
Chapter 101: Chasing the Horse Thief

Chapter 101: Chasing the Horse Thief

Hahaha, thanks, you guys. It seems he's considerably infamous.

The next morning Kazane and the others were eating in the dining room on the first floor of the inn when a guard came to tell them about the merchant-style man they arrested yesterday.

Was he an infamous evil merchant or something?

Kazane was confused at the guard's remark and asked.

No, no. In the first place that guy was not a merchant. Although he pretends to be sometimes. He has a stolen Merchant's Guild card he uses to swindle people.

Ah. Merchant's Guild card? So there's something like that.

Kazane hadn't received one. She was enrolled without her knowledge.

If you inquire at a Merchant Guild's office you should be able to receive one. But it will take a while because they will need to contact Tsuvara.

I wonder if I should do it when I get the chance. There might be a use for it.

Ah, those Appraisal Glasses might be convincing enough.

The Appraisal Glasses' ownership information could be revealed with a spell. If they knew the owner had changed from Zakuro to Kazane that might be sufficient proof that Kazane was also a member of the Merchant Guild.

After hearing that conversation the guard saidthis young lady is a member of the Merchant Guild?in surprise, but that was natural. Unlike becoming an adventurer there were several conditions that existed for registration with the Merchant Guild, like recommendations from a few merchants. It was not something a child could normally get just because they wanted one like an Adventurer Guild card.

Ho, that is to say he was the swindler type?

Jinrai's question brought back the derailed conversation, and the guard switched his mind back over and saidthat's right.

That guy's name was KargeiMcColl, and he was a reasonably famous member of Shijiri's Outer. Well, once it's exposed that he stole and used a Merchant Guild card he'll be finished. Shijiri's Outer won't want to make an enemy of the Merchant Guild.


Louise explained to the confused Kazane.

Outer handles things like red-light districts. There are one or two Outer families in a big city, and there was also one in my hot spring town.

From the explanation Kazane thought they must be something like the Yakuza.

I don't like to refer to them as a necessary evil. But they do act as a buffer, so even in Tsuvara I left them alone to a certain extent.

Well, like the summoned pipsqueak says they aren't a big enough problem to use the country's soldiers. But if they happen to get arrested they'll be in trouble.

Jinrai nodded and saidThat's right.

And that is the reason I'm here. There was a bounty for his capture, so take this thing with you so you can receive it.

The guard handed them a signed reward exchange letter while telling them it could be exchanged in Shijiri City or the Royal Capital.

After the guard left they finished their interrupted breakfast before Kazane and the others left Kantaran Village and headed to the city of Siziri.

Myas Highway - Day

One hour after Kazane and the others left Kantaran Village they ran into a situation.

Hippomaru-kun, stop.

Kazane and the others found a dying man surrounded by a woman and children on the road.

The carriage has fallen over.

Like Tiara said the carriage was laying horizontally on the road. There were no horses. Then Louise looked at the fallen man and frowned.

That man's in danger. I'm getting off.

Jinrai saidby all means,and Louise immediately descended and headed straight to the man, then went down on her knees.

My husband isn't moving at all.

While pacifying the frantic woman Louise examined the man's condition.

(Gash on the abdomen? It seems to be recent, but are his internal organs uninjured? But he's bleeding heavily.)

Louise chanted the Grimoire What is that?

It is a summon that can make the blood flowing from a cut blood vessel circulate like normal. If it is combined with healing magic even severe bleeding can be cured.

Although that was said, he's bleeding heavily.

Louise had a slightly impatient expression. For the time being they left the man to Louise and decided to ask the woman about the situation.

We were heading to the Royal Capital from Shijiri when some men coming down the road from the Royal Capital's direction suddenly attacked us.

After listening Jinrai askedAre there any more injuries?and the woman answered there were none. She said the man was suddenly slashed after resisting, then the horse was stolen.

This is the scent of those guys.

When Kazane went to check the abandoned carriage she perceived the scent of the merchant-style man's guards from yesterday.

Those guys, from yesterday?

