Lunar Supremacy: The Original Alpha

Chapter 266 Corruption

"We agree to form an alliance," King Aquanos's proclamation reverberated through the air, causing shockwaves of surprise and disbelief among the representatives. 

"This is absolutely unacceptable!" Saintess Agnes protested strongly. The turn of events had taken her by surprise, and the defection of her peers to the Moonlight Sanctuary's side felt like a betrayal.

However, reality was unforgiving. King Aquanos and the others had harbored doubts and reservations about Fate from the beginning. 

Moreover, the Moonlight Sanctuary's assertion that they had a plan to end Fate held undeniable allure. Even in the worst-case scenario of failure, their escape plan offered an alternative means to safeguard their future.

"Who among you agree with me ?" King Aquanos asked .

A momentary pause settled over the assembly as each individual contemplated the best path forward. Uncertainty hung in the air, each representative grappling with the weight of their decision.

However, the decisive actions of the second and third ranking members shattered the silence. 

Their raised hands spoke volumes, signaling their endorsement of King Aquanos's intention to align with the Moonlight Sanctuary. 

The gravity of the situation was clear—Aquanos's commitment to this new alliance was genuine, and the representatives understood that a huge shift in the balance of power had taken place.

"I will bring this matter before the Pope!" Agnes's voice carried a note of warning. As a saint of the Vatican and a representative of their faction, she sought to leverage her authority to counter the changing tides. 

"You mean this old man ?" The masked man voice reverberated as he let of go of Razu and then with a swift motion took out something from the black hole.

"No... No... This can't be happening!" Saintess Agness's cry pierced the air, filled with disbelief and horror. Before her eyes, she witnessed a sight that shattered the boundaries of her imagination.

In the masked man's hand, held aloft by its hair, was the severed head of Saint Uldrick—bloody and gruesome. 

Saint Uldrick's severed head held a deeper significance for her than anyone else could fully comprehend. He had been not only the spiritual leader of the Vatican but also a father figure in her life, a beacon of hope that had rescued her from a life of orphanhood and brought her into the fold of the church. 

In the quiet moments of her past, he had offered her support and guidance, always behind the scenes. Her drive to excel, her pursuit of Rank SSS status, had been fueled by a desire to stand by his side and repay his kindness. She had aspired to be a source of pride for him, an embodiment of his care and mentorship.

Now, that bond was severed as mercilessly as the head that she was witnessing right now.

The brutal reality lay before her, and the faint trace of holy power on the severed head only emphasized the finality of his passing. 

The grief, shock, and anger that swirled within her were emotions beyond words, a tempest of feelings that had been unexpectedly ignited by the unfathomable act that had robbed her of the person who had been her guiding light.

"What did you to him!!!" The shockwaves of Saintess Agness's cry reverberated not only through her own heart but also through the hearts of King Aquanos and the other witnesses. 

"You heretic!" The words burst forth from her lips, her voice trembling with rage and anguish. 

Holy power surged around her, but this time it was unlike anything they had ever seen. As the golden aura enveloped her, a transformation took hold—one that was as unsettling as it was unprecedented.

Darkness overcame her appearance. Her once-pure eyes bled black tears, her hair turned as black as midnight, and the golden aura shifted into a sinister black. It was a startling sight, a manifestation of a phenomenon that had only been whispered about in legends: corruption.

Corruption, the fall from grace for users of holy power, was a term they were familiar with, but witnessing a Rank SSS—a pinnacle of strength—succumb to it was a shocking rarity.

Then a giant Artificial Angel Materialized in air . It's golden glow swap with a dark aura of death. 

"Kill him !" The command from her was unequivocal—Her voice resonated with anger and fury, a reflection of the depths of her grief and rage.

The Artificial Angel obeyed its creator's command. 

It began to gather energy, an ominous energy ball coalescing within its hand. Its 5 pairs wings, once symbols of hope, now served as conduits for the malevolent energy. The resulting black energy sphere crackled with intense power, a visual manifestation of the darkness that had consumed her.

As the energy ball grew, it was clear that she had transcended even the formidable power of a Rank SSS, harnessing an unprecedented force in her quest for vengeance. 

