
Chapter 93: Requesting from Master

Chapter 93: Requesting from Master


Master smiled broadly from Kazane's greeting.

Oh. Kazane, isn't it? Jinrai and Yumika are also with you today.

Ehehe, hello.

It's been a while, Johnz.

The two people behind Kazane greeted Master.

I heard the story. Accompanying the Prince-sama for a dragon extermination. Such daring things you have the nerve to do, truly.

Kazane and the others were astonished by the speed of Master's information, but as a representative of the Zenith Firm his intelligence network was capable of that much.

It had been a day since Kazane and the others had met the two dragons Ao and Aka. Kazane's group officially received the request, and thus also received the Dragon Heart. However, since Ao said they could do as they wished and they didn't need to hurry, they decided to rest a bit due to their dungeon exploration fatigue, and they went back to Winlard for now to make preparations for the future.

Ao's player remark yesterday also certainly surprised Kazane and Yumika,

I have been staying in the Dragon Village for a long time, so I haven't had much contact with other people. I have met a few other players, though.

He wouldn't say any more than that. It seemed that he did not clear the first lap, so he could not call any summoned Heroic Spirits and couldn't even enter the Coral Temple. Kazane and Yuuko-nee had thought beforemaybe now is treated as the second lap, even if the first wasn't cleared?but it seemed that speculation was incorrect.

After that Kazane's group immediately heard the name of the dungeon that might have a gate to the original world from Yuuko-nee.

Rank A dungeonGordo Golden Ruins?

Master heard the name from Kazane and frowned.

To be sure, there were a variety of troublesome problems with that place because it's close to the border with Soldard. Since high rank adventurers didn't go very often the capture stopped midway, and during that time it became a troublesome rank A dungeon. After ten years they'll probably have to seal it.

Seems that way. We want to assault the deepest levels.

Kazane also saidwell, we defeated a dragon, so we don't intend to stop,and Master looked at her.

If you want to go I won't stop you. I'm planning to move over there before long, so in a sense I would welcome it.


Master nodded to Kazane.

The stalemate with Soldard was finally lifted half a month ago. Prominent domestic and foreign adventurers are now gathering in the dungeon city Gordias. There are powerful Childstone holders and rare materials in swarms. It's the kind of place that makes a weapon workshop owner's mouth water.

(Is that why you told me to talk to Master, Yuuko-nee?)

Kazane muttered in her mind.

But even though you went to the halfway point of Rock Hold, an A rank dungeon conquest is considerably difficult. Be careful.

Yeah. We're not planning to go immediately, but once we go I think I will make various requests of you.

Understood. So I'm guessing that asking about that wasn't the only reason you came today?

Yeah. Perhaps since the story already came?

Master smiled with a meaningful grin as he shook his head.

Those items have already arrived. The Dragon Burial Soil has already turned into Magic Clay since the Flying Dragon Postal Service travels at tremendous speed. I'm guessing you were impatient and made use of some connections, right?

Master said, then asked Kazane.

So, what should I make next?

Since Kazane didn't bring the items to the workshop herself it seemed she wanted something done as quickly as possible, and she nodded at Master's gaze.

Yeah. First of all I would like you to strengthen Tatsuyoshi-kun's body with the dragon bones.

Kazane said, and Master saidI was expecting that.

If possible I'd also like to improve the defense by incorporating an Indestructible Futon.

If that's the case the transformation mechanism may be an obstacle.

Master started imagining after Kazane's words and pointed out a problem.

If it's segmented like this I think it will take care of that.

Kazane made a simple drawing and showed it to Master. It was quite professional compared to before, since she had practically reassembled Tatsuyoshi-kun and learned from the blueprint how to draw her own, but also important was that with her growth in Wisdom her power of understanding also increased, and since she could get a rough estimation fromIntuitionshe was able to draw the lines with fine adjustments without hesitating.

I see. It is certainly true that if the transformation mechanism segments are shortened and the amount of Muscle Clay is increased it shouldn't be bad. Is it fine that preparing two Mysterious Bags will be necessary?

I've saved up a splendid amount of money, so there is no problem.

Kazane said, then continued.

And then two Tatsuyoshi-kun exclusively for throwing. They won't require Mysterious Bags.

So how are you going to carry them?

After Master's remark Kazane took out a different diagram with an evil smile.

