Lunar Supremacy: The Original Alpha

Chapter 270 The Beginning Of The Chaotic Era

DSAS Headquarters - Newyork City 

"Is Denise still in isolation?" James asked, his voice tinged with anxiety.

The USSF had urgently ordered her to head to Rome to assess the catastrophic destruction of the Vatican. The events that unfolded were so extraordinarily devastating that virtually every person on the planet was now aware of its tragic demise. 

In today's world of pervasive social media and the internet, concealing such a massive incident was utterly impossible. Whoever orchestrated the attack on the Vatican seemed intent on broadcasting the existence of the supernatural to the entire globe. This spelled trouble for the United States; the stability of society was bound to be shaken as people learned about the existence of supernatural beings. Even rogue supernaturals might feel emboldened to commit crimes. 

"We can't dispatch her to Rome. We need her here," he mused to himself.

Unknown to the USSF, Denise had already reached Rank S a long time ago, and was now striving to upgrade her rank further.

In order to safeguard their own interests, her progress had been carefully concealed using a state-of-the-art isolation chamber that effectively blocked all forms of energy. 

This experimental technology employed a unique material, similar to the one used in bracelets capable of nullifying supernatural powers. By employing this specialized room, Denise's true abilities remained hidden, allowing her to continue growing stronger without attracting unwanted attention.

'We need to hide her power long enough for her to succeed ' he thought to himself. They couldn't afford to let the USSF take her away. Her exceptional talent and rapid growth made her an invaluable asset, almost like a national treasure.

"Send Lyka and Enferno instead," he ordered, determined to buy some time. He believed that once Denise achieved success, they would have the advantage they needed even against the USSF. 

The world was undergoing a great change, and he sensed that the fragile peace they currently enjoyed would soon be shattered. If that were to happen, even the political system of the United States itself could crumble under the weight of this incoming storm.

"Sir James, Lyka and Enferno have also been placed in the isolation chamber," the assistant responded.

"What do you mean?" James asked, his confusion evident in his voice.

"They felt that they were on the verge of reaching Rank S, and the chief instructed them to enter the available chambers as a precaution," the assistant explained.

"My goodness! This is all happening too fast," James exclaimed, his mind overwhelmed by the swift progression. While Denise's ascent in rank was expected given her extraordinary talent, the fact that Enferno and Lyka were also experiencing similar progress was astonishing.

The attainment of Rank S was once considered exceedingly rare, but now it appeared that ascending to such heights had become relatively easier. He couldn't help but ponder the mysterious cause behind this sudden and significant changes.

Little did he know that a similar occurrence was unfolding across the globe. Following the tremendous surge of energy in the Pacific where Atlantis was located, the global life energy level began to surge at an unprecedented rate. 

This phenomenon unleashed a worldwide inflation in the vitality and life force that permeated the planet. 

The world was on the process of entering a new era, one that carried deep implications yet to be comprehended. As the effect of this phenomenon continued to unfold, the true magnitude of its impact on the world would gradually become clearer.

"I'm going to meet with the director. In the meantime, inform them that our top 3 agents are unavailable due to an important mission," James ordered, his mind focused on finding answers.

With a sense of urgency, he swiftly left the room, determined to seek guidance from the Director of DSAS. He believed that the director know some important information behind this phenomenon. 




The Amazon Rainforest, a vast expanse of untamed land, is renowned for its rich natural resources. This dense and bio diverse ecosystem harbors an abundance of plant and animal species found nowhere else on Earth. 

The Rainforest is often referred to as the "lungs of the Earth" due to its crucial role in producing oxygen and regulating the planet's climate. 

However, on this particular day, the Amazon Rainforest seemed to be breathing in a more literal sense. The exotic animals, long secluded within its depths, sensed a change stirring within them. It was as if the very air they inhaled was infusing their muscles and bones, accelerating their evolution at an astonishing pace.

The natural forces at play were propelling these creatures towards a rapid and extraordinary transformation, as if the Amazon itself had become a catalyst for their evolution. This unprecedented phenomenon held the potential to reshape the delicate balance of life within the rain forest and unlock new wonders yet unseen.




With a loud and powerful step, the ground trembled beneath the colossal being's weight. The sudden disturbance startled the birds, causing them to take flight in a flurry of wings and chirps.

The sky above the treetops became a scene of chaotic beauty as the birds soared in unison, their collective movements creating a mesmerizing display of nature's response to the immense presence that had disrupted their peaceful surroundings.

