
Chapter 96: Let's Enter Kazane Magic Hot Springs

Chapter 96: Let's Enter Kazane Magic Hot Springs

When did the monkey's intelligence begin to improve?

Perhaps it was from eating the brains of the adventurers who attacked him, or it might be from defeating and eating the meat of the superior type of monster Ice Lizard that came from further up the mountain.

Anyway, there was no mistake that the monkey had higher intelligence than other monkeys. And as his intelligence rose his body also enlarged and strengthened, and he gained a high resilience that meant he could heal from any attack he received. Before long that big monkey became a boss leading a huge group.

And the big monkey had moved to attack the group in the neighboring mountain with his fellow group members to expand his power, but when they headed there in high spirits that group had already collapsed. The male chief and many of the other monkeys were hunted by humans, and the remaining monkeys were also frightened by the humans that attacked them. The big monkey was very irritated at that sight. It was a group that he had been planning to hunt. It could be said that it was excellent that he could obtain females without doing anything, but when he considered that it was due to human power he was disgusted.

He heard that human beings came to occupy the place where warm water came out. If that was the case, the big monkey thought they would make their power known to humans by taking it for themselves. They already had 500 group members. The big monkey thought it was a force comparable to the kingdom of humans. There would be a food problem if he pulled away too many, so he decided to take 300 battle personnel and spearhead an attack. When the big monkey attacked the humans they scuttled away. He regretted that they didn't kill a single one, but they were victorious. They searched the human's food and drank victorious sake.

It was the next day. The humans came again.


A monkey went to see the situation and reported that there were about 30 people. When the big monkey heard that some women were mixed in he licked his lips. They were disgustingly lacking in hair, but the monkey was too big, and if he embraced a female monkey the other party would be broken. It was no problem if a human being endured or broke. So he thought.

The big monkey commanded the monkeys not to kill the women, and they simultaneously advanced. He planned to spectate. He wanted to see the power of his army corps.

However, the humans' resistance was considerable. Individually they were stronger than the monkeys, and there was no indication the women could be seized because of the fire bird and lightning. And the stones thrown by the small person were brutally destructive. The monkeys who were originally from this forest started to make an uproar as they saw the destroyed trees.Those guyscame.

When the big monkey heard that he meaningfully smiled. Indeed, he was joyful to have this chance to crush that group of people. He would go and kill them himself to display his power as the group's chief.

He noticed a threat approaching from behind.

SkillKilling Leg Axe Kick!

There was a tearing noise.

Kazane had Air Jumped high into the sky and released a Killing Leg with the dragon claw on her Dragon Ogre Greaves. Axe kick version. And the protruding claw tossed the Immortal Monkey's right arm into the air like the sickle of judgement.


The Immortal Monkey tried to take some distance from the suddenly appearing opponent while groaning in pain.

I won't let you get away.

Kazane had entered the battle withInvisibleandOptical Camouflagebut they were now dispelled, and she stuck out her right arm and activatedMaterial Shield.It was let out behind the Immortal Monkey that was facing Kazane, and the Immortal Monkey that tried to withdraw with a back step was taken aback from the sudden shock that hit from behind.

Here we go.

Kazane pierced the Immortal Monkey's abdomen with her greave's dragon claw. Killing Leg was not invoked, but its killing ability was high. Kazane twisted the kick withNimbleand further plunged in with the claw, and the Immortal Monkey shrieked in pain.

Gi, Kii

But with his willpower he was able to remain conscious, and he tried to hit Kazane with his remaining left hand.

Oops, it's dangerous.

Kazane predicted it beforehand withIntuitionand withdrew, so the swing only hit air. But it was a good opportunity for the Immortal Monkey to get some distance from Kazane. The Immortal Monkey opened the distance in one go. He picked up the fallen right arm on the way and held it back in place. Then it reconnected while making soft sounds.

(Immortal, it must be called that because its recovery ability is high)

Kazane updated the information about Immortal Monkey in her head. It probably couldn't infinitely regenerate, but if she didn't settle it quickly it would persevere, and it would be troublesome if it ran away.

Kiki, Kiiii

Kazane considered that the Immortal Monkey might be giving orders to the surrounding monkeys.


Kazane observed the situation while the surrounding monkeys observed her.

(I feel like they could attack all at once. I shouldn't be careless)

However, Kazane didn't panic, and she pulled out a Childstone.

Come, Yuuko-nee!!


Yuuko-nee appeared from the Childstone in response to Kazane's voice. By eating the meat of the dragon Yuuko-nee's body became one size larger, her tail split in two, and flames were burning at the tips of the tails.


The summoned Yuuko-nee first swung her tails and threw balls of flame toward the Mortal Monkeys.


