Lunar Supremacy: The Original Alpha

Chapter 271 Great Changes

In the heart of the maelstrom, where the fabric of space shattered like fragile glass with each passing second, a lone figure sat in serene meditation. His presence was a defiance against the violent tides of the raptured space, an epic display of his mastery over the unpredictable energies that swirled around him. 

The very air seemed to tremble with danger, every sound akin to the eerie melody of a world on the brink of collapse. Yet, amidst this cosmic chaos, the man's focus remained unbroken as he harnessed the tempestuous forces, each controlled breath a testament to his command over the unforgiving realm. 

The man immersed in meditation was none other than Vincent. Time held little meaning in this chaotic space, yet he had spent an unknown amount of time honing his connection with the diverse energies that surrounded him. Through relentless dedication, he had elevated his prowess to unprecedented heights, his command over his powers reaching an apex. 

The energy that had once been his source had now become an extension of himself, merging seamlessly with his essence. His hair cascaded to the ground, a fusion of deep purples and blacks, while his skin had taken on a ghostly pallor, veins tracing intricate pathways beneath its surface. 

Amidst the stillness of his meditation, a distant sound roused his senses. His gaze shifted, locking onto a colossal tornado hurtling toward him. But, this was no ordinary tempest—it was a vortex of space itself, a cataclysmic force capable of obliterating even the mightiest of beings.

But rather than yielding to panic, his composure held firm as he raised his palm in a simple and slow gesture.

As the space cyclone surged closer, its fury reaching its peak, but an unexplainable phenomenon unfolded.

The very movement of the space tornado, once unpredictable and chaotic, halted as if caught in suspended animation. A profound stillness enveloped the scene, defying the very laws that governed the fabric of reality.

And then, with an word that resonated with a chill that seemed to pierce through dimensions, Vincent's voice broke the silence. 

"Break." The single command held the weight of authority, and as the words reverberated, the space tornado shattered in a magnificent display, its destructive might dissipating into fragments like shards of shattered glass.

"How many years have I been here?" he whispered, his voice barely audible in the now-silent expanse. His eyes moved around, taking in the broken beauty of the dimensions he had learned to navigate and control. The patterns of light under his pale skin seemed to pulse with the rhythm of the years he had spent in this chaotic realm.

Feeling the weight of time on him, he reached out with a hand, brushing the suspended fragments of space. The touch felt both familiar and strange, a reminder of the challenges he had faced. But, along with the weariness, a sense of purpose still burned within him. It was what had driven him to this point.

He thought about the world beyond this shattered space, wondering how much it had changed during his solitary existence. Had the struggles he faced here been similar to those in the world outside? He knew he couldn't stay isolated forever, cut off from the flow of time and events.

"I guess it's time to head home," he muttered to himself. The space tornado had generated sufficient energy to create a pathway for him. 

Entering the rift, he could sense it attempting to harm his body, but the present him no longer needed to concern himself with such small issues. He disregarded the onslaught of space energy, persisting until he at last spotted another fracture in space. He could sense that it led to his home planet. 

SWOOOOOSH! His body blurred, not due to increased speed, but because he was pulling space itself toward him. 

As he emerged on the other side, a wave of familiarity washed over him.

What struck him immediately was the changes: where there had once been a dry lake bed, water now filled the space, suggesting that a considerable amount of time had passed. 

"The energy here has become stronger," Vincent mused to himself, noticing a heightened sensation in the atmosphere around him. But his attention was soon diverted by another intriguing discovery.

"A mist?" he whispered to himself as he observed the  phenomenon. A dense mist shrouded the entire cave, yet it seemed to part and swirl around the crystal-clear lake nestled in the cave's center. The contrast was easily to spot, as if some invisible force protected the serene waters from the mist.

Though intrigued, Vincent's priorities shifted to more important matters.

"I need to return to Elizabeth," he declared, choosing to set aside the the mist for the moment. Concern for his loved ones was his foremost thought, motivating him to act swiftly.

