Lunar Supremacy: The Original Alpha

Chapter 267 Ruthless Leader

Saintess Agnes continued to kneel on the ground, her body trembling with both physical pain and emotional turmoil. 

The toll taken by her summon being destroyed completely was evident in the blood that continued to spill from her lips, staining her pristine robes. Despite the agony, her eyes still blazed with an anger, a reflection of her unstable mental state.

"I hate you... I hate you... I hate you," she muttered the words through heavy, ragged breaths. The torment she had endured had pushed her to the brink, breaking the confines of her sanity. 

"Are you alright Saintess Agnes?"

As her fellow Vatican members rushed to her side, their faces etched with concern, they attempted to channel their holy power to heal her. 

In their minds, the pure and divine energy that had always mended wounds was the solution to her condition. But their attempts yielded the unexpected.

The moment their holy power made contact with her frail body, her inside convulsed violently. 

"AHHHHH! Please, stop! It hurts!" she screamed, her voice filled with unbearable pain.

Her agonized cries cut through the air, mixing with the sizzling sound of corrupted energy reacting with the pure holy power. It was as if her very being rejected the essence that had once been her source of strength.

The holy power, instead of healing, made her condition worst.

King Aquanos, observing their desperate attempt, ignored them. Saintess Agnes had become a vessel of corruption, and the holy power that once sustained her was now like poison coursing through her veins. It was an ironic twist. She became the very thing that she hated the most, a creature of the dark.

Desperation hung in the air as one of the Vatican members stepped forward, her voice shaking as she addressed King Aquanos. This person was none other than Angelie, the Iron Maiden. The same person that Vincent had encountered in Puerto Rico when he obtained the first fragment. 

She had come to this gathering as one of Saintess Agnes's disciples, her loyalty to her mentor unwavering even in the face of the horrors that had transpired. Angelie had never anticipated that their visit would descend into such darkness, yet her commitment to her master remained resolute. 

"Your Majesty, there must be something we can do for my master. We cannot simply let her die like this. You should not go back with your words and aid us."

"This is all her fault ," his sneer spoke volumes, his expression a combination of disdain and frustration. 

The turmoil that the Vatican had brought to his city had not gone unnoticed, and he resented the chaos that had unfolded under his rule. 

In his quiet moments of reflection, he questioned the decisions he had made. If he had chosen differently, the consequences could have been catastrophic, with his city succumbing to the relentless onslaught of the Moonlight Sanctuary forces. The actions of the masked figure during their first meeting had made it clear that they held the power to obliterate everything in their path. 

"It's her fault for being too overbearing, " King Aquanos muttered under his breath, his voice laced with bitterness. "This woman has brought nothing but trouble to our doorstep. I would have taken matters into my own hands if she wasn't half dead already."

"How heartless. The Vatican had been your ally for years, and now you're just throwing us aside because we're no longer useful?" Anger shimmered in her eyes as she spoke, her voice seething with frustration. 

Accustomed to being held in high regard, Angelie found herself grappling with the dark reality that the Vatican, an institution of immense influence, was now being treated as an outcast. Despite the deaths of the Saints, the Vatican's prominence as one of the most well-known religions on the planet was undeniable. The weight of this truth left her questioning their audacity in discarding them so callously. 

"You will regret this ," she threatened .

"How dare you talk to our king like that?" One of the guard roared in anger. 

Then, with a swift and coordinated motion that seemed almost choreographed, he sprang into action. His body blurred as he lunged forward, his trident a gleaming streak piercing through the air with deadly precision. 

Desperation gripped her as she attempted to evade the impending attack, her instincts urging her to move and escape the danger. However, it became painfully clear that the warrior she faced was in a league far beyond the usual adversaries she encountered as a typical Rank A+. 

Her body froze as if held in place by an invisible force, leaving her utterly defenseless. The speed and power of her opponent were overwhelming, rendering any attempt to react or dodge futile. 


The sound of metal cutting through flesh was a sharp, chilling sound as her head tumbled from her shoulders. 


The air was engulfed in a stunned silence as her lifeless body crumpled to the ground, blood pooling around it. The abrupt act was met with a mix of shock and fear from the Vatican members.

