
Chapter 108: Let's See the Dragon Boat

Chapter 108: Let's See the Dragon Boat

Next morning. Kazane and the others decided to leave Shijiri City just after noon. Kazane summoned the Thunder Chariot and had a smug face as passersby couldn't help but stare at it, and then they left. Organ watched with a bitter smile. While praying for his good friend's safety.

Their travel passed by uneventfully (excluding them startling the carriages and adventurers they passed by), and the party continued to travel until they reached Urguska's dungeon market just before night fell.

Near Urguska's Dungeon Market

SkillGolem MakerRenovated Cottage

Kazane created a cottage in a place slightly separated from the market. When Naoki saw it he was so surprised he stared dumbly with his mouth open. Then Kazane placed her favorite door and entered the cottage.

Kazane-chan's house?

Naoki read the writing on the entrance door with a blank expression, but Jinrai prompted him to enter. He understood his feelings, but it would be troublesome if he was stupefied forever.

Furthermore, the cottage was altered significantly compared to before, and it was small yet functional. The biggest difference was that the bedrooms and the baths were segregated by gender. By the time Naoki entered Kazane had already installed the Indestructible Crystal Lamps, so even though night was approaching it was well-lit inside like daytime.

By the way, Tatsuyoshi-kun Normal and Dragoon were constructing a path for river water. This was to secure drinking water and bath water. There was currently no hot spring for Kazane and the others, but securing a bath was similarly a lifeline for this party. As Japanese people they wanted to take a bath every day. For that reason there was now a moat for water storage in this cottage. Kazane had successively closed any gaps in the cottage's comfort during their adventure. Further growth was expected in the future.

And as time passed by and day became night everyone went to the market to get food, and the preparations for dinner were completed.

I lodged at a run-down inn in the beginning, and while I've recently experienced a little luxury from staying at ordinary inns with this grandfather's grandchildren this is...

The words leaked out of Naoki's mouth before the meal.

By the way, the main dish today was roasted pork soaked in a sweet dipping sauce, and it was prepared by Yumika along with a salad. Naturally everything was placed on the expensive-looking Indestructible series of tableware gathered by Yumika. They were items a housewife would drool over that stayed sanitary no matter how much time has passed and only needed a quick rinse to clean. Even oil was nothing special.

This might be the first time since coming here that I've eaten such a delicious meal.

Naoki chowed down while shedding large teardrops, and Kazane and Tiara laughed at Naoki's exaggeration, but truthfully Kazane and the others' standard of living was abnormally high compared to ordinary adventurers in this world. It was especially striking after Tiara joined the party. That was surely the result of them trying to keep the quality of the food similar to Tiara's dietary habits, but being able to preserve food with Kazane's refrigerated Mysterious Pouch from Tsuvara also played a big part. They also had the funds to do so.

It was only afterward that Naoki truly understood the difference in living standards. He entered the gender segregated bath with enough hot water to fully immerse himself, wiped off with an Indestructible Towel, wore an Indestructible Gown, and went to bed in an Indestructible Futon.

Naoki cried in that excessively comfortable environment. By the way, Jinrai was the only one with him because the bedrooms were gender segregated this time. Jinrai also knew the meaning of those tears, so he pretended not to notice and didn't say anything as he fell asleep. Won't we become useless human beings like this? That was a daily struggle for Jinrai.

The next day Naoki was in a trance from the mental overload, so they stuffed him into the carriage before Kazane and the others immediately headed for Wombard City without entering the dungeon. At first she was interested in the dungeon, but since the composition of monsters in the dungeon was the same as Rock Hold it seemed like no Skills could be taken, so she abandoned that plan.

In addition, the cottage was sold to the Zenith Firm, which oversaw business in this area. Since it had basically everything a person needed from a residence it seemed they would later market it after refurbishing it a little.


Ooooh, it's huge!

On the highway shortly before they arrived at Wombard City Kazane and the others witnessed a boat with wings descending toward the city.

Ah, it's the same sort of feeling.

Yumika felt nostalgia as she saw that appearance. It was a relatively familiar scene in the second half of the game, but seeing the real thing was certainly a grander spectacle.

Hm. It has been a long time since I've seen that. I still wonder how such a huge thing can float.

Inside there are magically manufactured Floating Stones that give buoyant force. The rest of the flying is done through the similar principles that allow dragons to fly. It moves by using Wind element magic, and the fine adjustments to attitude are done with the wings, which use Muscle Clay. That's why it's called a Dragon Boat.

