Lunar Supremacy: The Original Alpha

Chapter 273 Golden Light

Chapter 273 Golden Light

"Will this horde ever stop?" Vincent questioned himself as he continued to slash through the feral monkeys. 

Soon, other mutated animals of various kinds joined the fray, but he dispatched them with effortless precision. He was even strolling as he fought, because none of them could get anywhere near him. 

As he continued his leisurely stroll through the chaotic battlefield, the relentless assault of the mutated creatures seemed never-ending. With each swing of his black sword, he disintegrated any creature that dared to approach him into a cascade of minuscule particles. 


In the distance, a deafening roar echoed through the air as an enormous creature emerged from the shadows. It was a gargantuan, reptilian beast with scales as dark as obsidian, and it radiated an aura of sheer power. This was no ordinary creature; it was a Rank S apex predator, the ruler of this jungle. Its arrival signaled a new level of danger.

Body charging forward with a speed that rivaled a truck hurtling at 150 kilometers per hour. Everything unfortunate enough to be in its path was instantly reduced to mincemeat. Trees were uprooted, and the very ground quaked as the unstoppable force of nature bore down on him.

"You're too noisy, " Vincent sighed .

"Burn," he muttered, channeling his power. 

Suddenly, a blazing inferno materialized in front of the charging beast, blocking its path. The flames swirled and danced with an unstoppable intensity, and their scorching heat consumed the colossal reptile within seconds.

The once-mighty ruler of this jungle was reduced to ashes in the blink of an eye, its roars silenced forever. 

It wasn't that it was weak; it was simply unfortunate enough to cross paths with Vincent, who had transcended the limits of this world. His power and abilities had reached a level that few could fathom, making him an unparalleled force .

With their leader, reduced to ashes, the feral mutated animals who had once fought relentlessly because of their leader's order suddenly realized the futility of their battle.

As if on cue, they scattered in all directions, fleeing into the depths of the jungle. The sounds of their frenzied cries was replaced by the eerie silence of the once-chaotic battlefield. 

With the immediate threat quelled, Vincent took a moment to assess his surroundings.

"Even the plants and trees have transformed? What on earth has happened here?" he mused aloud. 

The familiar flora of the world he once knew had now grown to giant proportions. Trees that once stood a modest height now towered over him, their vast canopies casting shadows that blanketed large swathes of the jungle floor. Their trunks were thick and robust, pulsating with an unusual energy that seemed to flow like veins of light under their bark. 

He curiously approached one of these colossal trees and placed a hand upon its surface. The moment he made contact, a surge of energy coursed through him. It was a force unlike anything he had felt before—ancient, powerful, and teeming with unknown power

"This energy is the opposite of my own," he mused aloud, a concerned furrow on his brow. It was clear to him that this unknown energy had the potential to harm him, albeit not to a significant degree.

"Did Fate activate the Reset while I was away?" he pondered, voicing the question that had been nagging at the back of his mind. 

The changes he witnessed in this world were unlike anything he had encountered before. It was as if the very fabric of reality had been altered in his absence.

"I don't have time to waste here. I need to return to Elizabeth and the others as soon as possible," He declared with determination. He need to make sure that everyone was safe. 

He channeled his Wind Energy, harnessing its power to lift himself off the jungle floor. With a graceful ascent, he soared into the sky, leaving the transformed jungle and its mysteries behind. 

The wind carried him swiftly and effortlessly, and the world below him began to shrink as he gained altitude. 





"Cover your eyes, I will use my power !" Nathan's voice echoed through the chaos as he summoned his formidable powers to shield the White Serpent from the relentless onslaught of thousands of Falcon-like Monsters. 

After ensuring the safety of everyone around him, Nathan knew that the next step was to launch a counterattack .

His eyes then blazed with a radiant golden light, and his entire body seemed to pulsate with energy as if he were channeling the very essence of the cosmos itself. His veins, visible through his skin, glowed with an ethereal golden hue, tracing intricate patterns across his body like veins of pure power.

In that moment, he became a beacon of strength and power. 

"Disperse!" With a resolute cry, he unleashed the full extent of his abilities. Streams of golden energy cascaded from his outstretched hands, forming dazzling tendrils that reached out to the Falcon-like Monsters. As his energy touched them, the creatures were enveloped in a brilliant golden light.

"SKEEEEERK!" The mutated Falcons screeched in agony as the golden energy consumed them, disintegrating them into shimmering particles that scattered into the air. 

As the last of this  monsters was vanquished, Nathan's golden energy subsided, leaving behind a sense of awe and wonder. His eyes returned to their normal state, but the memory of his  power would forever linger as a testament to his incredible abilities. 

"Too powerful," gasped those who witnessed his astonishing display of strength. 

The air was filled with a collective sense of awe and gratitude as he singlehandedly shifted the tide of battle in their favor. His incredible abilities had not only saved the day but had left an irremovable  mark on all who had witnessed his extraordinary prowess. 

"Has he reached Rank SSS already?" Emilia pondered to herself, her eyes fixed on Nathan. She had came here to assist him, but the magnitude of his power had left her in impressed. It was clear that his abilities had ascended to a level beyond their previous understanding. 


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