The source of the disturbance soon revealed itself—a colossal humanoid creature emerged from the depths of the jungle.

This immense ape-like being exuded an aura of anger, its fur dark and its eyes blazing with fiery red intensity. Towering above the forest floor, it commanded attention and awe, a formidable presence within its domain. The sight of this extraordinary creature sent ripples of fear through the hearts of every animal on that particular region.

"RAWWWR!" With a thunderous roar ,the resounding sound echoed through the forest, a declaration of dominance that reverberated amidst the trees.




Then the creature pounded its own chest with powerful strikes, showcasing its sheer might and strength. The earth seemed to tremble under each thunderous blow, emphasizing its position as the undisputed ruler of this place.

This awe-inspiring display of primal power served as a warning to any who dared challenge its authority. The forest fell into a hushed awe, acknowledging the majestic presence of this formidable ape, a true embodiment of pure primal strength .




Atlantic Ocean 

The Atlantic Ocean, a vast expanse of water, stretches across great distances, hiding a world of depth and tranquility beneath its surface. Beneath the waves, a realm of profound silence prevails, broken only by the gentle ebb and flow of currents.

The depths of the Atlantic Ocean are a mysterious and enigmatic place, home to a myriad of marine life and extraordinary ecosystems that thrive in this watery realm. 

From vibrant coral reefs to hidden trenches, from majestic whales to bioluminescent creatures, this ocean harbors a hidden world that was both captivating and serene.

Exploring its depths reveals a sense of awe and wonder, as the secrets of this vast aquatic realm unfold before the eyes of intrepid adventurers.

But underneath the peaceful ocean floor, a colossal creature that had long slumbered stirred from its deep sleep, as if attuned to the call of awakening.

With a twisted movement, its massive body writhed, causing the very ocean floor to tremble under its immense size. 

Rising to its full height, the creature unleashed its enormous tentacles, each exceeding the length of a large cruise ship. Its colossal form alone towered as high of the Burj Khalifa in Dubai 

As the creature gracefully propelled itself upwards, the water around it surged and churned. The sheer power and magnitude of its presence disrupted the tranquility of the ocean, leaving a trail of awe and astonishment in its wake. 

The behemoth, now free from the depths, unveiled itself to the world, a living testament to the unfathomable wonders hidden beneath the surface of the Atlantic Ocean.




Sadoga Island, Japan 

"Run away, a giant monster is coming!" The shout of one man reverberated through the dirt road of Sadoga Island. 

At first, skeptical looks were exchanged among the locals, brushing it off as a prank, until the very ground beneath their feet started to tremble.

"An earthquake?" The words escaped one resident's lips as they struggled to maintain their balance, their hands reaching out to steady themselves against the swaying surroundings.

Abruptly, the daylight dimmed, casting an eerie shadow that cloaked the island. Instinctively, gazes turned upward, revealing a sight beyond their wildest imaginations.


"RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAR!" The gigantic, dinasour-like creature with sharp black scales emitted a roar that tore through the air, a seismic sound that not only vibrated eardrums but also shook the island to its core.

Panic ignited. As the ground quaked and the monstrous creature loomed, the initial dismissal evolved into frantic terror. 

"Run away!"

"Go to the docs !"

Screams pierced the air, a chorus of fear that mingled with the creature's echoing roar. The urgency to escape surged through the crowd like a fever, and within moments, chaos erupted as people dashed in all directions.

Abandoning their houses, they sprinted, stumbling over one another, their heartbeats in sync with the drumming of their fleeing footsteps. Mothers grabbed their children, shopkeepers left their wares behind, and neighbors helped one another navigate the tumultuous landscape.

The island's once-familiar pathways became mazes of desperation, each step driven by the primal need to survive. 

In the face of an unimaginable threat, the instinct for self-preservation overrode everything, propelling the inhabitants of Sadoga Island into a frenzied escaped, away from the approaching colossal behemoth.

From the fragile life of humans to the interconnectedness of all living beings, this extraordinary event marked the beginning of a chaotic shift that would reshape the world as they knew it. 

As for those responsible for this unfathomable chaos, history would undoubtedly etch their names as demons who sacrificed the lives of billions in pursuit of their battle for what they deemed true freedom. 

Only time, the impartial judge of all actions, would reveal whether this sacrifice was genuinely worth it. Or, in the harsh light of history, would this event serve as irrefutable evidence that they were the villains all along? 


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