As usual Jinrai was impressed and amazed at how she somehow knew such things. Louise and Mefirus seemed very interested in listening, but Kazane herself didn't have anything further to say in particular about it.

Then Kazane and the others followed the dragon boat's advance and entered the city in the evening. It was a considerably large city overflowing with various kinds of people and things, but the jet black armored horse and heavily armored carriage were still obviously conspicuous as they traversed the city.

Wombard City - Evening

Well, what kind of thing you ride is your own business, but this is really something.

Because too many people gathered, guards appeared and started questioning Jinrai in the coachman's seat.

Well, please try not to be so conspicuous.

Although all they had done was enter the city. Since there wasn't anything in particular to blame them for Jinrai and the others were released on the spot without penalty.

Hmph. It seems people who are attracted by its merits have gathered here.

That's right.

From the window behind the coachman's seat Kazane agreed with Jinrai's grumble.

Everyone behind them sighed at the two people's conversation, but just as Jinrai said there were more than a few people with some kind of yearning gaze, not just fear. Especially the rougher types said things likeit's incredibleI want something like thatI will also have one someday.A man with a mohawk was overwhelmed with excitement and was shouting. Jinrai looked at those reactions with a slightly smug face. It was the first time Louise had seen Jinrai like that.

Although in truth the ride quality was so good that the other members couldn't strongly object to using this carriage. The interior design was also gorgeous, and passing time inside was very nice.

Since I've already given up it's fine. For now let's find a place to stay tonight. It's already evening, so it's too late for practice.

Kazane nodded after Yumika's remark.

Sure thing. Does Jinrai-san know any good inns in this city?

Anywhere that has enough room.

Oh, my acquaintance's place does, so let's stay over there.

Louise interrupted the exchange between Kazane and Jinrai.

It isn't some strange hotel, is it Louise nee-san?

Rude. You're inviting the seed of trouble in the middle of the night.

Louise replied to Jinrai's reproachful eyes. There was certainly one seed of trouble waiting in Hyvern concerning Jinrai's child seed.

She's the owner of a high grade hotel, even for this city. Well, she's indebted to me, so I think she will let us stay there cheaply.

While saying that Louise directed Jinrai to the location.

Wombard City, Roiro Hotel

I'm here to stay the night~!

When they arrived at the designated hotel Louise went inside and went to the reception desk. The receptionist seemed to recognize her face, so she immediately called for the owner, and an old woman came over.

As always you come so abruptly.

The arriving old woman said with a sour look.

Now now, isn't that just how our relationship is, Sharasha?

Louise put her hands together and bowed to the old woman she called Sharasha and saidPlease.

It isn't like I particularly mind. Since I can just ask you to let me stay at your hot spring free of charge next time I go that way.

That's why I like you, Sharasha. I will give you service with all my might.

Stop clinging to me, it's annoying.

Sharasha complained to the embracing Louise, then she looked at Kazane and the others.

So they are ...... No way, they aren't your grandchildren, are they?

Absolutely not. How old do you think I look?

Your appearance has nothing to do with it, it's completely possible. Is this your man? You're taking them quite young, aren't you?

Sharasha said while looking at Naoki, but Naoki saidNo, that's not how it is,and Louise also saidThere is a guardian against thatwhile looking at Kazane.

What's this, you're a lolicon?

No, that's not it.I'm his older sister.

Naoki and Kazane replied at the same time to Sharasha's remark. The response exactly suited them as siblings.

Well, this is my current party. You should know Jinrai-kun's name?

Ah, if I'm remembering correctly he's one of your old companions.

She said, then Jinrai spoke.

You are Sharasha Carmine-dono. I have heard from Louise nee-san that you are an excellent scout.

Enough about that, it's an ancient story.

Sharasha is a party companion from just before the party I was in with Jinrai-kun. In the middle of our journey she seduced the son of this hotel's owner and seized control of the hotel.

Aren't you making it sound too scandalous? I'm simply alone because I outlived him.

Sharasha said, seemingly lonely.

So then, how long are you planning to stay?

After they heard Sharasha's words Louise asked Kazane.

Kazane, didn't you want to walk around the city tomorrow?

Yeah. We'll board the Dragon Boat the day after tomorrow.

What's this. Louise, why are asking a child about that?