I'm going to make a dedicated Hippo-kun, and I plan to put them on it.


Master examined the diagram and considered. Kazane arranged to use an existing armor harness and add Muscle Clay to the interior, then add some gimmicks like the two helmet-shaped Tatsuyoshi-kun inlaid on both sides.

Well, there's no reason we won't be able to build this. If Mondorie stays up all night he should be able to assemble just the horse by tomorrow. We should have a few full plate armor harnesses, but do you have enough money for ones with light weight enchantments?

Kazane's wallet was considerably flush with cash from the dragon extermination reward and the liquidation of dungeon materials.

Of course.

With a bang Kazane placed coin bags containing all her wealth on the table. Jinrai was surprised, and Yumika grumbledreally, don't use it all so quickly.Master checked the contents and returned about half.

This much should be fine. Tatsuyoshi-kun already has a blueprint, and you handled the dragon bones and Muscle Clay yourself. Well, if it turns out to be insufficient I will give you a bill for the rest.

Kazane put the returned coin bags in her Item Box.

How long do you think it will take?

Since the war preparations are terminated we have a lot of manpower, so under Mondorie's direction it will be made at lightning speed and should be ready in about one week.

Is that okay?

Kazane wasn't sure it was okay to spare that many people for her own sake, but when Master heard that he laughed the hardest he had in a long time.

There's no problem. We'll have to send home the temporarily assembled master blacksmiths until the next big job comes in, so stopgap work will be warmly welcomed. Well, that matter is fine, but will you be here until then?

Kazane nodded and saidwe'll be here.

We're planning to go to Conrad's hot spring, but we're returning to the Royal Capital and this is in the same direction, so returning in a week is fine.

Ah, a hot spring. Come to think of it, didn't I hear something about that?

Master said while he tried to remember.

Maybe Master heard about it when we came this way last time?

Yuuko-nee could have told him such a thing.

It's coming back to me. I'm an outsider, but if I remember correctly a scary older woman representative named Makka was going that way to arrange the building of lodgings and other things.

Since we're suddenly going I wonder if we will be allowed to enter the hot spring?

They may not be accommodated by an unknown person.

It's fine, you're the owner of the source.

Eh, here too?

After Master's calm remark Kazane blinked in surprise.

I heard that you entered the merchant guild? It seems our Queen immediately handled the formalities. They're certainly saying a Zenith Firm sightseeing division member was appointed.

I haven't heard anything about this!

Kazane's situation was gradually becoming complicated before the person herself was aware.

Well, when royalty is involved it is natural for absurd things to occur. It's no use minding it. The only thing to do is accept it.

Master's words were the words of an experienced person.

So the delivery date is in one week, but for now the horse will be prepared by tomorrow, since you will need to adjust it. That took a reasonably long time for Tatsuyoshi-kun the first time, didn't it?

That's right. I'll come back tomorrow, so for now my request is concluded. Jinrai has business as well, right?

Kazane said and looked at Jinrai.

Umu, this is my business.

Saying so Jinrai lifted one arm from his waist and placed down two dragon fangs in quick succession.


Master's eyes glittered.

This can only mean the revival of the Fang Spear Soldier.

Kazane and Yumika simultaneously tilted their heads.

Fang Spear Soldier is Jinrai-san's nickname. What do you mean by revival?

Kazane questioned.

Is it fine to explain?

Jinrai nodded to Master's gaze.

Well, I said that I would never use it again. But as you can guess from the purpose of my visit I've changed my mind.

With that said Master turned toward Kazane and Yumika and explained.

This grandfather is originally a double sword, no, double spear user.

Is that so?

Jinrai nodded after Kazane's question.

Ah, is that so? So that's why.

Yumika finally understood and looked at Jinrai.

I was curious why most of the spear techniques you were teaching me were based on using one hand.

Well, that's right. I originally used only one hand, so I don't remember the two-handed techniques. I've been thinking about introducing you to a teacher than can handle that one of these days.

My master alone is enough.

Yumika immediately replied to Jinrai's words. Jinrai made a proud face, but he bitterly smiled and admonished Yumika.

But it would make you stronger. My two spear style is too far from the right road. It's different from your talent which runs along the correct path.

Yumika had a dissatisfied face as that was being said, but he smiled in reply.