She splendidly hit two monkeys, and the burning monkeys rolled on the ground in agony. And Yuuko-nee aimed for the gap created by the monkeys' surprise at the situation and plunged ferociously into the group, and with her claws cut through three monkeys.


The sliced Mortal Monkeys screamed their death agonies as they crumbled. And with a roar flames spewed out of the open wounds and spread to completely cover their bodies. The other monkeys stirred from observing that situation and simultaneously took their distance from Yuuko-nee.  The monkeys could see Yuuko-nee's claws were now covered in red flames. The skill was calledFlame Nail.

Looking good.

Yuuko-nee delightedly cried out at Kazane's voice. Although Yuuko-nee's original attack power wasn't weak, it also wasn't noteworthy, but by eating the dragon meat mid-range attacking with her bifurcated tail flames became possible, and close combat power increased sharply with Flame Nail. With the Mortal Monkeys' level of power they could be brought down in a single blow.

Then I'll leave the surroundings to you.


Yuuko-nee nodded at Kazane's instructions. Kazane's situation was also transmitted to Tiara and the rest by the skillInformation Link.The adventurers abruptly attacked more furiously so the Mortal Monkeys would not be able to head to their boss.

While the sounds of destruction by thrown stones resounded, the Immortal Monkey found itself forced into a one-on-one situation with Kazane.


But even though he had somehow taken damage from two attacks it was a human child in front of him. With his pride as the group's chief he forced away the warning from his wild instincts and headed towards Kazane.


With a cry the Immortal Monkey rushed forward with his arms raised to grab Kazane.


However, Kazane read it with Intuition and slipped under the arms of the Immortal Monkey. Then she started circling the Immortal Monkey with the high speed Dash she obtained from the Street Gazelle.

Ki, Kii!

The Immortal Monkey couldn't keep up with Kazane's speed. FireVortex was fired by Kazane from the right and from the left, and damage to the Immortal Monkey successively accumulated. Even if he tried to defend with both arms Kazane would destroy the Immortal Monkey's posture with Material Shield each time, and several Vortexes would hit in the gap.

Once more.

Kazane aimed for when both arms were guarding. According to plan she killed its movement and the Immortal Monkey was weakened, so she closed the distance instantly with the skillRushand was about to release a kick.

But that was what the Immortal Monkey wanted. The kick he received to his stomach some time ago was certainly powerful, but it wasn't so bad he couldn't bear it. If he knew it was coming he should be able to endure it, then grab and strangle her to death ..... such were his thoughts when,

Skill Killing Leg!!

He received a kick with a completely different weight than before and his internal organs burst. Grabbing her was out of the question. A sound like a giant had kicked with its full power resounded.


The excessively big impact was transmitted from his stomach to his entire body. Normally that degree of damage would bring an end to the Immortal Monkey's life, but with his own characteristic regenerative ability he somehow retained his life in this world. But the attack did not end there.

Skill Charge

Kazane's foot glowed red. She didn't hesitate. Carelessness was absurd. She was an adventurer, and making a clumsy mistake was impossible.

And from seeing the way the dragon claws glowed bright red the Immortal Monkey understood in his mind that his regeneration would never be able to keep him alive through what would come next, and he would die.

Killing Leggg!!

And the giant kick with the dragon claw's sharpness cut the Immortal Monkey's body in half and blew him away, and both halves crashed into the trees ten meters away. The surrounding monkey's faces solidified in terror at the sight of the breaking wood.


Then she took a short rest to prepare for the other monkeys, and the passive skillRegeneratewas added to Kazane's skill window. She guessed the skill was the cause of that resilience.

When Kazane glared at the surrounding monkeys they ran away with their full power without shame. There was no hero who would try to challenge the monster who so thoroughly killed their boss.

And even without Kazane using Fear Voice the monkeys yelledkikiito each other and all ran away, including the group that was fighting the adventurers.


Yuuko-nee returned to Kazane's side and asked if they would follow, but Kazane shook her head. The outcome was already decided. Kazane understood throughIntuitionthat they would not return to this place any longer.


Yuuko-nee nodded and went back into the Childstone.

And Kazane turned her attention toward Tiara and the rest and noticed the adventurers were raising their voices in celebration of their victory. Kazane felt envious and covered the distance to her companions with her skillDashin one go, and she was raised into the air in celebration.

The Immortal Monkey's meat would be boiled with medicinal herbs to create a powerful medicine that could be sold for a splendid amount money.

Like that everything was settled, and Kazane and the others finally obtained the situation they desired. In other words, it was the hot spring.

Kazane Magic Hot Spring Hotel - Evening

Hehehehe, it has finally become clean.

Makka was soaking in the hot water with a happy face. Up until now the escort force had been mobilized to clean the facility. Kazane's group also assisted.

Well, it's good that it wasn't damaged too badly.

