
Chapter 107: Let's Ride the Carriage

Chapter 107: Let's Ride the Carriage

Hmm, is there a basement?

Kazane said while advancing along a passage in the feudal lord mansion with her companions behind her. Yohan and Naoki following behind tilted their heads.

Kazane advanced until she arrived at a wine cellar. Although now there were only broken bottles and decayed wooden stands.

Here, this place.

Kazane wandered until she reached one of the corners, then she asked Yohan.

Yohan-san, is it fine to demolish here?

Well, it shouldn't bring down the whole house, so I guess it's fine.

After being told so Kazane axe kicked the floor with a Charged Killing Leg. A loud crash resounded, and a cloud of dust danced in the air. After it cleared a little a further descending staircase came into view.

Oh, in such a place......

Yohan said in surprise, and Naoki also mutteredIncredible.

It seems it was perfectly sealed. It can't be helped that it wasn't discovered until now.

Jinrai said, and Kazane took out an Indestructible Crystal Lamp and went ahead.

And there was a single room at the end of the stairs.

There is a somewhat solemn aura.

It seems like a purifying atmosphere.

Louise replied to Yohan's remark.

Probably because of that.

Louise was gazing at a golden staff standing in the center of the room.

It is a purification staff, probably from receiving Mule's divine protection.


Yohan said while walking forward.

Wait a second, since you're a departed soul won't you ascend?

Yohan repliedI'm all rightto Louise's warning and grabbed the staff.

Oh, you're really fine.

Even though I transformed into an evil spirit it wasn't because of lingering attachment to this world. The guild person said my soul was normal and sudden rejection shouldn't occur.

While saying that Yohan observed the staff, then looked at Kazane and asked.

Umm, Kazane-san. This is.....a truly shameless request.

Do you want that staff?

Yes, with this I think that any ghosts that come here can be purified. I think I'll be able to do it even if it's against their will.

Well, I don't mind. But I wonder why such a convenient thing was here.

After Kazane spoke Jinrai pointed at the skeleton lying down in the back.

Perhaps it was for that guy's safety. He probably had it so that he wouldn't be killed by ghosts even if something happened.

Jinrai said. Perhaps it was due to the purified atmosphere, but they couldn't sense any grudge coming from the skeleton.

Who is that?

He might have been the lord of this city. It seems only one person escaped to this place. Well, it happened 700 years ago, so the true story is unknowable.


The basement's entrance was firmly solidified. Perhaps he was trapped. Still, no one knew what happened here. Maybe there was once something else that has weathered until there was now no shape remaining anymore. And when they confirmed that there was nothing but the staff, Kazane and the others left the basement.

After they returned to the first floor Kazane and the others promised to inform the Queen of the country about Yohan. Of course the Queen was Yuuko-nee. Yohan said he wished he had some way to thank them ..... but Yohan had nothing in stock because he was still a novice Ghost King (?). Kazane said the magic swords and his feelings alone were sufficient, and they left the feudal lord's mansion.

And at the entrance to the abandoned capital Kazane summoned theThunder Chariot.

Abandoned Capital Muruage, In Front of the Main Gate

This is outrageous.

Louise grumbled while observing the scene in front of her eyes. Beside her Kazane ecstatically saidIt's so cool,and Jinrai also had a satisfied expression as he saidHmm.Naoki saidYe, yeah. It's good, isn't it?but his face was twitching.

It's something that someone called the Dark General or Evil Emperor would ride. If a man fully covered in black armor suddenly descended from it I wouldn't be surprised.

Honestly this is like the vehicle of a Demon King or Devil.

Yumika and Tiara evaluated. It was such an appearance. Hippomaru-kun was connected to the carriage.

From the start Hippomaru-kun was covered in grim jet black armor, with horns on its forehead and on the left and right. The Thunder Chariot summoned by Kazane had a jet black rough bodied appearance as if it was made to exactly match. The size was big enough for about six people to ride, and it had a roof. The outside was covered in thick iron plates, and like it was assumed that it wouldrun over peopleextra-wide wheels that discharged lightning protruded from the vehicle's body. Furthermore, Hippomaru-kun was firmly anchored to the carriage, and the Black Rock Dragon horns were installed in a way that made them protrude forward in case of a crash. According to Kazane blades could protrude sideways from the wheels during Battle Mode, and a far more powerful discharge could be used. It seemed that lightning could also be channeled through the Black Rock Dragon horns, so that could probably be useful in battle.

This is no longer a carriage. It's a weapon, a weapon.

Of course, since a chariot is a military vehicle. It can certainly be called a weapon.

Kazane affirmed Louise's words. She did not want them affirmed.

But what would a city person think if they saw this?

They would think it's cool, wouldn't they? I want to show it off.