To Sharasha's doubting facial expression Louise repliedThis child is our party leader.

Hmm. To make a long story short she's just like you, and her appearance doesn't match her age?

I'm a fresh-faced 15 year old.

I see. I take it you don't want to say your real age?

Something was misunderstood.

Well it's fine. It's a child-like leader-san, but if she's your companion there's no problem.

To Sharasha's words Kazane grumbledbut I'm really 15while feeling despondent, and Naoki and Tiara behind were comforting her.

......Oh my.

Something about the comforting Tiara's face jarred Sharasha's memory.

Ah, that's confidential.

Louise warned immediately after she noticed Sharasha's gaze. From that Sharasha guessed Tiara's lineage, and she nodded without saying anything.

The entire exchange took place in the foyer, and since Sharasha realized Tiara's true identity she ordered her staff to lead them to the best rooms the hotel had to offer.

She was reasonably well informed about the circumstances, like that Tsuvara's King died, that the Ruby Beast Ring was absent from the succeeding King's finger, and that the princess had not appeared since then. Even though the King was dead the royal family didn't have any quarrels, and everything was moving as if nothing had happened.

In addition, the problem concerning the level of the successor to the Ruby Beast was actually well known to certain people. Successive generations of heirs to the throne going on journeys was talked about quite a bit. Still, right now talk continued to flow because it was considered that the Ruby Griffon had its own will to choose the King, and that was why Ao the adviser had tremendous influence on Tsuvara's royal family.

Among those who knew the circumstances well there were two major theories. The first was that Audin killed Mefirus to steal the crown but was rejected by the Ruby Beast, and the other was that the princess inherited it and was now on a journey of training. From the beginning King Mefirus' sickness was being hidden, but since there were no disputes within the royal family the second theory was the most prominent, and now Sharasha knew that it was a fact. But even if there was a man that might have complaints about it Sharasha was going to welcome Tiara to her hotel as a princess.

Eh, we're not going to use those futons?

It was Naoki.

The welcoming meal was certainly more refined than the one from the day before, and Naoki also ate it with relish. However, the prepared futon was still inferior to the Indestructible Futon. Jinrai warned that Naoki.

It will be painful if you do not get used to other futons.

Naoki tilted his head to those words, but Jinrai only saidyouth.From the side Kazane then told Naoki.

Naoki, absolutely never reveal the secret of that item. It is a devilish item. If we're careless war will occur. It is necessary tomanage them correctlyby keeping it between usonly.

A, ah

Naoki tried to saywhat a stupid...but since all members' serious gazes were piercing him Naoki meekly nodded.

Okay? I'm sorry, but if something bad happens, I might no longer be your older sister.

He was seriously worried about that voice. Those words were even more terrifying. And the other members nodding was also frightening.

All the members of the party seemed to have already been possessed by that futon. Naoki thought that state of affairs was seriously scary.

Name: Yuihama Kazane

Occupation: Magic Swordswoman

Title: Ogre Killer, Dragon Slayer

Equipment: Staff White Blaze, Two Handed SwordBlack Fang, Dragonscale Breastplate, Drake Gauntlets, Silver Sheep Clothes, Carapace Bull Trousers, Dragon Ogre Greaves, Indestructible Cloak, Mysterious Pouch, Crimson Saint Coffin, Heroic Spirit Summoning Ring, Circlet of Wisdom, Magic Accumulator, White Magic Accumulator

Level : 29

Health: 101

Magic Power: 170+420

Strength: 49+10

Agility: 40

Endurance: 29

Wisdom : 55

Dexterity : 33

Spell : Fly Torch Fire HealFirestormHealer RayHigh Heal

Skill : Warrior's Memory Night Vision Crushing Blow Dogs Sense of Smell Golem Maker: Lv2 Rush Fire Principle: Third Chapter Healing Principle: Fourth Chapter Air Jump: Lv2 Killing Leg: Lv2 Fear Voice Invisible Tiger Eye Wall Walking Intuition Cheat Death NimbleChargeMaterial ShieldInformation LinkOptical CamouflageDashBloodsucking BladeDragonizationRegenerateRear PresenceStealthy PlacementThunder Chariot

Yumika: If there is ever a struggle over the Indestructible Futons that might be the moment of our party's demise.

Kazane: I'm sorry, but if that moment comes I will not hesitate to get my hands dirty.


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