
Chapter 100: Beginning the Journey

Chapter 100: Beginning the Journey

Royal Capital Shubain, Crier's Hotel - Morning

Happy Kazane got up and declared.


Yumika had woken up earlier and was sitting in a chair with a confused face when she saw Kazane, but since Kazane also didn't know the meaning she sat on the bed and saidgood morningas usual. Yumika repliedgood morning.In addition, Tiara saidwhat's going on?while rubbing the sleep from her eyes and Kazane saidgood morning,and Tiara repliedgood morning. Morning greetings are important.

It seemed that everyone, including Kazane who blurted it out in the first place, forgot about the congratulations. By the way, with the side stories included Myas Highway

Pakara pakara, chugging along.

As usual Kazane was softly singing while riding Hippomaru-kun.

Yumika had once asked where the heck those successive strange song lyrics came from, and the answer she received was that they came from the depths of her soul. It seemed Kazane's depths were packed with strange phrases.

In the morning Kazane and the others had been invited to the castle for breakfast by Yuuko-nee, and after talking about their plans for the trip they said their farewells and immediately went to leave the Royal Capital. In addition, on the way Garua showed up and there was an air of tension for a moment, but Garua had come to give Kazane a White Magic Accumulator using Pure Silver he had stayed up all night to make.

Kazane was extremely happy and grasped Garua's hands as she thanked him, and Garua also bashfully smiled. This guy was a lolicon.

This is nice. Duplicates work. They might be a little too easy to use.

Kazane looked at the Magic Accumulator (50) and the White Magic Accumulator (70) that were hanging from her waist. With the Crimson Saint Coffin (300) they collectively added plus 420 to her Magic Power. 120 Magic Power was added all at once. They were somewhat heavy, but with the muscle strength of a level 29 they were not a burden to Kazane.

It's amazing. Are they going to be available for purchase?

Yes, in the future. However, there will be difficulties, since the materials are fairly rare.

Mefirus answered Tiara's question.

Magic Clay was one thing, but since Dragon Burial Soil was made from dragon meat it was natural that the quantity was limited. For now there were stockpiles since it was only used for a few applications, but if the new ability became known demand would instantly surge. In addition, Pure Silver was also highly scarce.

Yuuko-nee said she was going to start buying up all she could, so it's a good thing we already obtained a good amount for the Tatsuyoshi-kun series.

In half a year there was a high possibility that it would no longer be on the market due to the increase in value. By the way, it seemed that Audin was buying up Pure Silver.

If I'm not mistaken you requested the preparation of Dragon Burial Soil, right Kazane?

Kazane nodded in response to Tiara's question

Yeah, since I've already obtained some it will be a good development whether I use it myself or sell it.

By the way, she was planning Big Tatsuyoshi, so she did not want to sell it.

Well, that's right. Once it's sold out the demand will expand in the blink of an eye.

The era is likely to change.

Jinrai said. This tool was that revolutionary.

(Speaking of the era changing, there are also these)

Jinrai thought while he looked at the High Hippo-kun he was riding. There was a Childstone in the neck of this horse in front of the rider's eyes, identically to Hippomaru-kun. Kazane received it at the Majiria Magic Tool Workshop, and it solved the magical power supply problem with High Hippo-kun. Unlike Hippomaru-kun, this one was a simple type, and Jinrai was in charge of removing the energy source when he dismounted instead of it having a locking mechanism. Since magical power was being supplied simple restoration was possible, so even if it was more or less destroyed it could automatically revive. The rock material was a hard rock called Keiron rock they had purchased from a stone dealer in the Royal Capital, so the strength was also quite good. It also had a Black Rock Dragon fang attached to its forehead for attacking like Hippomaru-kun.

In contrast to Kazane's black Hippomaru-kun, High Hippo-kun was bright white from the color of the Keiron rock, so its Black Rock Dragon fang horn was repainted white, and the aesthetic was like a pure white unicorn sculpture. Tiara, Louise, and Yumika were enchanted with its appearance.

