
Chapter 99: Let's Reform

Chapter 99: Let's Reform

Royal Castle Delgura - Night

It really came to this.

I am truly sorry.

General Dios earnestly apologized to Yuuko-nee's displeased face.

I'm really sorry, Kazane. This is completely my mistake.

Yuuko-nee was bowing her head in apology from the bottom of her heart, but Kazane shook her head.

Well, it has already happened so it can't be helped. Besides, with my techniques they couldn't touch me.

A miserable looking man in that place glared at Kazane after her remark, but when the glare was returned he lowered his face.

A big shot, right?

Louise lightly smiled at Kazane's words.

Hmm. My country is getting a nice windfall from this, so it's not bad.

Mefirus said while being held in Louise's arms.

The conference room within Royal Castle Delgura. In that place were Kazane, Louise, and Mefirus across from Yuuko-nee and the chief executive of the military General Dios Galbaros. And finally the head of the army's Development Department GaruaBarua with five of his people.

The start of this was when Kazane was targeted by assailants on the way back from the Majiria Magic Tool Workshop.

It was a few hours ago.

After Kazane was finished talking with Agato she left the workshop and was heading back to the hotel on Hippomaru-kun through an alley that had low pedestrian traffic.

Immediately after entering the alley Kazane noticed the assailants' presence withIntuition.It seemed that magical countermeasures against smell had been done, but apparently the assailants didn't expect Kazane to be so sharp even without herDog's Sense of Smell.In addition, the assailants made three other mistakes at that time.

The first mistake was that they didn't know that Kazane could see well in the dark. Unfortunately for them the figures of the assailants attacking from the darkness were completely visible with her passive skillNight Vision.Also, the countermeasures against smell were not perfect, and since Kazane had become vigilant to the slightest smells after the battles against the Massive Chameleons she was already aware of the assailants' actions.

The second mistake was aiming to inhibit the escape of a panicking horse by first attacking the horse Kazane was riding. There were five attacking members, but the two people who aimed for the horse had the tables turned on them by Hippomaru-kun. They were sliced by the head horns and the attached Black Rock Dragon horns, and both moaned as they fell to the ground.

Kazane summoned Yuuko-nee to deal with the next two people who jumped out. From the appearance of the two rolling on the ground while on fire the last one realized they had failed and tried to escape. However, Kazane closed the distance instantly with Dash and Rush and sent him flying with a kick. The last attacker flew 3 meters and collapsed.

It only took a short time for the battle against the five people to end with a kick. She didn't feel it was necessary to go easy on human opponents who probably came to kill her. However, she was still glad that she hadn't killed anyone. Therefore, in that situation she held them down with Tebasaki-kun, killed their movements with Tiger Eye, then she displayed the Charge Killing Leg combo in front of them so she could thoroughly break their wills and start interrogating them with Fear Voice like she had in the door washing incident.

The final mistake was not the assailants' mistake, but the person behind the assailants who knew that Kazane was in communication with the Queen. He knew Kazane's ability to some extent. So he decided not to use outside forces and instead picked assailants from the Intelligence Division who wouldn't inform the Queen. He thought they would have no problem killing an adventurer with their training as assassins, and even if they failed and were captured they were trained to resist torture, and he thought they wouldn't confess to an adventurer.

However. That kind of torture training as a countermeasure was meaningless against Fear Voice. This was not magic, but a voice emitted by a monster that shook the soul. The intelligence personnel could only tremble with fear; as soon as they were mentally defeated by Kazane they could no longer resist Fear Voice.

Yes, the third mistake was the mastermind's personnel selection. He should not have sent anyone who knew who he was.

Within a short time Kazane learned the name GaruaBarua of the Minshiana military's Development Department, and she hurriedly returned to the hotel and called for Louise and Mefirus. She explained the situation and asked Mefirus to contact Audin.

It was different from Kazane and Yuuko-nee's email, but since he was merged with the Ruby Griffon Mefirus could talk to Audin, who could summon the Ruby Griffon's retainers.

By the way, Audin's first reaction was to saymy father became a ghostIt was like he was asking to die.

Kazane's message sent through Mefirus wasjoint development of Muscle Clay with Minshiana.Audin gladly gave his approval, and at that point Kazane finally messaged Yuuko-nee. Kazane never thought that it was done by Yuuko-nee's instruction, but considering the relation of the opponents to Minshiana's Queen it was natural to be cautious.

After that Kazane told Yumika, Tiara, and Jinrai that Muscle Clay was treated as a state secret and that she was going to the Royal Castle to talk about it with Yuuko-nee. Jinrai had a puzzled expression, but when Louise saidI will explain in bedhe turned away. He understood that his questions were being dodged, but he thought he could receive an explanation later.

And now back to the present.

Assassinate the acquaintance of both the Queen and the next heir to the throne to suppress information? Hahahaha, what kind of idiot are you?

Yuuko-nee had completely snapped. Everything, including the situation about Muscle Clay, was unknown to Yuuko-nee, and furthermore her friend was almost killed by her own subordinate. If Kazane weren't there General Dios predicted that at least one corpse would be burned to a crisp, and the others would be rolling around on the floor.