While the events unfolded before them in a whirlwind of darkness and power, Itzel turned to King Aquanos, seeking answers in the face of Saintess Agnes's unleashed fury.

"Should we stop her ?" she asked. 

King Aquanos's response was measured and insightful. 

"Let her proceed. This is an opportunity to gauge the true extent of the Moonlight Sanctuary leader's strength," he replied with a calm demeanor. 

His decision reflected a strategic mindset, recognizing the value in allowing the situation to play out. The confrontation between Saintess Agness and the masked figure held the potential to unveil hidden depths of power and reveal the true scope of the challenges they were facing. 

"Exterminate him once and for all!" Saintess Agness's cry rang out, her voice laced with desperation and anguish. 

In a breathtaking display of power, the angel's hand began to move, the air crackling with raw energy as it gathered at its fingertips. The very fabric of reality seemed to warp as the dark energy condensed into a swirling, pulsating orb, exuding an aura of absolute darkness.


The energy sphere surged forth like a comet, streaking through the air with a searing intensity. Black tendrils lashed out from its core, creating an otherworldly dance of shadows that seemed to devour the very light around them.

The masked figure, standing amidst the chaos, was now the target of this concentrated onslaught of dark power. 

The energy sphere hurtled toward him with a breathtaking speed, leaving a trail of distorting air in its wake. The ground trembled beneath the sheer force of the attack, and the atmosphere crackled with the energy's intensity.

The attack she had invoked was of an unprecedented scale, one that surpassed the formidable defense mechanisms that King Aquanos had previously employed from the tower. 

"You dare attack us with this pitiful strength?" A voice resonated through the air, but it did not emanate from the masked man. Instead, it was a resounding female voice that pierced the chaos—the dragon above.

The dragon's voice dripped with disdain, a tone that showcased its utter lack of respect for the feeble attempt.

And with its declaration hanging in the air, the colossal creature opened its mighty maw, unleashing a torrent of vibrant green flames that erupted forth like an elemental cascade.

The flames blazed with an intensity that seemed almost alive, their verdant brilliance igniting the very atmosphere. The searing torrent surged forward, a testament to the dragon's formidable power. 

As they crashed against the oncoming darkness, the clash was anything but ordinary.

The two opposing forces—green flames of purity and the dark energy of corruption—converged in a breathtaking spectacle of elemental power. The clash was fierce, a cosmic dance of green fire and darkness that ignited the very air around them. The green flames seemed to dance with an otherworldly grace as they enveloped the dark energy, creating an ethereal scene that defied imagination.

The vibrant green flames, fueled by the dragon's domineering power, overcame the dark energy's resistance. 

It devoured the malevolent energy with uncontrolled hunger, their brilliance intensifying as they surged forward. The clash was brief but momentous.

However, the battle was far from concluded. The green flames, having vanquished their initial adversary, continued their trajectory.


In the aftermath, as the green flames continued to burn brightly, a sense of stillness settled over the scene. 

The corrupted angel, once a harbinger of darkness, had been reduced to naught but dust, scattered to the winds. 

The impact of the dragon's intervention left a mark on the unfolding drama, showcasing the magnitude of its power and capability .

"Too powerful," the sentiment rippled through the onlookers as they witnessed the dragon's absolute victory over the corrupted angel. The sight was both awe-inspiring and humbling, a reminder of the titanic forces that had now shown themselves to the world. 

King Aquanos, too, couldn't help but feel a relief wash over him. 

The sight of the dragon's effortless victory confirmed the wisdom of their decision to avoid direct confrontation with the Moonlight Sanctuary. The sheer might of the dragon alone was sufficient to bring about the downfall of Atlantis, should it be so inclined. 

On the other hand, Saintess Agnes found herself in dire straits. 

The aftermath of her summon's defeat had taken a heavy toll on her body, leaving her in critical condition. The backlash had inflicted grievous damage upon her own core, the very essence of her power.

Kneeling on the ground, she struggled to maintain her composure, but the toll was evident.

Blood spilled from her lips, staining the earth beneath her in a stark reminder of her weak self. Unlike other supernaturals who might rely on their innate powerful body, her strength was intricately tied to her summon, leaving her physically fragile in comparison.

"I hate you!" her voice trembled with anguish and anger, her teeth gritted despite her dire physical condition. 


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