Although I don't feel like letting you go yet. I still have many things to teach you.

Yes, since I will always receive your instruction.

Yumika replied with a smile. Jinrai was making a good grief face, but Kazane and Master watched the exchange with smiling eyes.

So why are you using only one now?

When the conversation seemed to be over Kazane asked that question.


The question was plainly answered.

A lot of strength and concentration are necessary to handle it. I felt my body's decline when I messed up and destroyed a spear four years ago, and since then I have fought with just one.

Well, this guy is abnormally strong. The nickname Fang Spear Soldier was attached from the appearance of him consigning monsters to oblivion with two long fangs. That will finally be revived. I am looking forward to it.

I am only a little rejuvenated. But if I can do it I would like to use two spears again.

And also ... Jinrai thought, then he spoke.

Also, using only one against the dragon opponent made me a little uneasy. Since I obtained some items I thought it was just the right time to borrow your skill.

I'm glad. Hehe, well, with such high quality fangs piercing through dragon scales will be easy.

And so the price......

There's none. I get to make new partners for my friend. I'm am happy to give them for free to such a man.

Master, my

Why should I return any money?

Damn you.

Master said yare yare to Kazane's abuse. And then he pointed at Kazane's feet.

In the first place, what are on your legs? I made those with great pains, but you've immediately substituted new ones.

That's a groundless accusation. These are the same ones Master made, they're just jutting out.

Kazane fondly extended her leg.

Mu, that part certainly looks like I made it. Maybe it grew?

That's right. Look look!

She raised one leg and fluttered it about like a child, and the way she moved it in front of a middle aged man smelled like a crime. And sayingthat's embarrassingYumika stopped Kazane's leg.

I see.

Master folded his arms, and while examining Kazane's greaves he spoke.

Certainly armor made from monster materials can grow, I have seen it many times, but they grew in such a short time. What the hell have you been fighting?

It happened in one battle. We ran into a Monster House.

Kazane spoke so calmly about a near death experience that Master grumbledare you serious?

You did well to stay alive.

Oh really, we had such leeway...not.

From Kazane's worn out facial expression Master realized the magnitude of the scene of carnage she must have endured, so he announced

Well then, why don't I give you a freebie?


Kazane raised her face in high spirits.

Are there any dragon claws?

There are!

Kazane said, and Master grinned meaningfully and saidI'll incorporate them into the greaves.


It shouldn't take much time so I should be able to finish them today, do you want me to do it?

Kazane quickly took them off and saidI beg of youas she handed them over.

Well then, I will certainly take care of it. Jinrai's will take some time, so can I hand them over in a week together with Kazane's order?

Yes, I'll be waiting.

Jinrai also nodded.

So, Yumika. Are you also looking for a dragon weapon?

Master asked the lone Yumika, but Yumika shook her head.

The spear that I got from Master is the best, and it's very compatible with me.

Actually, silver resonated with the Wolf God Transformation and the spear's power would rise. Master smiled and sniffled as he saidwhat are you saying.

Name: Yuihama Kazane

Occupation: Magic Swordswoman

Title: Ogre Killer, Dragon Slayer

Equipment: Staff White Blaze, Two Handed SwordBlack Fang, Silver Breastplate, Silver Gauntlets, Silver Sheep Clothes, Carapace Bull Trousers, Indestructible Cloak, Mysterious Pouch, Crimson Saint Coffin, Heroic Spirit Summoning Ring, Circlet of Wisdom

Level : 29

Health: 101

Magic Power: 170+300

Strength: 49+10

Agility: 40

Endurance: 29

Wisdom : 55

Dexterity : 33

Spell : Fly Torch Fire HealFirestorm

Skill : Warrior's Memory Night Vision Crushing Blow Dogs Sense of Smell Golem Maker: Lv2 Rush Fire Principle: Third Chapter Healing Principle: Second Chapter Air Jump: Lv2 Killing Leg: Lv2 Fear Voice Invisible Tiger Eye Wall Walking Intuition Cheat Death NimbleChargeMaterial ShieldInformation LinkOptical CamouflageDashBloodsucking BladeDragonization

Kazane: Oh my, I said we would return to ordinary business but this time was an exposition, right?

Yumika: Next time the subject of Jiro-kun will appear.

Kazane: Jiro himself?

Yumika: Will not appear.


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