Kazane was next to Makka and was also relaxing in the hot spring with a satisfied face.

When Kazane and the others finished the monkey extermination they finally reached the hot springs, and while the cottage which Kazane had built still had the outward appearance of a temple, the inside was touched up and converted into a considerably splendid hotel. Several other buildings were lined up in the surroundings, and a carriage lot was also prepared.

Until now travelers had to camp many times near the Lindo Kingdom and Minshiana Kingdom's border before they reached the next town. There were no small village because of the precipitous mountain roads. So it was Makka's plan to manage this place as a resting area for now, then eventually develop it into a city.

Some destroyed glass windows and interior items was the extent of the damage. Well, it's probably mostly because we regained it so quickly after it was lost yesterday.

Louise said while they floated buoyantly. Tiara's also floated as she saidthat's right.The older woman Makka was certainly advancing in years, but she still had a nice body that floated. She had wrinkles around her mouth and the like, but she was still a beautiful woman with an hourglass figure. She was unconcerned about whether there was demand.

Isn't that fine? As long as I'm still here.

That was said by the lone woman in Kimberly's escort force, Maka the magician. She had a body that was compatible with Kazane and didn't float. The names were similar, but she was not related to the older woman Makka. She was one of the adventurers who was once saved by Kazane in Rock Hold Cave, but she told them the party dissolved, and she was now part of the guild unit led by Kimberly.

Now now, fellow girls. Let's take it easy.

Kazane said, and she put the folded towel on her head and observed the night sky.

Ah, that's Orion.

What is that?


Both Tiara and Louise tilted their heads at Kazane's muttering. There were constellations in this world, but it seemed they were named differently than Kazane's world.

But the stars are the same.

Saying that, Kazane thought about the dungeonGorudo Golden Ruinsthat Yuuko-nee talked about.

She had already talked about it with Yumika and Yuuko-nee, but if she were asked whether she would stay or go home Kazane would choose to stay in this world.

When she thought about her current ability she doubted that she could get used to it if she returned to the original world, and she believed that her skills could best be utilized here. Kazane liked this world.

(Well, if it's possible to come back that's different)

About twelve years ago Yuuko-nee was accompanied by the Minshiana Army Corps and reached the deepest part of the Gorudo Golden Ruins and found the rumored hole that could go back to that side. However, Yuuko-nee was pregnant with Sieg at that time and wasn't willing to abandon her husband in this world, so she didn't enter the hole and turned back. Just in case, she threw a stone that was there and confirmed that it reached the world beyond the hole. In other words, it was possible to go to that side from this side.

And Kazane knew of an item.Returner's Stakewas an artifact that was dormant within the Coral Temple that allowed specifying transfer points.

When Yumika went to the temple they didn't know there was a return hole, but with that it might be possible to connect the two worlds. At least in the explanation of the specificationsIt can even connect to different worldsis written. She also consulted with Yuuko-nee, and they concluded that it was worth trying out.

If that was the case there was only one thing Kazane needed to do.

(Let's search for players. Surely there are still a few somewhere in this world, right?)

They only had a few acquaintances. But there was a high possibility that there were others.

So Kazane would look for a player, ask them to retrieve the Returner's Stake, guide them to the deepest part of the dungeon, and ask them to be a bridge between the two worlds ... those were her thoughts. At least she wasn't set adrift and had finally secured an opportunity for a counterattack.

Kazane wasn't planning to miss it.

Name: Yuihama Kazane

Occupation: Magic Swordswoman

Title: Ogre Killer, Dragon Slayer

Equipment: Staff White Blaze, Two Handed SwordBlack Fang, Silver Breastplate, Silver Gauntlets, Silver Sheep Clothes, Carapace Bull Trousers, Dragon Ogre Greaves, Indestructible Cloak, Mysterious Pouch, Crimson Saint Coffin, Heroic Spirit Summoning Ring, Circlet of Wisdom

Level : 29

Health: 101

Magic Power: 170+300

Strength: 49+10

Agility: 40

Endurance: 29

Wisdom : 55

Dexterity : 33

Spell : Fly Torch Fire HealFirestorm

Skill : Warrior's Memory Night Vision Crushing Blow Dogs Sense of Smell Golem Maker: Lv2 Rush Fire Principle: Third Chapter Healing Principle: Second Chapter Air Jump: Lv2 Killing Leg: Lv2 Fear Voice Invisible Tiger Eye Wall Walking Intuition Cheat Death NimbleChargeMaterial ShieldInformation LinkOptical CamouflageDashBloodsucking BladeDragonizationRegenerate

Kazane: Although we talked about choosing either. Disregarding other worlds, making a living in another place without planning to return to your hometown is a normal story, right?

Yumika: Well, we can already support ourselves with our work here.


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