Although as it was an unknown number of corpses would accumulate after this meeting was over. That was the severity desired by General Dios and his soldiers, but Kazane and the others did not know that side of Queen Yuuko-nee.

But Your Majesty, that material is too strong to be entrusted to a private individual. To say nothing of the fact that this girl was about to head to a foreign country.

GaruaBarua said, but General Dios fiercely rebuked him.

Be silent. In the first place she was heading for a foreign country on a guild request from the West Dragon Village going through the Minshiana Kingdom. Not to mention that the princess of Tsuvara and His Majesty, the previous King Mefirus are traveling incognito as members of Kazane's party.

Garua had not heard that, and his face became white as a sheet.

You pointed your sword at both the West Dragon Village and Tsuvara. Now do you understand?

From the start Garua was someone who had merely kept his former position, so his respect for the Queen was weak. However, he never anticipated the matter would be this big of a deal. Although he was investigating Kazane himself, the matter with Tiara was being hidden within Minshiana, and the information about the request from the West Dragon Village was also being hidden due to the seriousness of the contents. So all he saw was an adventurer who was friends with the Queen. It was natural that Garua was not aware of the rest. Although that aspect alone was sufficiently problematic, he still decided to secretly proceed.

Garua fell to his knees. He thought he could explain away the matter with Kazane by weighing national interests against the Queen's personal feelings. That was also an extremely naive idea, but in any case, Garua could understand that he couldn't undo what he had done.

Ah, wait a second.

Kazane raised her hand.

WHAT? Ah, no, I am sorry. It seems I'm a little worked up.

The overstimulated Dios looked at Kazane and cleared his throat, urging her to continue. Then he saw Kazane take a metal bottle from her waist and display it.

Just a second. I heard that Garua-san invented this Magic Accumulator.

Ah, that's right. No, that's right, but.......

Garua made a surprised expression as he observed Kazane holding something he had made. The Magic Tool Workshop's research was being done jointly with the military. Garua came up with the Magic Accumulator after thinking about the specials characteristics of Muscle Clay.

I think it's well made. The accumulated amount is also bigger than I imagined.

Magic Power plus 50 was enough to cover Kazane's Dragonization.

However, I'm unsure about the outside material.

Kazane hit the bottle and it rang out. It was an ordinary iron container.

However, while Garua understood what she was saying, he didn't understand the motive behind Kazane's words and tilted his head.

Ignoring Garua's situation, Kazane continued by pulling her sword from its sheath on her waist.

I remembered just before I was attacked, but Truesilver is used in the center of my swordBlack Fang.

Truesilver was a silver mineral variant produced in minuscule amounts by Tsuvara that had extremely high magical power absorption. Although it had been produced since long ago, the differences from ordinary silver had only been recently recognized, so it was now actively being studied by Tsuvara and Minshiana

I was thinking that something really interesting would probably happen if it was joined together with this thing. For example, this thing absorbs Magic Power near me and automatically restores my own.

Garua suddenly stood at that remark.

Certainly, that is the prototype from Batroa Studio I read a report about.

Garua examined Kazane's Black Fang. A silver color could be seen running along a groove in the black blade.

But I would expect there to be a problematic reaction between the ambient mana and the mana type within the body.

I think in the beginning it draws a small amount of mana from the user's body and adapts itself to their mana type. In fact, when doing large-scale magic ambient mana is mixed together with the magician's own mana inside their body. [TL: For those interested, it uses Odic force named after Odin for body's mana type if you want to read about some old pseudoscience.]

That is certainly something to think about.

Well. I just wanted to hear what you thought about it. Garua-san.

At Kazane's words Garua's researcher face disappeared as his eyes were opened, and his shoulders dropped from disappointment. As a researcher murder was only an incident written on some documents to Garua. However, he was forced to clearly understand the reality accompanying it by talking with this girl, and finally recognized his own actions.

I'm sorry, I .......

Garua could feel his similarity with this girl named Kazane; any thought of killing her for the sake of confidentiality was gone, and only regret remained.

And the Corestones can be taken from the Gray Golems near Conrad City. Well, I know that it's not that simple, but by producing together with Tsuvara

Kazane held the Magic Accumulator out and said

You could make me a better one. Right?

with a smile.

Ah, that's right. If I was allowed to, I......

Garua's words were stopped by a harsh look from General Dios, who was about to say something when Yuuko-nee restrained him and started to speak.

GaruaBarua, as Kazane said, would you be able to make a more powerful Magic Accumulator?

Yes. Without a doubt. If I were allowed to I would put in my body and soul.

Yuuko-nee confirmed that Garua's words contained no obfuscation or ill will and that he was simply speaking the truth with herCirclet of Reality Visionbefore she looked at Kazane with a sigh. Kazane nodded, and with a resigned expression she turned to inform Garua.

GaruaBarua, no matter what the reasons actions like this time are not permissible. You understand, yes?


Garua nodded. It would normally be a death sentence.

Then GaruaBarua will be relieved of his duty as a member of the military Development Department.