When Jinrai asked Kazane nodded.

Um, they seemed to be panicking and only stole our horse without taking any luggage.

The words of the woman who reached them from behind, and Kazane exchanged glances with Jinrai.

That man was their leader, so when he was arrested they ran away in a rush.

So they took the horse? They didn't leave the horse, so one man must have changed over to riding it.

The woman nodded after Jinrai spoke. With a quiet expression Kazane looked back the way they came.

If only I had arrested them yesterday.

However, after Kazane murmured that Jinrai knocked her on the head.

Ouch, what was that for, Jinrai-san?

Kazane looked at him with teary eyes, and he saidnonsense.

Hmph, yesterday the only thing you knew was that they tried to steal your horse. Blaming yourself is meaningless.

Jinrai reprimanded Kazane for her remorseful words.

Ye, yeah.

Kazane hung her head at that remark. Looking at Kazane, Jinrai sighed and spoke again.

Don't try to take too much on yourself. Although you can certainly do more than most people, you're not omnipotent. It doesn't mean you're responsible for all of other people's troubles.

Yeah, thanks. I know. Well, I will do whatever I can do.

Jinrai saiddo thatand patted Kazane's head. Kazane happily surrendered herself to it. It was like a grandfather doting on his grandchild.

After that, Kazane, Jinrai, and Yumika decided to ride Hippomaru-kun and follow the smell ahead of the rest. Louise and the others decided to connect High Hippo-kun to the carriage and proceed carefully while watching the condition of the man. After deciding where to meet up in Shijiri City the two groups parted.

Shijiri City - Evening

Yeah, it's continuing.

Kazane and others arrived at Shijiri City, and Hippomaru-kun's ambition, or more precisely its intimidating air, caused the residents to either be captivated or turn away as they continued following the scent. And they finally reached a tavern.

The scent of the carriage's horse is in the back. It seems tired, but it is still alive.

The horse's name seemed to be Lucy. The comatose man was successively calling Lucy, Lucy. Since he was speaking that name before the name of his wife or children it may be a woman more important than his wife. It was the first name he spoke when he was unconscious, so that may be no mistake. His wife's tears seemed to change to have another meaning.

Yumika, I'll ask you to secure the horse. If anyone opposes you scatter them.

Jinrai consciousness was already in battle mode. Yumika was also angry about this situation and saidyesand went around to the back.

There are about 20 people in there, with 4 people from yesterday.

We're in town, so killing is strictly forbidden.

I think Jinrai-san should watch out for that.

Kazane didn't have a killing mood from the beginning.

Furthermore, although this other world had a Middle Ages style, it wasn't like avoiding murder was particularly difficult. A city dweller was unlikely to be affected by murder for their entire life, and if they actually did it they would be arrested by a guard. However, according to Jinrai that was only the situation in a town, and outside town there was another law called survival of the fittest.

Kazane and Jinrai nodded to each other, and she opened the door with a crash before entering the bar. Jinrai followed afterwards with the two black spears on his shoulders.

The sudden appearance of a child caused the boorish looking men drinking alcohol inside to wear confused expressions, but the appearance of Jinrai following behind her increased their wariness at once.

Who is it?

Ignoring their gazes, Jinrai asked Kazane for their opponent.

Those guys lined up at the back counter.

When Kazane said that the men that were previously looking at her and Jinrai turned that direction and worewhat about them?expressions.

The stabber is the second from the right.

The designated man jumped in surprise after Kazane's remark.

Hey, wait a minute, girl.

Kazane immediately tried to move toward the man, but she was interrupted by a sudden voice. A drunk man from another table stood up.


This is a place to drink, not a place to look for people. Much less a place a brat should be.

At the man's words the surrounding people's voices boiled over, sayingThat's right, that's right.

What should I do about him?

Kazane whispered, and Jinrai repliedIf he makes a move do whatever you like.Kazane nodded, then she ignored the man and headed to the counter. Seeing that, the man tried to trip Kazane by sticking out his leg, but Kazane trampled it without hesitation.