Kazane replied to Louise's remark, and Jinrai nodded mmhmm in agreement. It tugged at the old battle maniac's heartstrings. Louise's shoulders dropped as she saidah, I guessfrom watching those two.

Well, shall we return?

Louise gave up and immediately boarded the carriage. But as soon as she entered Louise raised an admiring voice.


Contrary to its outward appearance the interior was decorated as if it was made for royal aristocracy. Everything was a luxurious wine red, with ornaments and gold inlays. Looking at that Louise saidThis is goodand sat down completely satisfied. It was a self-interested judgement.

How is the Magic Power consumption?

It's high. It consumes about the same amount as the dragon transformation, but it seems its sustainability is high. Well, a Dullahan would have to summon both this and the horse, so that probably helps.

The name of the headless horse carriage is Ciste Bodhar. It is not a motorbike.

Really? Up until now this sort of thing wouldn't be practical because of the Magic Power consumption and so has been ignored, but if Accumulators become widespread this kind of thing might be used more often.

It seemed this carriage might become Louise's favorite way to travel, at least as long as she didn't think about the outward appearance.

Well then, I will ride in front. Oh, but would we have to leave High Hippo-kun behind?Zinray asked.

It can follow us automatically, so you don't have to worry about that.

In fact Hippomaru-kun could also go to the city automatically, but Kazane thought it would be better if passing people could visually confirm that there was a person driving it.

Then everyone boarded the carriage, and they started returning to Shijiri City.

Muruage Highway

Yumika asked Kazane on the way back to Shijiri City.

That reminds me, Kazane, what's the plan after this? Our next stop was the Urguska dungeon's market, right?

Yumika asked. The schedule was to stay one night in Shijiri City then immediately proceed to Urguska before continuing on to Wombard, but they were already behind schedule.

That was the plan, but since we are going back to Shijiri City for now should we relax for the rest of the day? My Magic Power is also splendidly depleted. I was thinking we should depart again tomorrow, but...

While talking Kazane looked at Naoki.

Oh, that's right. Naoki, what are you intending to do? Are you coming with us?

Of course I'm coming with Aneki.

Naoki answered with a sudden thumbs up.

Kazane was visibly relieved at those words. She intended to respect his wishes, but she was still uneasy about her younger brother leaving her care.

Yeah, if that's fine. We are heading for Hyvern now, so won't you be returning after just leaving?

That makes it even less of a problem. I couldn't meet Yuuko-nee, but it feels like my purpose for coming here has been fulfilled.

Naoki nodded greatly to Kazane's question.

You'll probably be able to meet her later. Well, she's gotten a little old, though.

Ooh, is that fine to say? Kazane.

Yumika threw in a retort while smirking.

Yumika said it too!

I did not say that!

To Kazane's reply Yumika replied again. Naoki laughed at the sight.

(Even so, Yuuko-nee is 39, Aneki and Yumika are 15, and I am 17. It's considerably out of alignment)

Naoki thought while watching Kazane and Yumika.

(There also seems to be unknown people like Yohan from just now, so I wonder what it all means. Is it related to our distance from each other before being summoned to this world?)

However, if that was the case Naoki and Yumika's positions should have been reversed since Naoki was playing the game in his room, which was right next to his sister's room.

I don't understand.

What is it?

Kazane responded to Naoki talking to himself.

No, I just thought I was being stupid.

Yeah, I know.

How are you only realizing this now?

Kazane and Yumika mercilessly unleashed their remarks in response to Naoki's deception. Then Naoki's shoulders fell in dejection.

Shijiri City, Gin Sword Tavern

That day, just past noon, there was an uproar as downtown was invaded by the figure of a horse drawing a carriage.

It was a heavy chariot accompanied by a jet black armored horse and lightning. Everyone who saw it had their entire body flooded with the sensation that it heralded the coming of a dark era, and it stopped in front of Gin Sword Tavern. The rumor about it coming to the famous Outer tavern started to spread, and the guards of the city as well as the Adventurer Guild hurriedly began collecting information.

Well, you're certainly free to come in any vehicle you wish...

Organ emerged from inside and greeted them with a resigned expression.

Sorry for Aneki.

Naoki stealthily apologized to Organ. It would troublesome if it reached his older sister's ears.

Then Kazane cancelled it, and the carriage disappeared from the spot with a flash of lightning.

Hippomaru-kun and High Hippo-kun, stand by behind the building. If anything strange approaches send it flying.

Hippomaru-kun and High Hippo-kun nodded and immediately went around to the back of the tavern.

Ah, should I put up a warning against approaching out of curiosity?

Organ softly grumbled. Naoki was bowing and scraping in apology behind her.


Oh, I did something inexcusable.

Inside the tavern Organ heard that the content of the request form was different from the actual situation and apologized.

They probably forgot to peel it off the bulletin board. Any negligence isn't your fault, but the Guild's instead.

