Lunar Supremacy: The Original Alpha

Chapter 272 The Great Mist

Chapter 272 The Great Mist

Inside the tower, within a spacious meeting hall, Nathan was engaged in discussion with the other commanders and generals regarding the great mist. He wanted to go there without delay, but the outside world had already descended into such chaos that even someone of Rank SS like himself would be at high risk. 

"The Great Mist is expanding, and this phenomenon poses a significant danger. What are its effects?" A woman with white hair and red eyes spoke. She was in charge of addressing the Great Mist issue.  And this individual was none other than Erika. Though her appearance remained unchanged, she had now surpassed Rank SSS. 

After the start of the Chaotic era, the existing power in the environment had become powerful enough for her to transcend to Rank SSS. In the first place, the only reason she had remained at Rank SS was that she had chosen to be trapped in that block of ice. Now, with all this energy swirling around her, it was only natural for her to rank up. 

"I've received reports from my scouts indicating that this mist has the ability to disable communication devices. Even our portals stop working once they become overwhelmed by the mist. What's more concerning is its impact on the monsters. It's accelerating their evolution and enhancing their strength. At this rate, there's a substantial possibility that we'll have to fight with more Rank SSS monsters in the future,"Lowell answered. He had also become stronger and now held the Rank SS status. 

In fact, almost everyone present had grown stronger, but if they were asked who had experienced the most significant growth, the answer would undoubtedly be Nathan Wayne.

Jonathan Wayne, after joining the Moonlight Sanctuary, had finally revealed why Nathan wasn't compatible with any supernatural blood. It wasn't because he lacked supernatural DNA, but rather because his dormant power was so overpowering that it obliterated any other DNA introduced into his system.

With this newfound understanding, Nathan realized that he could tap into more power if he unlocked the dormant ability called "X." Initially, Jonathan hesitated due to the inherent dangers of unleashing this power, but Nathan persisted. He was determined to be useful in this chaotic era, to possess enough power to safeguard everyone until Vincent's return.

What followed was nothing short of miraculous. Upon unlocking "X," his growth surged exponentially, propelling him to achieve Rank SS within a single year. This level of advancement was truly impressive, even by Supernatural standards.

Even Lowell, with all his experience and power, found himself no match for Nathan. The power of "X" was so formidable that even Rank SSS supernaturals would struggle to contend with it. 

Unfortunately, aside from Nathan, all other individuals who attempted to harness "X" met with death, rendering mass production of X combatants impossible. 

"This is truly worrisome. In that case, Nathan, you should consider bringing more people along with you," Erika sighed. 

"Unfortunately, I won't be able to join you. There's a threat of a monster horde attacking Old Arizona." She wished she could go herself, harboring the hope that Vincent might return. But she was too busy dealing with all this mess.

What had transpired in the world was beyond her imagination. She even found herself pondering what Vincent would feel after seeing the Earth in its current state. It had changed so drastically from when he had left. Would he hold them responsible? The idea was unsettling. The last thing she wished to witness was his expression filled with anger. 

But she was left feeling powerless to stop the situation from escalating to this point. Elizabeth proved to be even more commanding and bold than Evangeline. She knew that her big sister bore the responsibility for all these events, leaving no room for questioning her choices.

Even if she were to ask now, her big sister would probably assert that this sacrifice was necessary.

"Our portals aren't functioning, and traveling there by air is too risky. Perhaps we should consider asking General Long Mu for transportation?" Lowell suggested. 

Right now, Long Mu's Dragon form is the quickest method of travel without Teleportation. Her dragon blood also possesses the ability to scare monsters from attacking, making it the safer option. It's not that he was underestimating Nathan, but the monsters within the mist could overwhelm even a Rank SSS through sheer numbers, potentially exhausting them to their death.

As for modern airplanes? Well, they would be obliterated in an instant. Even if they managed to reach the Great Mist, all types of machinery and electronic gadgets cease to function in that area. 

Even ships were out of the question because the current number of aquatic monsters dwarfs those on land and in the air combined. 