He closed his eyes, his mind centering on the auras of those he held dear. With his mastery over space, he conjured an image of Elizabeth's face in his thoughts. The mere act of visualizing her was sufficient to trigger his teleportation ability. 

His command over space had already exceeded even that of Geju himself. Performing feats like this on Earth, where the fluctuations of space were stable, felt as effortless as child's play for him. 

However, an unexpected occurrence caused his expression to shift. 

"My senses can't penetrate this mist?" His confusion was visible in his voice. He had honed his abilities to an extraordinary level, surpassing even the peak of gods power. His mastery over space manipulation was unparalleled in this world, yet this mist seemed to block his perceptions.

He attempted teleporting to places where there was no mist, and as expected, he accomplished the task effortless. 

"Whatever this mist is, it's abnormal," he concluded. 





Moonlight Sanctuary City 001

In the shadow of Old California , more than a year had passed since the Chaotic Ages had begun. 

During this time, a strange phenomenon had swept over the land, altering animals and plants in ways that were beyond imagination. They started mutating , and turning Feral , some animals even evolved to a point that normal bullets no longer harm them.

To address this unprecedented crisis, major global powers had mobilized, striving to combat the emergence of these mutated creatures. As the situation escalated, extreme measures were even taken, including the deployment of Nuclear Weapons to curb the surge in monster numbers. Within a mere month, the upheaval had led to the collapse of multiple cities and countries across the globe.

With the human population dwindling from 7 billion to 3 billion, survivors sought refuge within the havens provided by various Supernatural Organizations worldwide. 

In the beginning , there was hesitation in seeking protection from these unknown entities. However, after witnessing the supernatural beings defending their territories , humans began to revere them like gods – oblivious to the truth that these very supernaturals were at the heart of the calamity.

At present, the largest human stronghold, Moonlight Sanctuary City, held the reputation of being the world's most formidable faction. Its governance rested in the hands of Empress Elizabeth, renowned as the most exquisite and benevolent woman on Earth. 

In a world where many were unable to extend refuge due to resource shortages, Moonlight Sanctuary chose a different path. 

Their influence surged dramatically, expanding their dominion through the conquest of territories. They conquered monsters ridden regions such as Old Nevada, Old Oregon, Old Arizona, Old Washington, Old Utah, Old Idaho, Old Colorado, Old Texas, Old New Mexico, Old Montana, and even Old Vancouver. The expanse of their territory alone surpassed that of the USSF by a huge margin.

But how did they manage something that others find difficult to accomplish? 

Well, their unique strength lay in their unmatched ability to safeguard extensive territories through teleportation, a skill possessed solely by Moonlight Sanctuary . 

This remarkable power granted them a strategic advantage, enabling them to swiftly move their forces from one location to another, reinforcing defenses and responding to threats with ease. As a result, they stood as the solitary organization capable of protecting such vast expanses of land in a world shaken by chaos and monsters.

Moonlight Tower

Rising proudly at the heart of California was the Moonlight Sanctuary Tower, a towering pyramid shape structure devoid of windows. This remarkable structure stood as a testament to the city's strength and power. Its significance lay not just in its physical prominence, but in the pivotal role it played within the urban landscape.

Serving as the epicenter of Moonlight Sanctuary City, the tower held a position of paramount importance. At its pinnacle rested a luminous sphere of energy, a radiant orb that encompassed the entire city with its protective barriers. This ethereal shield formed an impervious barrier, warding off threats and dangers that lurked beyond its confines.

"Commander, we've just received news that a Great mist is rapidly expanding. We've lost contact with the special unit assigned to guard one of our VIP locations," respectfully reported by a blonde-haired woman to her commander, a bona fide Rank SS supernatural being. 

The Rank SS commander paused for a moment. He knew that location better than anyone else because he had intentionally taken on the task of monitoring it. 

"I will go there myself ,"he declared, his azure eyes calm like the water and his blonde hair shimmering like the sun.


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