That was a matter of course. However, Yuuko-nee continued.

You will be Minshiana's representative in collaborative research with Tsuvara. Create more value than was lost in this affair.

Garua's eyes widened after Yuuko-nee's words and he looked at her, then looked at Kazane, saw her nod, then faced Yuuko-nee again.

Yes, I'll definitely live up to your expectations. In exchange for my life, definitely.

Garua said with overflowing tears.

After that Dios saidAre you sure?and Yuuko-nee repliedIf the victim herself says so it can't be helped.And then Kazane attached her order by sayingI have another request after this. I want a more beautiful design.

Hmm. That girl is profiting while others fight?

Speaking of that, Mefirus' former notoriety is returning.

Mefirus and Louise had been watching from behind Kazane without interrupting and had satisfied expressions after the decision. It wasn't a bad result to the two people since it ultimately benefited Tsuvara.

Royal Castle Delgura, Queen's Bedroom - Night

After the discussion with Kazane and the others came to a close, Yuuko-nee took a bath and then immediately went to her massive bed and threw herself onto it.


Then she let out a big sigh. She finally knew everything, and it ended without incident. However, when she thought of the possibility of Kazane being killed it didn't seem right to make use of that Garua. When the blood rushed to her head she was thinking about wiping out not only Garua, but everyone who was advancing Muscle Clay research without explicit permission.

(Ah, I'm warped)

Yuuko-nee thought. When her husband was killed, she was almost killed, and her son was almost set up as a puppet Yuuko-nee decided to continue fighting as Queen. And it had been 10 years since she decided to do so.

During that time she killed anyone hostile without mercy, political enemies were wiped out, and she used any means necessary to keep the other royal family bloodlines in check.

The masses called Yuuko-nee a virtuous ruler, but in fact, she had continuously been fighting a blood-soaked war against various threats in the Royal Palace for a long time ...... no, by using the power of her artifact to take the initiative it would be more accurate to call it a one-sided slaughter. Yuuko-nee had been walking a severe path for the last ten years.

Would I be hated?

She muttered. She thought it was certain her friends would condemn her if they found out how much blood she was stained with. Meeting her friends after such a long time was extremely enjoyable, and such melancholic thoughts had subsided lately.

But in the end her friend narrowly avoided meeting her death at the hands of someone under her command. And she thought about how it could have been too late.

Yuuko-nee was falling into that negative spiral when she finally noticed a mail had arrived in her Window.

From Kazane .....?

Yuuko-nee's shoulders trembled at that name. However, thinking that even if it were a friendship breakup letter she had to accept, she resolved herself to open the mail and

Kazane: Don't worry about it.

Only that brief comment was written. Yuuko-nee was dumbfounded when she saw it, but then she laughed at how she had been overthinking things. She remembered that Kazane was such a girl.

Really, that girl can completely turn around my mood just like that.

Yuuko-nee said while moved to tears, and she crawled under her futon.

Then Yuuko-nee remembered she had also received this from Kazane. The soft texture was wrapped around her entire body. Some time ago Yuuko-nee thought she wouldn't be able to sleep peacefully, but she immediately closed her eyes.

Before long the soft breathing of a sleeping person could be heard in the room.

After that another message came that saidThis cancels out the French kiss,and with a bitter expression Yuuko-nee repliedUnderstood.She was not a negligent girl.

Name: Yuihama Kazane

Occupation: Magic Swordswoman

Title: Ogre Killer, Dragon Slayer

Equipment: Staff White Blaze, Two Handed SwordBlack Fang, Dragonscale Breastplate, Drake Gauntlets, Silver Sheep Clothes, Carapace Bull Trousers, Dragon Ogre Greaves, Indestructible Cloak, Mysterious Pouch, Crimson Saint Coffin, Heroic Spirit Summoning Ring, Circlet of Wisdom, Magic Accumulator

Level : 29

Health: 101

Magic Power: 170+350

Strength: 49+10

Agility: 40

Endurance: 29

Wisdom : 55

Dexterity : 33

Spell : Fly Torch Fire HealFirestormHealer RayHigh Heal

Skill : Warrior's Memory Night Vision Crushing Blow Dogs Sense of Smell Golem Maker: Lv2 Rush Fire Principle: Third Chapter Healing Principle: Fourth Chapter Air Jump: Lv2 Killing Leg: Lv2 Fear Voice Invisible Tiger Eye Wall Walking Intuition Cheat Death NimbleChargeMaterial ShieldInformation LinkOptical CamouflageDashBloodsucking BladeDragonizationRegenerate

Yuuko-nee: Honestly I wonder if it's ok to leave it like this.

Kazane: Well, by increasing the number of people who know the recipe the risk is also dispersed, and if Yuuko-nee watches Garua-san properly I will get a better Magic Accumulator, so considering my own profit and that Master and Agato-san know the recipe I think it is the best way to keep everyone safe.

Yuuko-nee: Well, that certainly may be so.

Kazane: Although Dios-san seems to think it's too lenient. I'm going to have to ask Yuuko-nee to admonish him about that.


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