"That's not feasible right now. Long Mu is also occupied safeguarding other borders. However, I can provide you all with my divine Armament," Erika offered.

Her divine Armament had also grown stronger. While it might not be as fast and robust as Long Mu, it possessed the advantage of mobility that allowed it to defend against hordes of  monsters. With a team of Rank SS - SSS members backing it up, the journey would undoubtedly be more manageable. 

"That's settled then. Let's assemble a team now," Nathan declared, his eagerness to investigate the cave evident. Everyone recognized that his sense of urgency was well-founded. After all, he was the best friend of the true ruler of the Moonlight Sanctuary. 




"Hoo hoo hoo hoo, oo oo oo," echoed through the jungle as hundreds of enlarged feral monkeys surrounded a lone figure.

Each of these monkeys boasted a formidable Rank B+ status, and even a small group could lay waste to a large city.

Despite the perilous situation, the man within their midst showed no signs of fear. Instead, he wore a look of confusion and puzzlement.

"What in the world are these creatures? Did I travel into an alternative Earth?" Vincent mused aloud. If he hadn't found his phone in the cave, he might really have believed he had landed on an entirely different planet.

These monkeys were far from ordinary monkeys. Towering at an impressive 5 feet, their razor-sharp claws emitted a daedly surge of energy. Just one of them could likely put up a fight against a Rank A supernatural being. And now, here they were, in their hundreds, a staggering force to be reckoned with.

But they're still not a treat to him, Vincent's strength had grown to such an extent that even if ten thousand of them were to attack, he could obliterate them with a single strike. However, there was a critical factor preventing him from taking action: his identity. 

A foreboding feeling held him back, a premonition that if he were to unleash even a mere five percent of his power, all chaos would break loose.

He had mastered the control of his energy to such an extent that he could even posed as normal a human. This tactic allowed him to buy more time before the manifestation of Fate's avatar. 

Regrettably, he remained unaware that numerous things had already undergone significant changes. 

Fate had already begun to intervene in the world due to Elizabeth's actions. However, it proceeded slowly, unaware that an Unfated individual existed. That's correct—Saintess Agnes's assertion seemed to be inaccurate. A perplexing mystery remained as to why the Lapis Stone did not detect her deception. Perhaps she genuinely believed that Fate had granted her that vision. 

"Hoo hoo hoo hoo, oo oo oo," the feral monkeys began to holler like frenzied chimps, as though their noise could intimidate him.

"I haven't engaged in combat with anything other than space turbulence and tornado for countless years. Let's see if my sword skills have grown rusty," he chuckled, summoning a black sword into his hands.

The instant they caught sight of the sword, the monkeys launched their assault en masse, hoping to overwhelm him through sheer numbers. But how could he simply stand aside? He had no equal in this world anymore, making it a mere pipe dream for these monkeys to believe they could eliminate him, even with his power held in check. 

He remained rooted in his spot as he swung the black sword, his movements devoid of any flourish or unnecessary flair. There was no grandeur in his swordsmanship, only simplicity and raw destruction. 


As the blade met the first charging feral monkey, the impact seemed to ripple through the very fabric of reality. The force generated by his straightforward slash disintegrated the creature at an atomic level, turning it into a burst of particles that faded into nothingness.

But to his astonishment, the surrounding monkeys showed no signs of slowing down despite witnessing the swift and devastating demise of their comrade. Their frenzied shouts continued, undeterred, as they charged mindlessly toward him. It was as if they were driven by an instinctual drive to overwhelm him, even in the face of such overwhelming power.




Vincent's sword moved again and again, each slash delivering atomic level blow. But they pressed on, their numbers appearing endless. One by one, they fell, their bodies dissolving into microscopic fragments, yet more emerged from the jungle in a ceaseless tide.

Despite his efforts, the jungle remained a chaotic battleground, the monkeys charging forward with relentless persistence. 




Vincent's movements were mechanical, his sword swinging back and forth, each slash delivering annihilation on a scale that defied comprehension.


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