By the way, Jinrai was strangely in tune with Kazane and preferred Hippomaru-kun. It seemed that Mefirus had no opinion.

Kantaran Village - Evening

Kantaran Village was a village located on the road from the Royal Capital to Wombard City, so it was often visited by travelers. As a popular rural area adventurers often stayed there as guards against monsters, so naturally there were a reasonable amount of lodging facilities as well. When Kazane and the others arrived several rooms were available, and there was no problem finding an inn that had room for the whole party.

Furthermore, the inn prepared everything with great painswith that thought in mind Kazane and the others used the inn's futons instead of the Indestructible Futons.

Someday I'd like to relax with an Indestructible Futon in my own house...thought Kazane, but she was forgetting something.

The truth was they had to immediately depart from the Hot Spring Cottage in front of Rock Hold Cave, so she asked Zakuro to handle everything. Specifically, its maintenance, management, and renovation. The expenses would be pulled from Kazane's share as the hot spring owner, but Kazane never specified an upper limit to the the amount of money that should be used for renovations. It was entrusted to Zakuro, and he was overenthusiastically making massive successive alterations. 

At the present time the appearance had already considerably changed, and it was called Kazane Dragon Pair Hot Spring Palace with a blue dragon and a white dragon statue placed on the roof, but Kazane did not know that yet.

By the way,When the Hot Spring Evangelist Kazane first dug this hot spring, two dragons appeared in the sky and danced over this place, and that blessed the hot springswould be conveyed to future generations...that was Zakuro's current scheme. The trivial mistake in the chronological order didn't matter as long as it was for business. The name also changed to Kazane Dragon Pair Hot Spring.

Once they found an inn and handled everything, Kazane decided to leave her baggage and go out for a walk.

It's tranquil.

Kazane surveyed the village and thought the atmosphere was similar to Caronzo Village, which they had visited on their way to Shubain. Well, both of them were in similar environments, so resembling each other might be a matter of course.

Some stone pillars were scattered among the surrounding fields, made from the same Tormarna stone that was used in highways for its monster repelling properties.

Then Kazane stopped in front of a wheat field. The time was exactly dusk. The wheat reflected the evening light, and the whole surface was shining like gold.

Ah, amazing.

The solitary Kazane muttered.

It was a sight that she hadn't seen before, nor one she ever thought about wanting to see, but it seemed likely this would only be one among many spectacles she would see due to coming to this world. A single tear spontaneously fell from the majestic sight.

She stayed and watched the wheat field until the sun fell, and since the surroundings were dark she decided to return to the inn. On the way an old farmer called out to her and gave her a roasted sweet potato. Kazane was munching it while returning to the inn when she noticed a dicey atmosphere with discomposed voices.

Oh, what happened?

She saw Jinrai with some people and called out to him.

Kazane? No, it's a little...

Oh, are you the owner of this horse?

A man with the air of a merchant was beside Jinrai, and as soon as he heard Kazane's name he suddenly turned in her direction. The confusion from her excessively childish stature and appearance showed on his face for a moment, but he glossed over it by continuing.

I was just thinking that you possess a magnificent horse. It's standing so calmly even though it's wearing so much equipment.

Apparently he saw Hippomaru-kun. The man guarding him nodded from the side.

Ah no, while that's true, is it really that great?

That's right. It's certainly wonderful. But it seems a little too big for you to ride it. I think it would be inconvenient in various ways.

Accordingly Kazane realizedI see now.

Uncle, do you want my Hippomaru-kun?

Oops, that's a good guess.

The merchant-style man answered while rubbing his hands.

Hippomaru-kun, come.

In response to Kazane's voice Hippomaru-kun walked in front of Kazane.


The merchant style man was surprised when Hippomaru-kun started moving in response to Kazane's voice.

When Hippomaru-kun came in front of her Kazane stroked its head, and Hippomaru-kun behaved completely like a real horse. Kazane asked Hippomaru-kun.