"No!!!" The stillness was broken by a horrified gasp from one of them, their eyes wide with shock and disbelief. 

Of course, the execution had been orchestrated under King Aquanos's telepathic command. His authority was absolute, and in that moment, he had chosen to silence their voice with a swift and brutal display of power. 

The air was heavy with tension as the guard withdrew, his weapon to his side. 

"I apologize for overstepping, my king," he spoke, his voice quivering with obedience and unease. "I just could not bear to hear such blasphemy." 

"Wait for your punishment later," King Aquanos retorted, though the words seemed to carry more of a formal obligation than genuine concern. Even the soldiers present couldn't hide the smirks that tugged at their lips, revealing their underlying amusement.

The satisfaction reflected in King Aquanos's expression was evident. Rather than showing any semblance of disapproval, the ruler seemed to harbor a sense of contentment, as if his guard's actions had aligned with his expectations. In fact, it was possible that he might even reward the guard for his brutal efficiency. 

The other Vatican members felt the weight of their vulnerability in that moment. Any attempt at retaliation was met with the looming threat of a complete massacre. 

Their leader, Saint Uldrick, had been brutally beheaded, and they were left grappling with the reality that their once-mighty institution might be utterly shattered.

The death of Saint Uldrick was a huge blow, rendering them uncertain about their future. The idea that the battle could have razed their sacred institution or even devastated the entire city of Rome was no longer beyond the realm of possibility. 

"Are you all done talking?" The voice of the Moonlight Sanctuary leader cut through the tense atmosphere, a chilling reminder of his presence.

King Aquanos held his ground, his response firm. 

"Saintess Agnes and the Vatican no longer have any connection to us," he declared.

"Smart choice , " The masked figure, the harbinger of death, hovered down to the ground, his body an ominous silhouette against the backdrop of chaos. 

"Then this woman no longer has use to me." He added.

"Fate will kill you! Every one of you will suffer the wrath of Fate!" Saintess Agnes's voice trembled with rage and contempt in her final moments. 

"You think I'm afraid of Fate?" he chuckled.

As he raised his hand, a sense of dread gripped everyone's heart. 

"AHHHHHH!" Her scream tore through the air .

The cry was a piercing sound of agony that echoed through the air. Everyone present bore witness to the horrifying spectacle that unfolded before their eyes. 

Saintess Agnes's own blood began to leave her body, as if it had been commanded by some sinister force. The red liquid seeped from her skin, the process gruesome and slow.

As her blood left her, Saintess Agnes's body started to wither and dry in real time, an excruciating transformation that was beyond brutal. The sight was horrifying, each second stretching into an eternity of suffering. Her once-vibrant form seemed to age and decay before their very eyes, a nightmarish scene of horror. 

But it did not end there .

The blood that had been drained from her began to coalesce, forming a sinister ball of red crimson suspended in mid-air.

"Pierce them," he commanded, his voice dripping with cruelty.

In response to his command, the ball of blood unleashed a chilling attack.

Sharp tendrils erupted from it, like red, twisted veins seeking prey. These tendrils shot forth with alarming speed, piercing the hearts of every Vatican member present. 




"AHHHH!" Anguished cries and gasps filled the air, a chorus of torment as the Vatican members were mercilessly penetrated by the razor-sharp tendrils. 

The tendrils, driven with deadly precision, did not bring a swift end. 

Instead, they struck at their victims' joints, causing excruciating pain that left them writhing in pain. The Vatican members, once powerful and respected, were now reduced to broken figures, their bodies wounded and their lives slipping away slowly. 

It was a ruthless exhibition of dominance, a chilling testament to the Moonlight Sanctuary leader's merciless personality. He had harnessed the very blood of their revered Saint to execute a massacre that left no room for doubt—the Vatican had fallen, its defenders cut down like animals.

Even the most hardened and ruthless supernaturals present felt humbled in the face of such actions. 

"Everything is finished. Should we start the real meeting?" The Moonlight Sanctuary Leader's nonchalance demeanor  was unsettling, as if the devastation he had caused was nothing more but child's play.

"Let's go back to the hall," King Aquanos's voice cut through the silence.


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