The man audibly screamed. The man beside him started to sayHey hey, you were only stepped on by a child,but the words caught in his throat when he saw Kazane's feet.

You ..... what's with those terribly rough feet?

Her feet were covered by her dark red spiky greaves.

My partner.

Kazane replied to the man and tried to continue forward, but there were multiple men blocking her way.

Could you step aside?

Kazane said, but the men didn't budge.

I will be troubled if you rampage in the shop.

The slender leader in the center replied.


Jinrai surveyed them with a sharp look and felt they were fairly capable men. There were signs that they particularly shouldn't look down on the slender man in the center. But thinking that they might be able to negotiate with this man, Jinrai stepped in front of Kazane.


To Kazane's gaze Jinrai saidLeave it to meand faced the slender man.

We came to arrest a man named KargeiMcColl's henchmen for horse theft.

The men reacted when he said Kargei. It seemed he was a famous Outer member like they had heard.

Handing them over will save us trouble.

The slender man facing him asked.

Do you have any evidence?

One of the horses behind this tavern is stolen. The owner was stabbed, but he will soon arrive at this town.

At Jinrai 's remark the slender man groaned hmm.....then he asked Kargei's henchmen at the counter.

Is what this old man is saying true, you guys?

No, it's a false accusation.

We only came here to drink.

That's right. That's right.

The henchmen unanimously said, and the slender man laughed and said to JinraiThat's how it is.However, Jinrai felt indications that, contrary to his words, the slender man was angry and understood the situation.

The slender man looked at Jinrai's expression and laughedhahbefore continuing to talk.

We will return the horse. Let me deal with this. Is that fine?

Organ-san, that is

A henchman guessed the meaning behind the man called Organ's words and raised his voice.

It was at that time. A door in the back opened, and a young man came out.

Hey hey, is there trouble?

The young man announced as he came to the center of the tavern. Jinrai saw that there wasn't a weak point in the young man's manner and sensed that he was the most capable person among the people in the tavern.

Hey, there was no need for you to come out. We were just settling things.

Organ shrugged his shoulders and looked at the young man.

Huh, perhaps that was bad timing?

Organ nodded at the young man's question, and with anoopsexpression he surveyed the surroundings, and then he noticed Kazane.

Oh, huh?

The young man stared at Kazane while blinking in surprise. Kazane also had an astonished expression, and while sayingoh, ohohohohohthe young man stared at Kazane like he was trying to bore a hole through her, then suddenly fell to his knees and bowed his head before saying loudly.

I fell in love with you at first sight. Please marry me.


Everyone was dumbfounded at that situation, and Kazane groanedummbefore loudly sighing and speaking.

You still haven't changed, Naoki.

Name: Yuihama Kazane

Occupation: Magic Swordswoman

Title: Ogre Killer, Dragon Slayer

Equipment: Staff White Blaze, Two Handed SwordBlack Fang, Dragonscale Breastplate, Drake Gauntlets, Silver Sheep Clothes, Carapace Bull Trousers, Dragon Ogre Greaves, Indestructible Cloak, Mysterious Pouch, Crimson Saint Coffin, Heroic Spirit Summoning Ring, Circlet of Wisdom, Magic Accumulator, White Magic Accumulator

Level : 29

Health: 101

Magic Power: 170+420

Strength: 49+10

Agility: 40

Endurance: 29

Wisdom : 55

Dexterity : 33

Spell : Fly Torch Fire HealFirestormHealer RayHigh Heal

Skill : Warrior's Memory Night Vision Crushing Blow Dogs Sense of Smell Golem Maker: Lv2 Rush Fire Principle: Third Chapter Healing Principle: Fourth Chapter Air Jump: Lv2 Killing Leg: Lv2 Fear Voice Invisible Tiger Eye Wall Walking Intuition Cheat Death NimbleChargeMaterial ShieldInformation LinkOptical CamouflageDashBloodsucking BladeDragonizationRegenerate

Yumika: Why is that guy here?

Kazane: Ah, come on! I'm disappointed that our reunion is like this.


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