
Chapter 109: Let's Examine the Magic Swords

Chapter 109: Let's Examine the Magic Swords

Wombard City, Commerce District

A Magic Swordsman was defined in this world as a person who used magic and sword techniques. There was also the Magic Sword Warrior that could fit in the same category as Magic Swordsman, but generally a Magic Swordsman was a person who used magic and swords, while a Magic Sword Warrior was someone who used magic swords, or in many cases they were called Magic Sword Users.

Incidentally, Naoki had a magic sword that could amplify spells and launch them as slashes, so there was no problem with calling him a Magic Swordsman or Magic Sword Warrior.

For Kazane it was a very enviable story.

Well then, today I will also become a Magic Swordswoman.

The day after they stayed at the Roiro Hotel, Kazane enthusiastically headed for the market. Though the lightning magic sword had been handed over to Naoki, if she were asked if she had given up on being a Magic Swordswoman the answer would be no. However, Kazane's combat strength was already at a high level. The truth was that at this point, even if she bought a magic sword it would probably stay inactive in the Item Box. That was why Kazane wasn't only breathing roughly in excitement about finding a magic sword, but also the possibility of finding a spell sword.

Furthermore she had confirmed with Sharasha that there was a weapon shop that sold magic swords and spell swords (spell swords were made from a material called Magic Ore and could be loaded with spells). The shop manager seemed to be Sharasha's acquaintance, and the quality was better than what was out in the city, so if she gave out Sharasha's name she could probably receive advice.

And then she arrived at the three story building in a section of the commerce district that housed that weapon shop.

Oh, young lady, do you have some business here?

A young clerk with a thin beard addressed Kazane when she entered. It was obvious from his attitude that he was treating her like a child sent as an errand girl, but since that was a usual thing Kazane didn't take offense. Truthfully, she had resigned herself to being treated as a child, and it was often more convenient for her.

Umm. What is the strongest sword in this shop?

Kazane asked the clerk. The sales clerk pondered for a moment before answering Kazane.

We mainly deal with weapons made by the Batroa Workshop. Although I would think the young lady doesn't know what that is.

If you're talking about Master, he's an acquaintance.

The clerk made anoh?expression after Kazane's reply. It was a famous story in this country that the head of the Batroa Workshop and Zenith Firm representative Johnz Batroa was called by the nickname Master. However, even though it was famous, it wasn't so famous that a child would know it.

Representative Johnz is your acquaintance?

He requested confirmation just in case.

Yeah. I received a lot of help from him in Winlard, and this was also made by Master.

So saying Kazane displayed her Dragon Ogre Greaves. Naturally the clerk's expression transformed when he saw that. The perfect fit of the brutal armament and the way she was well accustomed to using it made it obvious that it was made to suit Kazane. However, it was too excessive for a child to wear, and considering how accustomed she was to it he could only view her as a monster.

I see.

The clerk's opinion of Kazane changed. The clerk seemed to recognize that the girl in front of his eyes was not an ordinary child.

So the strongest sword, was it. If so, it's this.

The clerk pointed at what was standing in the back of the room.

So huge!

Kazane was surprised from seeing that. A ridiculously large sword that reached up to the second floor was leaning against the wall. The size exceeded 3 meters.

The sword is too big for even a giant. I tried to display it as our signboard, but it was too heavy to hang over the entrance. If you think you can handle it I'll give it to you free of charge.

The giant sword certainly had Zeral Arms Shop written on it like a signboard.

Clerk-san. Perhaps you say that to everyone who comes?

No. You only told me to show you the strongest sword, young lady.

The clerk replied to Kazane's words. Kazane smiled wryly at those words and asked a question.

Is that so? Sharasha-san told me to come here, but are you Zeral-san?

Kazane spoke the name written on the sword.

I see. So you were referred by that old woman? Well, I am certainly Zeral.

Zeral nodded to Kazane's words.

I heard that you were a very young person, but it was true.

Before she came she thought that when the old woman said young person she was including someone who was 40 or 50 as young, but Zeral had the aura of someone who was still in his mid 20's.

I think we are equally surprised in that regard. Well, fine. I suppose I should earnestly answer your question if I was named by that old woman. But that really is the strongest sword, so how about it? Since it's free of charge?

Kazane almost spontaneously smiled at Zeral's provocation. Tatsuyoshi-kun Dragoon had already demonstrated that it could handle a 3 meter sword. But the sword she possessed wasn't only 3 meters long, but it was also a magic sword. Besides, one sword of that size was already enough, so she suppressed the urge to sayI'll take itand advanced the conversation.