Hippomaru-kun, does Hippomaru-kun want to go with this Uncle?

Hippomaru-kun shook its head to Kazane's question. The merchant-style man's surprised expression deepened from seeing this state of affairs, and Kazane turned to him and spoke.

So then, will you give up?

Ha, yes.

The astonished merchant-style man went away, and Kazane instructed Hippomaru-kun to go back to the stable before she returned to the inn's interior with Jinrai.

Is it fine?

Well, catching his eye can't be helped. It's so cool.

Kazane replied to Jinrai's question.

Hmm, certainly.

Jinrai also agreed. That tough appearance was a direct hit for the vestiges of a young boy remaining within Jinrai's heart. By the way, the amount of money the merchant suggested to Jinrai was two zeroes short of Hippomaru-kun's production cost. If thought about as a real product another zero might even be added. As he was listening to Kazane speak Jinrai crushed the memo with the amount written on it and threw it in the garbage bin.

That midnight the voice of a man yelling gyaa followed by a running sound was heard from outside the hotel. Kazane connected to Hippomaru-kun with her skillInformation Linkandsawthe escort man running away and the merchant-style man collapsed unable to move, and she sighed at the confirmation. If they ran away she could talk to the guards stationed in this village the next day, but since he collapsed it couldn't be helped.

Jinrai, Yumika, and Louise all woke up, but Kazane asked that only Jinrai accompany her to go and capture the merchant-style man.

This is an arrest.

He broke into a cold sweat at Kazane's remark and said it was a misunderstanding with a stiff smile, but Hippomaru-kun's damage was splendid, and the mark of a horseshoe clearly remained on his body. Kazane asked Jinrai to secure him, and they immediately delivered him to the guards. The merchant-style man said it was a misunderstanding, but he was caught red handed.

Once the guards confirmed that Kazane and Jinrai possessed a title they arrested the merchant on the spot without listening to his objections. For the first time Kazane became aware of the trusted status of those who had earned a title from a country.

Name: Yuihama Kazane

Occupation: Magic Swordswoman

Title: Ogre Killer, Dragon Slayer

Equipment: Staff White Blaze, Two Handed SwordBlack Fang, Dragonscale Breastplate, Drake Gauntlets, Silver Sheep Clothes, Carapace Bull Trousers, Dragon Ogre Greaves, Indestructible Cloak, Mysterious Pouch, Crimson Saint Coffin, Heroic Spirit Summoning Ring, Circlet of Wisdom, Magic Accumulator, White Magic Accumulator

Level : 29

Health: 101

Magic Power: 170+420

Strength: 49+10

Agility: 40

Endurance: 29

Wisdom : 55

Dexterity : 33

Spell : Fly Torch Fire HealFirestormHealer RayHigh Heal

Skill : Warrior's Memory Night Vision Crushing Blow Dogs Sense of Smell Golem Maker: Lv2 Rush Fire Principle: Third Chapter Healing Principle: Fourth Chapter Air Jump: Lv2 Killing Leg: Lv2 Fear Voice Invisible Tiger Eye Wall Walking Intuition Cheat Death NimbleChargeMaterial ShieldInformation LinkOptical CamouflageDashBloodsucking BladeDragonizationRegenerate

Yuuko-nee: Once again the plain nature of the Crimson Saint Coffin is making it increasingly terrible.

Kazane: Bu, but, Magic Power plus 300.

Yuuko-nee: Five White Accumulators surpasses it.

Kazane: Uwa. But the Crimson Saint Coffin might be hiding other secret powers, like maybe it transforms and startsSpell Power Doubling Hyper Modeor something.

Yumika: No, 70 chapters have passed since it appeared, so at this point it's impossible to add any additional settings, Kazane. If that was going to happen it would have been during the Black Rock Dragon battle.

Kazane: Damn it.

Yuuko-nee: Technological innovation brushes aside existing technology in an instant.


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