Lunar Supremacy: The Original Alpha

Chapter 268 Sanguine Sanctum

Back in the hall, a heavy silence hung in the air, casting an eerie stillness over the room.

The Moonlight Sanctuary's leader commanded the center of attention, exuding an air of authority as he stood with his hand resting casually on his back. 

The weight of the recent events seemed to linger, each individual present grappling with their own thoughts

Unlike before, only the Top 5 members of the Summit were allowed inside the hall this time. Those ranking above the top 5 were instructed to wait outside.

"I'm glad that we could form an alliance with you. May I know what we should call you?" King Aquanos's voice was careful, a reflection of the caution he felt. He understood the importance of treating this person with respect, having witnessed the extent of his power.

"You've grown up to be a fine king, Fish boy," the masked man's chuckle resonated through the air. His response carried a hint of amusement, showcasing his familiarity with the King of Atlantis.

"Fish boy?" King Aquanos's shock was evident in his voice. The unexpected nickname felt almost outrageous. While he might not have been as ancient as some other Supernaturals present, he still bore the weight of thousands of years.

"Wait... Fish boy!" The moment that moniker resonated in his mind, a sudden realization struck him like a bolt of lightning. There was only one person who had ever called him by that name. 

However, the implications were impossible to fathom. That person had long been believed to be dead, and furthermore, she was of a different gender. 

Seeing the surprise etched across his face, the masked man initiated a transformation that left everyone astounded. 

His hair lengthened, his body morphed into a slimmer form—it was a complete metamorphosis that defied expectations.

Upon the completion of the transformation, a woman with snow-white hair and vibrant red eyes appeared. Her beauty was beyond measure, giving off an almost unreal aura. Her skin felt as soft as the finest silk, and her long, beautiful eyelashes framed her eyes perfectly, enhancing her natural allure. 

Adorning her head were a pair of white werewolf ears, an unexpected addition that only served to amplify her exotic beauty. Rather than diminishing her elegance, these unique features seemed to blend seamlessly with her appearance, creating a striking combination of refinement and primal allure. It was as though the essence of grace and wildness had converged to craft an utterly flawless being. 

"Elizabeth!" The exclamation escaped the lips of King Aquanos and others in the room. 

The recognition was immediate. Elizabeth's legendary status transcended generations, even among the supernatural beings. She was renowned as the vampire with nearly boundless energy, a figure that had become a staple in their lore. But, their knowledge had always been that she had perished during the purged.

"You're the leader of the Moonlight Sanctuary?" he  couldn't help but ask. His history with Elizabeth ran deep, though not in the way he might have hoped. He had once harbored romantic feelings for her, only to face numerous rejections that eventually led him to give up on pursuing her. 

"Of course not, our leader is way more powerful than me," she chuckled, observing the surprise on everyone's faces.

The magnitude of her statement left them all intrigued. 

If Elizabeth, someone who was already incredibly powerful, was claiming that someone surpassed her, then who exactly was this enigmatic leader? The very idea that someone could outmatch someone like her right now raised questions about the identity and capabilities of this person. Was the real Moonlight Sanctuary leader on par with the ancient gods of old? Or maybe even stronger ?

"Then where is this powerful leader of yours?" he inquired, a mixture of curiosity and familiarity coloring his tone. 

"Let's just say that he's preparing for something big," she declared, her words carrying confidence that made everyone's feel the weight of her words.

"For now, let's discuss our next steps. I'm quite certain the world is in turmoil right now," Elizabeth giggled.

"What have you done?" Itzel couldn't help but ask, sensing that Elizabeth had done something rather crazy from her tone.

"Just a bit of general cleaning," Elizabeth replied cryptically.




Vatican City 30 minutes ago.

In the heart of Vatican City, sunlight bathed the sky, its gentle rays casting a warm and inviting glow over the old buildings and cobblestone streets. 

The scene unfolded like countless days before, seemingly ordinary and serene. But, unbeknownst to the Vatican and its members, a storm was brewing beneath the tranquil surface—a threat of unparalleled magnitude was lurking, eager to challenge the very essence of this holy city.

Suddenly , a black hole appeared far above the sky . From it depths emerged three individuals, each exuding a commanding aura that transcended the limits of the world's current power standards. 

"Elizabeth, are you really sure that you want to destroy the Vatican completely ? They represent the cornerstone of faith for the entire human race," Geju spoke.