I want a magic sword. I was also thinking about a spell sword, but if I'm only adding my own spells then this thing's offensive ability would be higher.

Kazane struck her Dragon Ogre Greaves. The dragon claws loudly emerged. Zeral immediately recognized they were dragon claws.

To say it simply there might be a lack of magic swords with high enough attack power to match.

Dragon claws, fangs, horns, etc. were not only high in offensive power but could also damage Astral types. Unfortunately there was no magic sword comparable to that in the shop at the moment.

Mmm. Since that's the case, will you come up to the third floor, young lady?

Third floor?

Kazane tilted her head, so Zeral added an explanation.

That's where I keep all the quirky items that aren't on display.

I see, Kazane replied.

Chiki, I'm going up for a bit. Please tend the store.

After Zeral called to the back the voice of a young woman sayingUnderstoodcould be heard in return.

Well then, this way.

Sure thing.

As Kazane was going up the stairs behind Zeral she saw a squirrel-like girl rush out from a door on the first floor. There were no clerks at this store other than Zeral and her.

And then the two went up to the third floor and stood in front of a locked door.

Well then, I wonder if you will find something good, valued customer.

Saying that Zeral unlocked the door and opened it, then gestured for Kazane to go inside. As urged by Zeral, Kazane entered the room and looked around.

There seem to be a lot of ancient things.

If pushed to say she would call them worn out, and dust covered everything.

My deceased father gathered unusual things from all ages and countries. We gathered the remainder that ultimately didn't sell together in one place.

While listening to those words she put on her Appraisal Glasses. Zeral was impressed when he saw them and saidYou have those?It required a considerable amount of effort to obtain that merchant-exclusive item. Even though Zeral could do so because of his father, registering with the Merchant Guild was still reasonably difficult.

Well, because almost all of these are one-of-a-kind items even the glasses probably won't have much information.


Kazane said, then she suddenly started staring at a sword and gasped.

Hey, I know it's dirty...

Zeral looked at the shocked Kazane. But Kazane was so shocked that she couldn't respond. There was a very familiar item there.

N, no, that one, that one.

Kazane pointed at the casually placed Great Wing SwordRien.Then Kazane immediately asked Zeral about that sword.

Ah, that one. He bought it at the market in Tsuvara thinking it would be very valuable, but it's useless. It should cut normally, but for some reason it can't cut anything at all. It seems like it is sealed with powerful magic.

Kazane gingerly picked up the sword.

(Wow, it's the real thing)

It was certainly the same sword made by Tatsuyoshi-kun that the Heroic Spirit Sieg used. With this I would be the Peerless Kazane......the thought made her eyes sparkle, but the information from the glasses crushed that dream.

(It's registered to Tatsuyoshi-kun? That's why nobody can use it)

In other words, the sword was genuine, and it was probably no mistake that Tatsuyoshi used it 600 years ago, but since it was already registered nobody but the owner himself could use it.

About that. This is probably the royal family of Tsuvara's national treasure.

However, there was another value even if it couldn't be used. It was the value added from being the once Hero King's sword.

But my father bought it in the market?

The surprised Zeral said, but Kazane shook her head and replied.

The circumstances are unknown, but since nobody could use it perhaps it was sold off without checking it? There are presently no people who can handle this.

Is that a true story?

Kazane nodded to Zeral's words.

At least it is certain that it was used by Tsuvara's King a long time ago.

Weapons made by Tatsuyoshi couldn't be wielded unless he prepared a Transfer Quest that was then cleared. And if a Transfer Quest was never set up then nobody would be able to use it now that Tatsuyoshi had passed away.

Since that's the case wouldn't it be better for you to contact the Kingdom of Tsuvara for the time being?

That's right. Whether I sell or return it I think I had better contact them.

Zeral responded to Kazane's remark, and while groaningIt can't be helpedhe took the Great Wing Sword to the back. If it wasn't for sale there was no choice but to pull it back. And when he came back he saidWell then, which one catches your eye?with the feeling of starting over again.

Well, each sword's label has an explanation, right?

Kazane also forgot about the Great Wing Sword and started picking up the magic swords and looking at them.

This sword saysHit yourself with lightning?

Perhaps it was a failure when it was made, or it might be for traps, but it seems that lightning will flow to yourself if you load it with Magic Power.

Kazane was disappointed after Zeral's words.

Not needed.

And Kazane gingerly put the sword back in place. She successively picked out the swords that caught her interest.

