Life Of A Nobody - as a Villain

Chapter 92 Welcome To Haven Ll

Rebecca's restlessness had reached its peak as she eagerly awaited Amelia's arrival. Even though they spoke and played together daily through phone calls, it had been nearly a year since their last in-person meeting. The anticipation had been building within her since yesterday, ever since she heard that Amelia and aunt would be coming early. Today's morning had only intensified her excitement.

-As the hours ticked by, Rebecca's impatience grew. She heard that they'll come by noon via the teleportation gate of the magic tower. Unable to contain herself any longer and tired of waiting in the confines of her castle, she had persistently pestered her mother, the queen of Schilla. And to her delight, her mother agreed. Now they were both waiting in the grand hall of the main branch of magic tower, waiting for their arrival. 

-The minutes felt like an eternity as Rebecca anxiously asked her mother repeatedly how much longer it would take. Her anticipation was palpable, her eyes darting around, hoping to catch a glimpse of Amelia's familiar figure. 

-Rebecca's restlessness filled the grand hall. She couldn't contain her excitement, continuously pacing and scanning the empty space. Her golden locks cascaded down her shoulders, swaying with every impatient step she took. "Mother, when are they coming? It's been so long?"

Athena, composed and poised, looked upon her daughter with a mixture of affection and amusement. "For the fourth time, daughter, they will be here. Just come and sit here" She said again in her calm and mature voice, informing her daughter to be patient, apparently in the past 10 minutes, she had asked this same question 4 times already. 

-Rebecca's eyes remained fixed on the empty hall, her anticipation growing with each passing moment. Her sea blue eyes kept searching, looking around the empty hall, hoping for any sign of anyone's arrival. 

-And then, as if a magical spell had been cast, a luminous blue portal materialized before them, drawing Rebecca's attention like a magnet. A smile spread across her face, brimming with excitement and delight as she saw people running around in a hurry, who were standing on the side until now. The air was filled with an electric energy, tinged with anticipation and warmth as the scene unfolded before them.

-The portal parted, revealing a group of individuals stepping out into the grand hall. Rebecca's eyes widened in joy as she recognized familiar faces and new acquaintances. "They're finally here! I've been waiting so long!" She smiled when she finally spotted Amelia's familiar figure among the crowd.

-Rebecca's heart leaped with excitement as she prepared to run towards Amelia, but her mother gently held her back, a knowing smile on her face. Rebecca looked at her mother in confusion, but her mother simply pointed towards Amelia and Rio, who were experiencing the unpleasant aftermath of teleportation.

-Rebecca's eyes widened with surprise and concern as she watched them retching and puking. It was not the grand entrance or the joyous reunion she had envisioned. 

-She hesitated for a moment, contemplating the situation, and then made a decision. She couldn't contain herself any longer and swiftly made her way towards them, a radiant smile adorning her face. Carefully navigating her steps, mindful of the mess around them, she approached Amelia, who had now stopped puking.

 "Welcome to Haven." Athena said as she saw her sister, Artemis standing there. 

-With caution and love in her eyes, Rebecca ran towards Amelia, ensuring that she didn't step on any unpleasant remnants. In an instant, she enveloped Amelia in a warm embrace, her laughter filling the air. "Amelia! Oh, how I've missed you."

-Amelia, caught off guard by the unexpected embrace, couldn't help but laugh and return the hug wholeheartedly."I missed you too. I can't believe you're here. It's been so long since I saw you."

-"Of course, last time mother went alone and didn't even bring me to your house. But don't worry, since you're here, we'll play all day now. I'll show you all around the castle. Do you know we have a garden now. I even planted some of your favorite flowers there." Rebecca couldn't stop and kept going on and on about anything that came to her mind, she wanted to inform her of everything and drag her out to show her around. 

-In that moment, as both girls started chatting, the world around them faded away. The joy of their reunion overshadowed any embarrassment or inconvenience caused by the chaotic entrance. 

-As their talks subsided a little, Rebecca turned her attention to Rio, who stood nearby, watching the heartfelt reunion. With a friendly smile, she extended her hand toward him, a gesture of welcome. "Welcome to Haven Rio. It's been a while since I saw you too. You better teach me about how you beat me in chess every time."

_Rio, still recovering from the earlier wave of nausea and feeling a sense of relief, extended his hand to shake Rebecca's. "Thanks princess."

Hearing his usual way of response, Amelia smiled a little while Rebecca shook his head, "Well, now that you both are here, I'll show you all around the city. Father even agreed to let us go on a tour around the capital." She happily informed them about her plans. She was thinking about what she'll do when they come, but then her father gave the idea that she should help them take a look around the capital. Since they'll be new here, she could act as a guide. Of course Rebecca herself didn't know anything about the capital, but at least she knows more than these two right. 

Amelia's face brightened as she heard Rebecca's words, she loved roaming around. So she happily exclaimed -"Yeah, we'll go to all the parks and restaurants. I've heard some of them sell really good snacks. I need to try everything." 

'Her habit of eating sweets never left her alone huh' everyone who heard her words thought and looked at her doubtfully. While Amelia ignoring it all kept asking Rebecca about what else she planned. 

Rio's gaze remained fixed on Rebecca as he watched her chat happily with Amelia, completely unaware of the tumultuous thoughts that swirled in his mind. The memories of the novel, the events that will unfold later, and how Rebecca played a part in his family's destruction—all of it played like a vivid movie reel in his head. The feeling of betrayal and the sense of being used gnawed at his heart, leaving him with a mix of anger, confusion, and a lingering sense of vulnerability.

 There were very few things that Shiva hated back on earth, and being used by someone, being a pawn for someone was definitely somewhere on the top among them. The memories associated with that feeling came to his head further fueling an indescribable feeling of anger in his heart. 

However, amidst the swirl of conflicting emotions, Rio couldn't deny the genuine happiness that radiated from Amelia and Rebecca.

Rio took a deep breath, deciding to set aside his personal problems and focus on the bigger picture. He reminded himself that this encounter was just the beginning—a single snapshot in the larger story of their lives. There would be many more moments, conversations, and opportunities where people would betray him according to the plot - he just has to be prepared for all of them.

'There's no way I can kill all of them, and neither should I.'

Lost in his thoughts, Rio failed to notice the piercing gaze that bore into him. It was only when he felt a strong presence and turned his head that he found himself locked in the intense gaze of Queen Athena, Rebecca's mother and his aunt. Her eyes, a mesmerizing deep blue, shimmered with a subtle golden light, lending an ethereal quality to her presence. Rio couldn't help but feel a slight tremor of unease as he met her gaze.

Athena's gaze seemed to penetrate through his very soul, and Rio was acutely aware of her extraordinary abilities as a Soul Seer. The mere thought of her powers made him apprehensive, for he wondered if she could see through him, if she could discern his true identity as a transmigrator or unravel the secrets he held within. The notion sent a shiver down his spine.


Rio's heart raced as he observed Athena's mesmerizing eyes shimmer with a touch of golden light. The realization of her powers as a Soul Seer intensified his unease, and he couldn't shake off the nagging doubt that she might be able to see through the depths of his soul. Just as he grappled with his apprehensions, system notifications abruptly appeared before him, warning of an external force attempting to discern his soul.


[Outside interference]

[Use of a skill to see the soul of host detected]


A/N - What do you think of their friendship. What will Rio think & do for becca. 

And what do you think his aunt is up to. Will she see his soul & learn about his irregularities. 


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