun was also unnecessary any time they were not in battle, so it was more convenient to use it for Hippo-kun. However, that was solely because she only had one Childstone currently, so if the number increased she could use them for more things. And that became Kazane's long-standing goal.

In Fast Horse mode maintaining stability and its shape will probably furiously consume magical power, but with only three people riding it should be fine.

So are you planning on going to the hot spring as it is?

Of course.

Kazane nodded. Master looked a bit worried, but from Kazane's expression judged it would be okay.

Well, you're used to using Hippo-kun normally. I guess there shouldn't be any problems, but be careful.


So Kazane said, but she naively thought that with the aggregate amount of Muscle Clay Hippo-kun's speed wouldn't be faster than Tatsuyoshi-kun. As was said earlier, the instantaneous power of a Childstone was not high. However, Muscle Clay could accumulate magical power as needed and could automatically calculate the necessary magical power based on the output from the source, then redistribute as necessary for maximum efficiency. Kazane never thought the top speed would be 120 kilometers per hour.

They barreled along at a rate that would give them a traffic ticket in the original world and would get them to Conrad before noon, but Kazane and the others' hearts were pounding as they clung desperately to avoid their inevitable death. Should they be praised for clinging on desperately to avoid falling, or should Hippo-kun's attitude control be praised for keeping them from falling?

Conrad City, Guild Adjacent Tavern - Afternoon

As soon as they entered the tavern two girls collapsed onto a table. For the time being they asked for water.

Yeah. That should be the record time for traveling from Winlard to Conrad.

I do not feel like challenging it further. I thought I would die.

As expected, Kazane wanted to protect Tiara's faith in her, so her words stung like a thorn. Adjustment was very important.

Kazane and Tiara were limply resting on the table, but Louise alone restlessly looked around and muttered.

Huh? Why am I here? I was supposed to be drinking, but the tavern is different?

Apparently the memories since last night had been blown away. It might be a result of heartbreak. She voluntarily seduced him, so she could only blame herself.

Isn't that Kazane and Tiara? Oh. What's wrong, were you two also drinking? That's no good, young girls shouldn't drink the night away.

Louise's voice was strangely bright, and Kazane and Tiara lightly shuddered as they remembered the situation from this morning, but they were relieved she was back to normal, and they decided to explain the current situation.

Hot spring, excellent hot spring.

Louise's excitement also made Kazane pull herself together, and she was considering how to adjust the stand-alone Hippo-kun before they went to the hot spring when the door banged opened and an older woman ran in from outside.

What in the world?


The older woman looked around restlessly and shouted.

Here, I heard that Kazane-sama the hot spring evangelist is here! Please, please help us!

Kazane was collapsed on the table and couldn't see her like Louise, who saidwhat did you say?to the older woman. What was a hot spring evangelist?

Let's leave.

Grumbled Kazane, but the older woman's eyes locked on to Kazane's group. Kazane sighed at the sound of her approaching footsteps. Another troublesome matter seemed to have come.

Name: Yuihama Kazane

Occupation: Magic Swordswoman

Title: Ogre Killer, Dragon Slayer

Equipment: Staff White Blaze, Two Handed SwordBlack Fang, Silver Breastplate, Silver Gauntlets, Silver Sheep Clothes, Carapace Bull Trousers, Dragon Ogre Greaves, Indestructible Cloak, Mysterious Pouch, Crimson Saint Coffin, Heroic Spirit Summoning Ring, Circlet of Wisdom

Level : 29

Health: 101

Magic Power: 170+300

Strength: 49+10

Agility: 40

Endurance: 29

Wisdom : 55

Dexterity : 33

Spell : Fly Torch Fire HealFirestorm

Skill : Warrior's Memory Night Vision Crushing Blow Dogs Sense of Smell Golem Maker: Lv2 Rush Fire Principle: Third Chapter Healing Principle: Second Chapter Air Jump: Lv2 Killing Leg: Lv2 Fear Voice Invisible Tiger Eye Wall Walking Intuition Cheat Death NimbleChargeMaterial ShieldInformation LinkOptical CamouflageDashBloodsucking BladeDragonization

Yumika: What was wrong with Louise-san?

Kazane: Who knows?

Yuuko-nee: That is ...... but, Jiro ...... below ..... is ... immensely big.

Kazane: It seems that we cannot connect well with Yuuko-nee because she is too far.

Yumika: What's big?


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