This sword saysA sword that attracts insects?

It gives off a nice smell.

It seemed like it would cause a revolting scene. Returned.

A sword that lets you see future slashes?

A sword that gives you predictions of the future .... so it seems, but the predictions are all inaccurate.

When Kazane heard that she saidThat's uselessandThat's why it is unsoldwas the reply. That's how it was.

After that was a sword that was round like a blunt weapon.

The sword tip is round?A sword that stretches with an adhering tip?

If you load it with Magic Power the rounded part will cling to anything, and the sword itself can stretch.


That was a little interesting, so she put it aside on a table.

This is more like a stick than a sword, butSword with the sun's divine protection?

It's for thrusting. The rumor is that it can kill everything with a single blow. That's just a rumor, but you can use it instead of a torch because it shines.

It was scary in various ways, so she put it back.

This isn't a magic that a bayonet?

It was a bizarre appearance, with a sword growing out of a handle with a handgun shape.

I hear the plan was for it to be loaded with iron balls, but it seems they weren't able to manufacture that part.

Well then, that's useless...Kazane thought as she returned it.

Eh, this one's a shovel? It's certainly not a sword.

It was a tool with a handle and grip on top, and was a size that would allow excavating dirt with both hands.

That thing is sturdy.

Kazane appraised them with her glasses, and the wordsIndestructible Scoopwere written there.

In western Japan the big ones were mostly called shovels, while in eastern Japan the big ones were mostly called scoops, but that also changed depending on the area, so that was just a general rule. However, Kazane felt slightly uncomfortable with calling it a scoop, since she was from an area where the small ones were called scoops and the big ones were called shovels.

(Oh, of course other people gathered stuff from the temple. But it seems they only took items that looked like they could be used as weapons.)

She did not know how long ago that person took it out, but it seemed they didn't recognize the value of the futons and the tableware. She would keep this too. It was an unexpected windfall.

After that she tried a few more, but she didn't like any of them, so the only things that remained were the stretching sword and the Indestructible Scoop.

Well then, this and this.

Kazane bought the stretching sword called Adhesion SwordGumand the item labeled as a sturdy shovel, theIndestructible Scoop.She was considering whether to use that scoop herself or have Normal Tatsuyoshi-kun use it. This scoop was the strongest close-range weapon, and this gardening tool (presumed) probably robbed the lives of many humans in this world.

Kazane saidWith this I am also a Magic Swordswomanwhile paying the bill, and Zeral shuddered. The scoop was not magical, and the other weapon was not for battle. It was a tool that could stretch and stick to things. Zeral doubted that she could call herself a Magical Swordswoman with this alone, but Kazane never had any magic swords even though she called herself that from the beginning. There was nothing scary.

Furthermore, Kazane also purchased a dagger with a high percentage content of Magic Ore and left the store.

Name: Yuihama Kazane

Occupation: Magic Swordswoman

Title: Ogre Killer, Dragon Slayer

Equipment: Staff White Blaze, Two Handed SwordBlack Fang, Adhesion SwordGum, Spell Dagger, Dragonscale Breastplate, Drake Gauntlets, Silver Sheep Clothes, Carapace Bull Trousers, Dragon Ogre Greaves, Indestructible Cloak, Mysterious Pouch, Crimson Saint Coffin, Heroic Spirit Summoning Ring, Circlet of Wisdom, Magic Accumulator, White Magic Accumulator

Level : 29

Health: 101

Magic Power: 170+420

Strength: 49+10

Agility: 40

Endurance: 29

Wisdom : 55

Dexterity : 33

Spell : Fly Torch Fire HealFirestormHealer RayHigh Heal

Skill : Warrior's Memory Night Vision Crushing Blow Dogs Sense of Smell Golem Maker: Lv2 Rush Fire Principle: Third Chapter Healing Principle: Fourth Chapter Air Jump: Lv2 Killing Leg: Lv2 Fear Voice Invisible Tiger Eye Wall Walking Intuition Cheat Death NimbleChargeMaterial ShieldInformation LinkOptical CamouflageDashBloodsucking BladeDragonizationRegenerateRear PresenceStealthy PlacementThunder Chariot

Yumika: You seem to have bought an interesting sword, Kazane.

Kazane: I like rope action games and the like.

Yumika: Which reminds me, there is no Magic Killer listed in the equipment?

Kazane: Since it's easy to recognize that someone possesses a Magic Killer I usually leave it in the Item Box to hide it as a trump card.


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