He had knew from the start that the person who came out from the cave was not Vincent, but rather Elizabeth. 

As for why he had chosen not to inform Yuki of this revelation, it was not due to a lack of trust but rather because he harbored his own plans and intentions. These plans remained shrouded in secrecy, awaiting their moment to unfurl in the future.

"The Vatican serves as Fate's loyal hounds. Their destruction is necessary , so why not address it now?" Elizabeth's smile carried a chilling undertone, her eyes revealing a strong intent to kill. 

The Vatican had acted as Fate's primary military arm during the War, rallying an army against them. While she initially hesitated to eliminate them too soon, the revelation that they were once again trying to disposed the Moonlight Sanctuary implied an unrelenting pursuit of their objectives. It seemed that they wouldn't stop until their mission reached fruition 

"Why not wait for him?" Geju inquired. His hesitation didn't stem from fear of the Vatican, but rather from his perception of Elizabeth's current impulsiveness. 

"This wouldn't align with his preferences," Elizabeth replied, shaking her head. 

She knew that Vincent will comeback stronger. Nonetheless, she believed he would still have his vulnerabilities, one of which was his compassionate side.

"Can he really pull it off? That place is a complete nightmare. Even the most powerful of beings would meet their end there," Geju spoke. 

The agreement he and Elizabeth had agreed to was to send Vincent to a dangerous realm that even the most legendary entities throughout history would quiver in fear at the mere thought of it. 

The peril of that place didn't solely stem from its hostile environment; the erratic passage of time added another layer of danger. What felt like a year there might translate to just one day on Earth, and vice versa, making it a treacherous realm. 

It was a realm of death, a place where even the slightest movement could spell your end. This accursed realm was known as the Raptured World. He had stumbled upon it countless years ago during his quest to locate Xavier.

That's right, his connection with the sisters dated back long before Yuki's arrival on Earth. Yuki believed Geju had arrived only a few centuries ago, but the truth was different. This was his second trip . During his initial visit, he had crossed paths with Elizabeth and Evangeline, even aiding them in their search for their brother.

The memory of that place's remained etched in his mind. He had barely managed to escape its clutches, thanks largely to his ability to manipulate space. And now, they had sent Vincent into that very realm. 

He couldn't fathom where she had gotten her confidence, but he knew that she wouldn't undertake such an audacious move without assurance. Even Vincent appeared to be unbothered by the danger of that place, despite his earnest warnings.

"Don't worry, he won't die ," she assured him with a confident smile. Her words was a testament to her unwavering belief in Vincent's capabilities. 

"Now, let's set the stage before his return!" she added

With a swift motion, she raised her hand, signaling the commencement of an attack that would destroy the power balance of the world.

An intense red energy began to gather in her grasp, crackling with a foreboding power. This crimson energy seemed to pulse with an otherworldly glow, its radiance growing more intense by the moment.

Meanwhile, far below, people from all walks of life were going about their routines, blissfully unaware of the impending upheaval. 

The sky, once a tranquil blue, began to shift and transform. An eerie, crimson hue gradually spread across the horizon, as if the very heavens had been drenched in blood.

Gasps and whispers spread through the populace like wildfire. Heads turned upwards, eyes widening in astonishment and trepidation at the surreal spectacle unfolding above them.

Cameras and smartphones were also raised, capturing the eerie scene that seemed to defy explanation.

"What in the world...?" a passerby muttered, squinting at the unexpected change in the sky.

"Is it some kind of eclipse?" someone else speculated, shielding their eyes from the glaring redness.

"No, this isn't normal at all," a concerned onlooker responded, their tone reflecting the growing apprehension.

"Have you ever seen anything like this before?" a woman inquired.

"No, never. It's like something out of an end of the world movie," her companion replied, his gaze was also fixed on the sky.

"I heard someone say it might be some kind of natural phenomenon ," a young man chimed in, scrolling through his phone for more information.

"Could it be some sort of natural disaster? Or maybe a sign?" a passerby pondered aloud, their thoughts a reflection of the uncertain times.

The crowd's collective gaze remained fixated on the crimson sky, the scary feeling of the unknown giving rise to a mix of emotions—wonder, concern, and a shared recognition that this was a moment that would forever mark history.

However, little did they know that they wouldn't live to see this event written in the history books; instead, they would become a part of the unfolding narrative themselves. 

"Sanguine Sanctum !" 

A woman's voice boomed across the sky , and what happened next was a scene straight out of hell. 


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