Jinrai said in support of Organ. The request form was accepted by the reception desk, so as Jinrai said it was completely the Guild's mistake.

As a result we got 3 magic swords plus 1 summon, so it's fine, right?

Kazane said.

That was a big catch, Nee-san.


Kazane was unused to hearing that word and tilted her head.

Well, that's because you're Naoki's older sister.

Organ replied ambiguously. Actually, after listening to the rumors he had been seeking out since yesterday he corrected his impression of Kazane and started thinking he should act more respectfully, so that was the real reason he started calling her Nee-san.

So that carriage is also a spoil of war?

Yeah. Although it's a summon.

Organ thought it was amazing that she could steal a summon from a monster. At the same time he thought Kargei was truly an idiot for trying to steal a horse from such an opponent.

Well then, shall we have a celebration for your quest achievement today?


Organ nodded after Kazane's exclamation and looked at Naoki.

Naoki, I'm guessing you are going to accompany your Nee-san when she leaves?

Yes, I'm sorry.

Organ stood up while sayingDon't worry about it,and after looking around

You bastards, today we're throwing a party for Kazane Nee-san and the rest's conquest of the ghost city and seeing Naoki off, so let's make some noise!

He yelled with a loud voice. Voices sayingOwere raised in every direction, and the barkeeper behind the counter yelled to the assistantFetch more bottles!

That night the bar was greatly excited as Kazane and the rest regaled them with tales of their adventure.

Along the way the child group of Kazane, Yumika, and Tiara exited the stage, Jinrai entered a battle discussion with some adventurers who came to investigate the uproar, and Louise surely shone like the queen of the bar. However, there was only one partner she was interested in havingnight practicewith, and that partner had a previous guest, so there would be no partner tonight.

And the man who missed that good fortune was drinking with his young close friend.

Well then, are you returning to Hyvern?

Yes, although after our errand is finished it seems we will return, so I think we will drop by at that time.

Naoki replied while Organ drank his next cup of alcohol.

I see. Well, in addition to what you've already earned from being a bouncer at this tavern your prestige will increase from traveling together with your Nee-san.

By the way, what's with the Nee-san thing?

Well, it's from considering how awe-inspiring your older sister's achievements are. I think you can keep up with your ability, but be careful. Honestly if I were to come along I don't think I would have a chance of surviving.

Don't frighten me.

Naoki said it so casually, so Organ looked at him with pitying eyes and saidGood luck to my foolish good friendand drained his cup.

Oh, that reminds me that when your Nee-san was trying to drink just now she was stopped by someone saying they didn't want her to become a dragon again. Man, she must become a very violent drunk for that to be said.

Organ grumbled, and Naoki repliedMaybe so.There was no way that Naoki could say his sister could actually become a dragon. Just from hearing about a drunk dragon the idea of it trying to fly immediately came to mind.

Well, certainly if they aren't careful it might be bad.

It wouldn't be a funny joke if they were crushed to death by his drunk dragon sister. Naoki was truly sorry about that.

Name: Yuihama Kazane

Occupation: Magic Swordswoman

Title: Ogre Killer, Dragon Slayer

Equipment: Staff White Blaze, Two Handed SwordBlack Fang, Dragonscale Breastplate, Drake Gauntlets, Silver Sheep Clothes, Carapace Bull Trousers, Dragon Ogre Greaves, Indestructible Cloak, Mysterious Pouch, Crimson Saint Coffin, Heroic Spirit Summoning Ring, Circlet of Wisdom, Magic Accumulator, White Magic Accumulator

Level : 29

Health: 101

Magic Power: 170+420

Strength: 49+10

Agility: 40

Endurance: 29

Wisdom : 55

Dexterity : 33

Spell : Fly Torch Fire HealFirestormHealer RayHigh Heal

Skill : Warrior's Memory Night Vision Crushing Blow Dogs Sense of Smell Golem Maker: Lv2 Rush Fire Principle: Third Chapter Healing Principle: Fourth Chapter Air Jump: Lv2 Killing Leg: Lv2 Fear Voice Invisible Tiger Eye Wall Walking Intuition Cheat Death NimbleChargeMaterial ShieldInformation LinkOptical CamouflageDashBloodsucking BladeDragonizationRegenerateRear PresenceStealthy PlacementThunder Chariot

Kazane: Isn't a chariot typically known as a single person vehicle with two wheels used in ancient times?

Yumika: Yeah. The chariot became obsolete, and heavily armored carriages did not appear after that.

Kazane: On the other hand, my Thunder Chariot is a heavily armored aristocratic 6-seater carriage. It can easily run over opponents with the wide wheels close to the frame of the vehicle. With the lightning flying off and the blades projecting from the wheels in Battle Mode it can easily turn the small fry into mincemeat. It is a fantasy figure that would only be seen in dreams, right?

Yumika: Who has seen such a dream. Who has such bad taste.


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